Saturday, January 12, 2013

Favorite Pins Of The Week!!


Since this was the very first week Of 2013 I thought I would start keeping track on what my followers on Pinterest were pinning the most off of my boards.

Starting last Saturday it appears we needed some inspiration with this pin……

Time to start eating healthier……..

Weight Watchers Santa Fe Salad with Chili lime dressing.
After eating lots of the above salad and losing lots of weight we are now ready to dress more fashionable….

Back to eating healthy with good snacks so we can keep the weight of and continue dressing more fashionably.

Still concerned about our eating habits we need more recipes to add to our repertoire……..

Asparagus, cranberries, feta and pine nut salad. All I have to say is YUM!!!

By Thursday it looks like we are ready to make some changes in our homes by adding a little more blue and white………

It is that time of year!! Time to get organized!! I actually wasn’t going to pin this pin. I showed it to my hubby because he wants to do this in our garage. He asked me to pin it. Way to go Hubby, High Five!!!……….

Now for a drum roll please!……….

Out of all of the above pins the one with the most repins  on my Healthy Food/Healthy Living board is…

…..with 30 Re-PINS

I don’t know about you all, but I find it interesting to see what the masses re-pin.

I just reached 10,000 followers on my Pin boards so I guess this will be a pretty good cross-section of people. Now if I only had that many reading my blog daily, hmmmmm?!!!

Which one of these Pins would you have repinned?



  1. It's interesting to see what everyone liked. Keep it up.

  2. feeling very hungry and stoked for some granny smiths and dip!


  3. Hard to choose, but I would just love for my garage to look like that and be that organized! Thank you for blogging!

  4. Definitely the blue bedroom! I could happily live in that room for the rest of my life. It was fun to see what your followers are pinning. Hope you enjoy your Sunday!

  5. I love the blue bedroom the most. I'm curious how you tell which photos got pinned the most. I get email alerts, but I don't keep track of those so something tells me that there is an easier way to figure it out.

  6. Emerald may be the color of the year but I'm surely seeing a lot of blue and white!! franki

  7. Healthy food, great fashion and beautiful interiors....does it get better? No. I also find it really interesting to see what people are pinning.....its fun to see the most pinned pictures from our blogs too.
    Enjoy your Sunday.

  8. Hi Kathysue, I've pinned that blue and white bedroom -- love it! And thanks for the heads up on the cobbler recipe! I deleted the pin. Jennifer

  9. Such inspiring pins, Kathysue! I love that blue/white bedroom!

  10. Great post, Kathysue! I will have to try the salads.
    For some reason, my pinterest pins have started going to my spam folder?
    Happy Sunday.

  11. Just found you so you can add me to your list of readers. Will also sign up to follow you on Pinterest.


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue