Thursday, October 4, 2012

Trader Joe's Does It Again!!


Do you all love Trader Joe’s as much as I do? 

TJ's never ceases to surprise me with something new!
I love perusing their aisles, and finding new products to try.

Recently I found two new products that I am really liking for my home.

Natural and great smelling, now that is something I can get on board with……
You will notice the link is from Amazon, that is for all of you who don’t have a TJ’s close by. 

This stuff is wonderful, and I took the label off so it is a plain white bottle that can sit in any room without shouting, “ Look at ME!”

The other smell-good product is also natural. Of course…….

These dryer bags have real lavender inside of them.

 There is a total of 5 bags that can be used 5-10 times each. They kind of look like an over-sized teabag.  

After they are used up, you can open them, and sprinkle on your carpet and vacuum them up. Now your carpet smells good too!! A win-win in my book.

What is your favorite product, or new find from TJ’s??.

Do tell!! I love to try tried and true products


  1. Kathysue, I enjoy your blog so much. I'd be so happy to have you as a follower. The follow gadget is at the end of my blog. Thanks.

  2. Kathysue, they finally opened two new Trader Joe's here about a month ago. I will have to look for those lavender dryer bags! Thanks for sharing!

  3. They have some new soaps that we really like, especially the lemon and then the Lavender hand soaps.

  4. i don't have this store! but i remember sampling an excellent imported tiramisu from them that was outta this world.

    smiles to you, sunshine.


  5. The Alba Shaving Cream in the orange tube: it's Mango scented! Just the best!!

  6. We have one but its really out of the way...such a great store though. Rumor has it one is opening up closer to us, hope so!

  7. I use both of those and love them! I have gotten hooked on the Coconut Body Butter. I've been using it on my extremely dry feet and it is fabulous. Super moisturizing.

  8. Next time I'm in Atlanta will check on those lavender bags.....

  9. Can't wait to try those dryer bags! Love you!

  10. the dryer bags sound like a great idea! I would but them! we do not have a TJ here...sound alike I am missing something!!!
    I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.
    happy weekend!

  11. I'm "all about" their brownie mix -the best I've tasted (I've tasted A LOT!) :) LUV TJ! franki

  12. Love TJs. Will have to try those lavender bags. My favorite non-food product is their French liquid hand soap...smells like honey and orange blossoms!

  13. Love me some TJ. It is the closest grocery store near me so needless to say.....I will have to try those things out!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue