Tuesday, December 4, 2012

What Worked & Didn't Work On My Christmas Mantel

Decorating is a process!! It takes some adjusting to get the look we are trying to achieve. Some things work like we envisioned and some don’t work.

I am about to show you what worked and didn't work.......

Chritstmas mantel trial 002 (800x422)
I started out with an all white base!! I really liked the clean, fresh look.
Chritstmas mantel trial 005 (800x411)
As pretty as all white can be, I have to have color in my life!! I had envisioned using my black and white striped ornaments with the all white.

Christmas 2011 012 (600x800)
(Last years mantel in black and white)

I just knew it would look amazing!!

Black and white always look great together, right?


Apparently I like black with white, not white with black.

When there is more white than black it did not look right to me.


Color!! I need some color!! But, which color. I tried them all believe me!! The only color I liked with the all white mantel was RED!!!

Chritstmas mantel trial 012 (800x592)
This years mantel is in Red and White!

Chritstmas mantel trial 013 (800x376)
 I added the basket and the pinecones for texture.

Chritstmas mantel trial 014 (800x576)
Apparently I can not leave well enough alone because I thought I would add just one more thing to the mix.

An Addition:

I saw this image and saved it on my Pinterest boards……

I love this look! I just knew the addtion of some colored ribbons would make the mantel pop!!

In came the ribbons. Red, white, kelly green, and lime green……..

Chritstmas mantel trial 016Chritstmas mantel trial 009 (800x732)
Shall I use multi-colors?  OR  Just the greens and white? 

Multi-colors Wins

Ribbons on mantel 2012 002 (800x600)

Ribbons on mantel 2012 004 (600x800)

Pretty? I thought so! But! I woke up the next morning, and it did not pass my first thing in the morning test!! (If I don’t like it first thing in the morning the out it goes)

So OUT  with the ribbons !!

The next addition was planned from the beginning so that was my next step!

To be continued…………



  1. Looking good....decorating is all about trial and error and recognizing what works and what doesn't. It all is coming together beautifully! So festive!

  2. It is a PROCESS isn't it!!! :) franki (p.s. that isn't what my hubby callit....)

  3. Too Funny!
    I know exactly what you mean by "The First Thing In The Morning" test! Happens here all the time....

  4. I agree, the ribbons didn't do it for me either. I'm sure you'll come up with a better alternative!

  5. ha! i love the addition of red too.

    and i'm kinda surprised you didn't like the ribbons--what you have planned must be extra special!


  6. So funny...I did the same thing, poured myself a cup of coffee surveyed the few ornaments I hung on the tree and started adjusting before I even finished my first cup!

  7. Sometimes it's just a process. I do the same thing. Seems I'm always tweaking! I think the ribbons are the perfect touch. Can't wait to see what's next.

  8. clever you sharing your likes and dislikes, we get to see your process. so now i know you are up to something and can't wait to see!

  9. I thought this type of thing only happened to me! I'm sure the end result will be wonderful. x Sharon


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue