Friday, June 20, 2014

Adding Blue + White In The Kitchen


Recently I added a little touch of blue and white to my green kitchen cupboards and marble counter tops.

My sweet hubby brought home some white flowers that just cried out for a blue and white vase…..

I think it adds to the freshness of my kitchen, don’t you?

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He also brought home some juicy ripe peaches. They just were crying out for a blue bowl.

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I am having such fun adding a little of this and a little of that to my new kitchen. I tend to like very little on my counters so it is a bit hard for me to add anything, but as time passes I am finding a few things that I enjoy having out.

 I like the way the blue bowl picks up the color of my outdoor shutters and window box.

I think I will keep it this way for awhile.

Next color experiment will be…..




  1. I have always loved blue and green together ~ these touches are lovely.

  2. Oh, for crying out loud...that blue accent is JUST RIGHT!! franki

  3. Your kitchen is so pretty and I wouldn't want anything on those gorgeous counters either.

  4. I love the pop of blue and white with the green in your kitchen! I say add more blue and white Chinese pottery!!
    Kitchen is looking gorgeous!

  5. Happy Summer! Funny coincidence: I just bought two rain jackets from LL Bean - one bright yellow and other royal blue :) Love the accents of blue in your kitchen! Cheers!

  6. Kathy, thanks for solving the mystery about the doors I put on FB. Love Northern Green, and I've learned something about undertones: the color looks spectacular with your blue-and-white porcelain. Thanks so much!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue