Monday, June 16, 2014

Family Room Update


 It is done!!
The family room now has a lighter fresher look.
Let me show you the before of the old paint color…..



Here is a comparison of the old paint color, and the new color right next to each other……

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Both have almost the same pigments added to the paint base, but the old color is much darker, and a little more muddy. The new color is like French Vanilla Ice cream.

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We painted the wainscoting the same color as all of the trim in my home, Swiss coffee. It has a makeover coming up in it's future!


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The view from my kitchen. This is my family room with its summer pillows of all blue and white, and summer accessories on the mantel. 

As you can see I get a lot of great light in this room especially this time of day. We are really enjoying the new light, soft feel of the new paint color.

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Once we put in the new marble counter tops, and the white subway tile back splash I knew immediately the color of the family room walls needed to change.

They seemed to shout out at me for the very first time. 

Everything feels light, airy, and serene to me. These are all the qualities I love to have in my home.

I know we all spend time trying to make our homes LOOK a certain way, but to be honest I spend more time trying to make my home have a FEELING of calmness. 

If I can’t get this feeling with something I want to change I will wait until the perfect plan comes together.

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We still have more to do, but for now we are going to enjoy all of my hubby’s hard work.

Next on the agenda is: finish out the wainscoting around the room to match what he did on the fireplace wall.

Add crown molding, and then, by golly, I think she will be all done!!!

If you would like to read the story of the changes in our Family room you can click HERE.

For those of you who would like to read about the evolution of my kitchen, just go to the search box on my sidebar, and type in Kitchen Update, and all of the blog post will be listed for you to read.

Today is the beginning of the week so I am going to make the best of this beautiful day and just….




  1. The new paint color is beautiful! Everything looks lighter and more cheerful. Love it!

  2. Kathysue,
    Your home looks lovely. You have exquisite taste.


  3. Wow! I cannot wait to see the whole kitchen now. All I can say is your are quite talented and patient. I have painted cabinets before and know how extremely tedious it is. To do the finish you have done is a lot of hard work but certainly well worth it. Your cabinets are gorgeous!

  4. It looks wonderful, such a calming color, it really lightens everything up.

  5. Looks great. It always happens we start with one project then it mushrooms to other rooms. Enjoy.


  6. It looks wonderful Kathysue. A soft butter in the photos. I love it.

  7. Kathy,

    Still not receiving anything from you. All I get is a bunch of unsolicited email from Bloglovin.

  8. Kathy,

    Still not receiving anything from you. All I get is a bunch of unsolicited email from Bloglovin.

  9. nancy2, not sure why that might be happening to you. If it is not too much trouble for you, try to subscribe again and see if that helps. Good luck and let me know what happens. If you completed the steps required when you try to resubscribe it will say you are already subscribed. Keep me posted

  10. nancy2 I went to your name on bloglovin and it shows you are following bloglovin, that is why you are gettting post from their page, try to unfollow them and me and then follow me and see if that works for you!

  11. Hi looks great, love the softer color and of course all the blue and white accents, looking good!

  12. Yay girl! It looks the soft buttery walls. You always nail it on the paint color. Such a beautiful room Kathy!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue