Monday, July 23, 2012

Our View On Life Is A Choice


Sometimes Mondays can seem like Moandays. It is the beginning of the week, we have to go back to work, kids go back to school, or we just have to get on board, and take care of the responsibilities of family life.

In my lifetime I have discovered through life’s lessons that how I approach each day is my very own personal choice.

Even when it feels as if I have no control about the situation I always have control over how I view it or respond to it.

Recently our family went through a really difficult time. We lost a dear loved one. I am sure we have all had similar experiences through out our life time.

I think we can agree it is hard to see anything positive during a time like this. 

I can only speak for myself, and I am not advocating that everyone  has to think like I do, but I did discover something very obvious in my own personal experience.
Sometimes we have to get to the lowest of lows. You know those times when all you can do is look outside of yourself and look up to a higher power.

 For me my higher power is my Heavenly father.

I found that through out this very difficult time when I chose to see God’s hand he was always there. 

I might see it in a nurse, hospice worker, or the sweet lady that came around to sing soothing, angelic songs to the patients. 

There were the sweet people that brought my Mom meals,coffee, or water to help keep her comfortable.

Every where I turned, our needs were being met by the angels in human clothing.

My point in saying all of this is, if I had not been looking, or focusing on the good around me I would have been consumed by the truly painful things that were occurring.

It is a choice, and I am learning that more and more.

So today on this very Monday I choose happiness, goodness and God’s grace. I choose JOY!

  • Today I am thankful for:

  • The loving people in my life.
  • The walk I took with my husband.
  • All the birds we saw.
  • The friendly people we saw on our walk.
  • The fact that I have food to eat, water to drink.
  • The beautiful weather.
  • My amazing shower that felt so good after my walk.
  • All the fresh fruit we bought from Costco

I am not trying to sound like a Pollyanna, but I truly have learned that  how I feel about life in general is a choice on my part.

I am going to use Mondays to be very conscience of the things in my life that I need to be thankful for. It seems to me like it is the perfect way to start our week.

If you would like to join me just leave a comment for something you are thankful for today. 

I guarantee you that you will not have to look very far to find something.

Happy Monday to you all!!!



  1. I love your post today! So many thoughtful words!! I will be back to revisit it, I am sure!!

  2. Beautiful and poignant post, Kathysue! Starting the week with gratitude is a wonderful idea. Today I'm grateful for family, friends, good health and music :) And, I'm grateful to you for reminding me to think of what I'm grateful for!

  3. I just lost my whole long comment....grrrr..

    Anyway, what I said is that this is such a true post and whatever we are looking for is what we find.

    Monday is my favorite day of the week-one full of new beginnings and the promise of all good things the week might bring- xo Diana

  4. So beautifully put. We do tend to overlook what is right in front of us. I am thankful for MC, family, my old and all my new friends in blog land!

  5. Amen to this are right on the money. Its all about how we CHOOSE to see things, sometimes easier said than done and partciularly when we are really hurting, its hard to look at anything in a positive way. But if we can, it can make even the darkest days feel a little sunnier.

  6. i am so grateful for the gift of my children. they have taught me more about God's love than any wednesday night bible study ever could. i have learned about forgiveness, sacrifice, and how love makes everything okay.

    i love mondays, kathysue. i always feel energized and ready to take on the world. thanks for your sensitive post.


  7. Happy Monday to you, too Kathysue. Awesome post!

  8. I'm thankful for catching up on blog reading tonight and coming across all of your inspiration. Truly.

  9. Speaking of blog catching up…I feel like Carol and that's all I'm trying to do! I can't tell you how glad I was to see this post from you just now! What a blessing! Monday's used to be my starting point! I don't when they became my point of reference to all that happened the week before that wasn't good! I really do want that to change! I listened to several sermons yesterday afternoon while my husband and sons played tennis…not to say that our preacher wasn't good but when I listen to Crawford Loritts…it just doesn't get any better! It was exactly what I needed and pointed me right back in the direction you are talking about! Enjoying the moments that God puts us in and realizing that the situations we are in are exactly what He ordained for us a long time ago! I don't want to be anywhere else! Blessings to you and thank you from the bottom of my heart for this post! Much love!

  10. I am sorry about the passing of a dear one. My sympathies to you and your family. You are right, we see life through the eyes we choose to see it through...I am actually starting a remarkable lady series. There is so much pain and suffering in the world that sometimes people don't see all the good " angels" doing their work! You are a gem!

  11. Love all the quotes and yes, Mondays are moandays. xo

  12. Kathy, I thank God every day for meeting all our needs in abundance, but this post reminded me to thank Him in the moment for all those things! Choosing to have an "attitude of gratitude" is what helps us to see His hand at work and brings us joy. So, in this moment I am thankful for you and your sweet friendship! Love you, Vicki

  13. You are amazing, and have such a terrific attitude. I know it is not easy sometimes, but I also know you have a happier life because of it. I think you have it all figured out - you're a role model to me!

  14. Amen!!! I'm so very thankful for my family and cherish each day I have with them.


  15. Well, I think GOD sent me to your post today as I needed a pick me up...grieving the loss of my has been 8 months..not a single day goes by where I don't think about him... It is true..God gets us through...It is great that you are in "the know" about his greatness!

  16. I am so thankful for my family and friends. Also for the technology that keeps us all in touch...and for you for reminding us to be thankful...may we never forget! ;)

  17. Kathysue-
    I think that you are on the money! If I didn't have the Lord to turn to at times, I wold be lost. I am so thankful for what he gives me. In down times I try to think of only this.
    Losing a mother is one of the toughest things you can do. They were there for us from the day we were born. They were there when no one else was. They always thought about our feelings. ANd, I know that I did not appreciate mine enough while she was here. I am not certain that any of us do.
    My prayers are with you and your family. It hs been over a year now, but I still think about her every day.
    That is the great thing about it.

  18. I loved this post and everything you said. I learned a long time ago that we make our own choices and we are responsible for our own happiness. We can either choose to live life as a happy person or not. It's as simple as that. Hope you are having a good week...Ann

  19. dearest kathysue

    what a touching and inspirational post, i know exactly what you mean. i will need to refer back to this as my mom is not well
    you have gifted us all with mindset, thank you.
    big hugs

    ps; there is a wonderful poem by van dyke 'there she goes' that has a lovely perspective, just google it

  20. i was sent over by deb @ 5th and state.
    she was right.
    i needed to see this post!


  21. Beautiful Kathysue - thank you
    Have a pretty day!

  22. Kathysue, amazing post...As I read through all the comments I started to get tears in my eyes. You touched so many people with this post. Through our trials and grief God uses us to touch the lives of others and you did...

  23. I am thank-ful for my children, the joys and sometime the pain the bring.

    Love your blog

  24. KathySue, I am so sorry for your loss and can identify on many levels as you know. My mom is in hospice now and I am leaving her after visiting for 5 weeks....our minister came here this week and I felt much peace after he left. I agree that our mindset is so important. Thanks for the reminder.

  25. Gratitude is definitely the way to a happy life and I am most grateful for you at this moment!!!!

  26. It is so important to see the glass half full....especially when there is such tragedy going on in the country sometimes. Having lost both my Mom and Dad....I know what sadness feels like. I hope that with time everyone in your family will feel blessed again.
    I am thankful for all of the friends I have made while blogging :) Like you!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue