Sunday, June 16, 2013

My DAD!!


My Dad! I can hardly think of him without getting big tears in my eyes. He is no longer with us, he died at a very young age (47). The tears I shed are sometimes for sadness, but other times for joy.

He was a man among men as far as I was concerned. We were raised to pretty much think he could walk on water. 

I actually thought I was going to marry him until I turned 10yrs old, and I found out that was not done.

On my actual wedding day after he walked me down the aisle he sat down, and took out his hanky and boo-hooed, my Mom had to console him.

Here we go!! 001 (509x800) 
I wish the pictures were in color, he had the most amazing sparkly blue eyes.

I remember how hard my Dad worked and what a wonderful provider he was for his family.What I remember above all was how much he loved his family. 

Daddy spoke with his eyes, they could laugh without making a sound. He had the most beautiful twinkly blue eyes.

I would love to watch my Dad look at my Mom, and her look back at him. Not a word was spoken, but you knew without a doubt  they loved each other. 

That gives a child so much security to see how their parents love each other and boy did my parents love each other.

My Dad made me feel loved, and protected. I knew Daddy would fix it if anything would go wrong. I knew I was beautiful in his eyes.

Daddy @ wedding 001 (682x800) 
He put a penny in my shoe and helped me with my garter.

I remember when my oldest son had his daughter (who is the most precious little girl alive) I watched as he leaned over the isolette, and he bowed his head. 

I asked him later was he praying, and he told me , “I am a blessed man, I was thanking God!" I knew then and there that he was going to love his little girl just like my Dad loved me.

I told my son that day.....  

"You know you will be her first mirror. She will see herself through your eyes." 

Now how did I know that? Because I saw myself through my Dads eyes. I knew I was worth loving because he showed me unconditional love. 

So when it came time to choose a husband I knew without a doubt that I had  met the right one. 

We have been married over forty three years now. I fell in love with him when I was only sixteen yrs old so I have loved him for 47 years.

So you see because my Dad loved me like no one else could, and took such wonderful care of me, I have learned to expect the best in a man. 

In my opinion I got the best in the man that I have been married to for 43 years.

I guess in my heart I will always be Daddy’s little girl, I kind of like that. 

Even though he is no longer here to give me hugs he is with me in spirit, and his love will be with me forever. That is what I call a wonderful example of a Dad!!

 "Enjoy the Process" Of:
Telling the Dad's in your life  how special they are to YOU!!

Happy Father's Day to all the Dad's in My Life!!



  1. Tears. That was beautiful. I feel exactly the same way about my dad. Thanks.

  2. Kathysue-
    This is such a beautiful tribute to your Father. It is clear that he was a fine person and made a huge impression on you and those around him.
    I miss my Daddy too, especially on Father's Day. They don't make them like they did then.

  3. Kathysue,
    Such a beautiful post. Your dad sounds like mine. I am still blessed to have him. It sounds as though you were luckier than many with the memories you do have.

  4. This brought a tear to my eye. I wasn't as lucky as you were but I'm very lucky to have a husband who is the most amazing dad to our children.

  5. Beautifully said, Kathysue. Such a beautiful photo of the two of you together as he walks you down the aisle. I lost my dad when he was only 62 and several years before I met the love of my life. He wasn't there in person to walk me down the aisle, but he was definitely in my thoughts and heart that day. I love what you had to say in this post because I feel the same way about my dad and my husband. We'll celebrate 38 years together this August. Happy Father's Day to all our dads who live on in our hearts! ~ Sarah

  6. dear beautiful bride
    what a touching tribute to your father.

    mine too left very early, he was 36, but his spirit, his love and his persona endure.

    what you said to your son kathysue sent a chill down my true!

    cheers to you and your husband on this day for 43 years
    debra xxxxo

  7. So touching and beautifully written. Thank you.

  8. What a lovely post. We are both blessed to have had wonderful Dads and Husbands

  9. That was a beautifu tribute, Kathy sue. My dad died when I was 4 so I don't even remember him. My Uncle walked me down the aisle. I loved seeing your picture. I wore the same kind of bow at my sisters wedding! XO, pinky


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue