Friday, August 24, 2012

AAAAH!! That First CUP Of COFFEE!!!



It is true!! I always look forward to that first cup of coffee in the morning. It is quiet time, me time, gathering my thoughts time.

Anyone that knows me, knows that I can only become human, and coherent after two cups of coffee.

(This is where you will find me sitting in the morning)

When the weather allows I will sit out on my front porch, watch the sprinklers and wake up with my coffee in hand. 

 I will hold the cup close to my face rubbing my hands on the warm cup, while letting the aroma float up over my face.......

I am weird like that!! It is kind of my morning ritual. I am not sure when this all started, but it is nice time of my day.

Me, my coffee, and the morning air.

Excuse me I think I need to go and get  one more cup of coffee. 

Wishing you all a wonderful Friday and a Happy Weekend.

Do  you have a  morning coffee ritual?



  1. Love that first cup of coffee too. If the weather is cool enough I will be out on the patio. Hope you have a super day. Hugs, Marty

  2. Sure do... we grind our own coffee every morning so it's as fresh as can be. There's nothing like that first cup to start your day right (and stay away from us if we don't get our morning dose - we get a bit feisty!)
    C + C

  3. You can almost smell the aroma of that pic of the coffee! Love that first cup too! ;)

  4. i ALWAYS have umm a few cups of coffee in the am - get into work and first thing i go for is a cup of coffee - and on the weekends i set the timer on the maker so when i wake up it's ready to go (it's kinda' nice waking up to coffee brewed reminds me of my parents house)

    The start of this post was fab!

  6. Could not agree more. Ditto everything you said :)

  7. My sleep mask says it all..."Wake me with Coffee." It works! franki

  8. Love these moving pictures..amazing!! I too am a coffee addict and cannot imagine a day without it!!! In fact I am on my coffee break right now, then starting up my late afternoon...nothing recharging with a good strong cup of coffee!

  9. I don't drink coffee in the morning...I brew a pot of tea...but I feel the same way about that first cup of morning tea.

    Love your first photo...very, very cleaver.

  10. my morning coffee is diet coke. it is like liquid love for me.



  11. These are really cool images, Kathy! I am usually pretty sunny in the morning but I can't think until I have that first cup of coffee and French vanilla creamer! And I, too, look forward to going to bed at night knowing I'll have that fresh cup of brew in the morning!! :)


  12. I gave up coffee 25 years ago! Took many, many years to end the longing...but now I really and truly prefer tea! Good, strong, loose leaf tea: nothing like it!

  13. Great post! Glad to know someone else operates on coffee just as much as I do!

  14. Oh- Honey! We MUST be related! I am JUST LIKE YOU!!! xo Diana

  15. Hey Kathysue - Very clever! I love those moving images. Sometimes I crave coffee....sometimes tea. Have a wonderful weekend!!

  16. Believe it or not I have never had a cup of coffee but my husband drinks enough for the both of us..I do love the aroma though!

  17. Kathysue, I have to have my coffee in the morning and again in the late afternoon. Sometimes after dinner with dessert too. What fun images. How did you get that coffee to have steam?
    ~ Sarah

  18. Coffee love here too. I am in the process of "styling" a coffee station in our kitchen. People style bar carts, why not coffee stations? I don't like a lot of stuff on the counters but coffee is another matter. We have our little used Keurig for guests, our French Press (used every morning), electric tea kettle (so I won't burn a pot dry on the stove which I have done twice. Actually lifted that hot pot off the stove and on the way to the sink, I dripped melting pot spots on our previous home's vinyl floor. had to replace the entire flooring as the patching job didn't work.), Heath coffee mugs, all on a large West Elm rafia tray. I am adding decorative touches. It is so handy and loudly says, we love coffee. It's a quiet way to start the day and slows down time, no matter how busy I am. We make such good coffee with beans I order, fresh roasted. There is no way we're going to gulp and run!

  19. Coffee is my lover....Only one cup in the morning...but in the afternoon around that is when I need it. This summer I have gotten into iced coffee! So good.


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue