Friday, November 30, 2012

Kraft Paper Gift Wrapping


Yesterday’s post was all about Bows so today I thought it was fitting to have a post on creative gift wrapping.

Neutrals seem to be the name of the game this season in Holiday décor. 

With a neutral scheme it is fun to coordinate our wrappings with what is going on with the rest of the room.

Kraft paper is the perfect neutral gift wrap, so today we will be visiting some clever ways to use Kraft paper….

It doesn’t get any more simple than natural greens and bakers twine on top of Kraft paper.

For the man in your life a little tuxedo dressing on his gift!

I had to show you this. It is technically faux bois paper, but could be easily applied to Kraft paper. I just love the laced up wrapping.

These lovely Kraft paper boxes are from William Sonoma. I purchased these in white and red a couple of years ago, and had them monogrammed.

For those of you who enjoy a vintage feel!

Adding a little corrugated paper to this Kraft paper a winter scene emerges.

Simple stenciling adds some character to Kraft paper.

 Mixing it up a little bit!

Love the pom-pom!!

What a clever use of newsprint!

A little hand stitching and a button!! How about Ho-Ho-Ho for Christmas in red stitching?!

Add a picture of the recipient instead of the traditional gift tag!

Not a package, but a fun embellishment. I can just see these on white paper!!

A lovely scented package!

Did you ever think there could be so many looks for Kraft paper wrapping?

Happy Wrapping!!!



  1. Beautiful gifts, Kathysue! I love kraft paper and burlap!

  2. So many creative folk out there. I love it.

  3. Wonderful ideas for wrapping. Happy Friday Kathysue! ~Jen

  4. *** Hey, girlfriend! These ideas/pics are JUST DEEELIGHTFUL!!!

    I'm a big proponent of making the wrapping as enticing as can be~~~ makes the fun of receiving a present last just a little longer, huh?

    One year (quite a while back now) it seemed to be BOOKS for MANNNY gifts... since BOOKS = WORDS, I wrapped most gifts in newspaper (But boy! Were MY fingers black, tho!), & used two varied types of FAB RIBBON I had found.. Thick black n white, and red and white... really cute! Then for "tags", I circled the letters of the person's name on a stream of paper... On some, I used old SCRABBLE letters, which were TOOOO CUTE!!! It'ds all kinda hard to desscribe, but one can let her imagination run wild for these!!! They were VERY well received!!!

    EVERTIME I see black n' white stripes, or pretty green n' white ones, I automatically think of you!

    ...annnd, you deserve the BEST CHRISTMAS EVER for all the fun n' joy n' info you provide all of us, you Sweetheart! (See? Who SAYS bloggers never get THANKED?!?!?... Grins!!!).

    Warmest blessings to you and your family, my friend!!!


  5. nothing like brown paper packages tied up with string.


  6. These are just too good to be true!!! Fantastic!!!

  7. What beautiful Kraft crafts!!! franki

  8. Who knew? I'm amazed, Kathysue. Really creative, simple and beautiful. I especially love the first one. It's festive and a bit organic. Will add these to my Pinterest boards. Many thanks!
    Take care,

  9. Kathysue, these are great ideas! Thanks for the inspiration!

  10. crazy for craft paper, it's the perfect palette to do anything. but really crazed for the wrapping with photo's versus name tags!!

    thank you my inspirational friend

  11. I have just chosen brown paper packaging for my gift wrapping this year. Isn't it incredibly versatile. I love the use of the natural elements as well, will definitely be trying this one out.

  12. Love your neutral choices. I'm using brown and white paper this Christmas!!!

  13. Simply beautiful ideas. I am also using brown paper and white butchers paper, b/c I love the simplicity. I may have to try a few of these ideas, too. XXOO

  14. Kraft paper is my favourite way to wrap presents. I like to garnish it with various colours of wool wrapped several times around the package. I get my wool at the thrift store in Christmasy colours and I'm set. I have to say I've never seen such an array of creative ways to use kraft paper. I especially like the wavy corrugated hills against the snowy sky.

  15. Kathysue, this was a fun post! I used to wrap my gifts in paper from brown grocery bags before they started printing all kinds of ads on them. I love the look of brown craft paper with some type of embellishment that carries out a theme......plaid ribbon, twine, etc. Love the idea of using the photos of the person receiving the gift. Very clever!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue