Tuesday, July 1, 2014

It All Began With A NEED!!!!


Decorating projects can begin for many different reasons. 

Our next project began with a need. We have three wonderful Grandchildren, and various guest that come to stay in our home from time to time.

Three years ago we re-did the playroom/guest room more for our kiddos that were growing up……

fINISHED PLAYROOM Guest room 013 (600x800) (600x800)_thumb[6]
We loved it and they loved it. The little couch makes out into a bed.

fINISHED PLAYROOM Guest room 008 (800x600) (800x600)_thumb[2]
Three years ago the reading nook could be used for sleeping quarters for one child so that made two beds in the room.

fINISHED PLAYROOM Guest room 010 (600x800) (600x800)_thumb[1]
It worked out great!


All three of the kiddos took growth spurts, and now no one can fit in the reading nook.

We knew we had to make a change, it had now become a NEED!

We went over all the different combinations of guest that could possibly stay in this room, and finally made a decision that the room needed to have two twin beds.

The designing process began!

The next decision had to be made…….


The kiddos are all growing up, and they don’t really PLAY in the room any longer, they really just sleep in there, or go in there and lay on the bed, and play a game, or read a book.

We have grown-up guest as well so do I make it for grown-ups, or do I keep it a little more fun and playful?

I knew my priority was the kiddos,(sorry grown-up guest), and how they would like the room so I went with the more fun route.

You see I started with a NEED then I moved onto it’s USE, then I thought about how I wanted the room to FEEL.

With the Need, Use, and the Feel of the room established the fun part began.

Since a bedrooms main piece of furniture is the bed the bedding is pretty much the star of the room.

I usually start with the bedding when designing a bedroom. I knew I wanted it to be fun but what colors would I use? 

It had to be both masculine, and feminine at the same time. The current color scheme has worked well for both boys and girls. The navy and white with green and turquoise was a fun combination.

Normally I choose all white bedding for my bedrooms I find it to be restful and uncomplicated.

In this room I actually already had in mind what I wanted and it involved more stripes. I do love a good stripe!

I am going to use the rugby striped bedding from Pottery Barn in navy.

This bedding is the base for my design in this room.

The beds that we chose are the white Thomas twin  Beds……

Simple clean lines uncomplicated.

The bedding is here, and the beds are on their way.
We are really excited.

Next choices:
Color of walls
Night stand

Stay tuned for more upcoming post on our guest room.



  1. Goodness...I remember when you redid this room and I can't believe that is was three years ago! Wow, does time pass quickly. I am sure this is going to be lovely.

  2. This is what is so fun.....The Evolving of our lives and thus design and need.

  3. That's going to work out great. I like the striped PB bedding and the beds you've selected. Someday I expect grandkids and I figure I might end up with bunkbeds since my rooms are small, or a trundle style bed set.

  4. I can't wait to see - love the nook you built and remember that transformation - love seeing you work your magic!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue