Thursday, March 15, 2012

What Colors Will YOU Be Using On Your Easter Table?


It all started with laundry. Yes, you heard right. I was doing laundry, and I had just put my sheets on the kitchen table to fold them.

I stepped away for a moment and looked back at the table. I immediately became inspired by the color combination I was viewing.

I have the softest, palest set of blue sheets. The backdrop was my green and white striped wallpaper.

The picture that was painted by this color combination was so pretty, soft, and soothing to my eye. I immediately said to myself, “ This is the color I am using for my Easter table this year!”
I told you I am drawn in by color.

I discovered this a couple of months ago. The next step is to gather inspirational images to inspire me further. Here are some of the images that I have saved………..

Look at all the variations of blue in the natural color of these eggs.

Beautiful eggs from Araucana chickens. Blues and greens are always so soothing aren’t they?

Source: via Kathy Sue on Pinterest

More blue and green! What a darling garland for Easter. Simple not too  much going on, just simple colors, lines and texture!! Lovely!

More simplicity. Soft blues and linen colored eggs, beautiful!

Blue green eggs, wood and moss tones of a nest, glimmer of silver and the elegance of simple white flowers.

Soft green cupboards with beautiful domed blue and green Wedgwood cake plates.

Rough hewn wood table, pewter egg cups with covers, and eggs nestled in some spaghnum moss.

Source: via Kathy Sue on Pinterest

I really like these framed bird eggs. Again, blue, white and green, very pretty indeed.

Source: via Kathy Sue on Pinterest

Blue and green eggs with flowers added to the mix, so fresh and inviting.

Love lots of white with the pale blue.
Let’s see if I can find more of all blue and white, because I am kind of liking just the two colors of blue and white……

Very, very pretty, maybe a vase or two too many for my taste, but I do enjoy all white flowers in a pretty blue vase.

Easter is April the 8th this year so we only have 24 more days to get ready!!

Yikes, I might have started thinking about this early(2months ago), but I had better make some concrete plans if I am going to get it done!!!
So will it be pale blue, white and green?

Pale blue and white?

What colors will you be using for your holiday table this Easter?

I will do more post about what other elements I will be adding to my tablescape for this years table. Come back and read what I am thinking!

“Enjoy the Process!” Of:
Designing a beautiful holiday table for your family to enjoy at Easter!



  1. So much beautiful Easter inspriation here..admittedly I haven't even thought of it, but you have my mind racing now. I love the colors you have chosen and a little pale green thrown into the mix will be beautiful......who would have thought folding laundy could be so inspirational?

  2. You post the loveliest pictures. It is always a treat!

  3. Kathysue - I have no clue what color you will end up with, but I know without a doubt that it will be beautiful, tailored, classy, well thought out and be picture perfect. I love your style!

  4. This is funny today, Kathysue! Yesterday my daughter called me. Several years ago I gave her a set of the blue LuRay dishes I had collected when the kids were young. I had quite a collection of the pinks and yellows and greens but I really loved (and ultimately kept) the soft blue pieces...which I gave to her about 10 years ago.

    Anyway, she now has several sets of dishes and wondered if I wanted the LuRays back. DO I?!?! I said..YES! They will be perfect for Easter. lol So, I guess I will be going with soft blue and white here this year, too! xo Diana

  5. Hi Kathysue,
    I love all the soft pastel shades of Easter. Spring is my favorite time of year. I know the soft colors is why I fell in love with the Shabby Chic look with Rachel Ashwell's first book many years ago. I find whites and soft colors so calming and relaxing. I am not totallin loving the Jeanne D'Arc magazines.

  6. Kathsue, I have been so busy I don't even know when Easter is! I guess I better get my act together!

  7. I'll probably do some form of purple and yellow on white table linens. Recently purchased pale pastel chargers in six different colors. Just not sure yet, but thanks for the reminder.

  8. T.
    he table is what ever color the restaurant has or if at home which ever one is ironed.

    I like that kitchen!

  9. That pale blue is so lovely and I WANT those covered egg cups. Wonder if they will go on sale after Easter?

  10. Wow! So many pretty inspiration pics, Kathysue! Now I think I need some pale blue eggs! Happy weekend!...hugs...Debbie

  11. We all know that once you start with your inspiration......something beautiful comes next! You are famous for your gorgeous tables!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue