Monday, June 17, 2013

The Driving Force Of COLOR!!



Are you as driven by color as much as I am? Color is a driving force in my life.

  Color can change my mood!

I shop by color.

Color combinations excite me!

Color absolutely fascinates me!

Colors can change a mood, feel, or temperature  in a room. Trust me, it can totally do it !!

Just think about Summer Heat!! How can you cool down the temperature in a room during the summer months?

Since summer months in my part of northern California can be quite hot, I like to add cooler hues to my rooms.

The addition of cool blues, and greens are perfect additions to add in my home to cool down the look of the room. Think of WATER and the many colors in the ocean!!

Lately the combination of turquoise, and navy have been interesting to me.

This cool duo will make the temperature of any room go down a few degrees.

In my own personal home I have surrounded myself with walls of a warm, soft color of maize. Since colors in the yellow family tend to be on the warm side, I cool it down with the addition of blues and greens.

Recently I  thought just a small touch of turquoise might be interesting to add to the mix.

Who knows what I will come up with, but for now it is fun to imagine this cool duo in my home.

Do you try small additions of color in your rooms to change its feel, or mood? What colors do you add to your rooms in the summer?

Stay tuned I might just add a touch of turquoise  with my cobalt blue for the summer in my family room.

As Always.....



  1. Hi Kathysue, I love to design in a color palettes of varying shades of one cool or warm tones
    Oh and I like to change out pillows seasonally as well...what a difference, the turquoise is perfect...

    Art by Karena

  2. Love this post, Kathysue! I am in love wiht navy and turquoise too!
    Such a bright way to start a Monday.
    Happy Monday.

    You do wonders with blues...all of them!

  4. I'm always fascinated to read that you northern hemisphere dwellers change your rooms for the seasons and swap colours and accessories. We don't do that here in Australia, what you have just stays until you don't like it anymore and change it. But we don't do cool colours for summer and warm colours for winter. I don't really like reds and other warm colours so I think I would be stuck. I just stick with what I love all year round.

  5. Hi Kathysue!
    I love the combo of and navy is awesome. Mint and cobalt is amazing...looking forward to seeing it finished,

  6. I love all of these images!! I can't wait to see what you do... I recently bought a navy and white Greek Key rug for our blue and white guest room, and I'm trying to find just the right fabrics to complement. I think adding a touch of turquoise would be stunning.

    The Glam Pad


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue