Saturday, March 17, 2012


Saturdays are great days for thinking about fun ideas and projects you would like to do. 

When it is cold, and rainy out it is even better to be in the house all cozy, and warm while ideas spin around in your head.

It is cold and rainy here in sunny California so I thought I would give you some fun ideas to dance around in your creative minds.

This first idea would be a really fun way to embellish cupcakes for your Easter table…….

There are no directions on how long or what temperature to heat them in the oven, but I think low and slow is the best policy, like you do for most fruit that you would like to dry. Who knew a pineapple would make such a pretty flower and the upside is it is edible too.

In the winter we all have our houses closed up and they can become a bit stale. Try this on your stove and your home will have a wonderful fresh, clean fragrance…….

A few sprigs of rosemary, lemon slices and a teaspoon of vanilla in a pot and let it simmer on the stove. This is a recipe that they use at William Sonoma Home stores, and we all love how that shop smells, Yum!!

If you can’t find a bed-skirt to fit your bed, or you don’t really like the look of a bed-skirt this next idea is for you…….

You can use what ever fabric you love and upholstery the bed-skirt. Staple gun and Velcro strips are the answer here!! This would be an easy and fast project for a Saturday!!

Spring flowers also bring along Spring weeds. How about a natural way to get rid of your unsightly weeds? Vinegar!! Who knew?

For all of you Ikea lovers, if you would like to embellish the simple look of some of their furniture pieces and elevate them a bit, try some of these…….


My Overlays…..

My Overlays is a company that makes these wonderful light weight wood overlays that can be applied to just about any surface.

So now you have some fancy fretwork, and legs to totally change the look of a simple Ikea piece.

Since Saturday is a great day to do lots of pinning, be sure and go to this website to read some tips on pinning…….

I will leave you with a little tip I discovered while pinning away the other day...

In order to give the proper credit when pinning from another website I discovered by copying the credit information, and then hitting pin-it the info will automatically come up in the description box. Who knew?!!

Have a wonderful weekend, doing projects or just thinking about doing projects like I am going to do!!

“Enjoy the Process!” Of:

Doing as little or as much
as you like during the


  1. I like the upholstered bed skirt and may try that.

    Love the pineapple embellishment!

  2. You always have the most wonderful ideas. Amazing. The bedskirt thing is so clever. Hope you had a great trip, saw some of the pics earlier. Love ya. Hugs, Marty

  3. I am definitely trying the pineapple flowers! So pretty!


  4. Hi sweetie,

    I was here a couple of minutes ago, touring your house. It's GORGEOUS! I loved it!

    I'm addicted to Pinterest! LOL I just started and I'm having some fun.

    Have a blessed weekend.


    Luciane at

  5. Some fabulous ideas, Kathysue! Love those pineapple! Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!...hugs...Debbie

  6. Great tips Kathysue! Have a fabulous weekend and happy St. Patrick's Day to you!

  7. Wonderful tips, Kathysue. Can you believe I have never been to an Ikea store? We have never lived close to one...the nearest is 4-1/2 hours away.

    I had no idea what I was looking at for the flower. Dried pineapple..perfect! Wouldn't these be pretty to dress up an Easter ham, too?

    I didn't know about the vinegar on weeds. I do remember my mother pouring boiling water out of a kettle on ones that were close to the porch and that killed the root, too. xo Diana

  8. i was so surprised to see your embellished cupcakes were made with pineapple. soooooooo cool!


  9. Great ideas, Kathysue! I love the bedskirt idea, and the pineapple flowers are so creative!

  10. Thanks for the tips, Kathysue.

  11. Marvelous - thanks so much for sharing - Have a great weekend... Jalon

  12. Hi Kathysue

    A brilliant post

    I love the shoes for furniture, you are a mind reader, I was just this week trying to solve this issue and bravo, hey presto, you sorted this.

    Happy St. Patricks Day'Helenxx

  13. So many fun ideas.......that pineapple cupcake is so pretty, I thought it was a real flower! And the overlays are fabulous....such great ideas!!

  14. Those pineapple flowers are the cutest!!! Who thinks of these great things! Hope you had a great St Pattys Day:)

  15. What great ideas, Kathysue. The bedskirt and the vinegar weed killer are brilliant. Thanks so much.

  16. Many, great ideas!..I love the pineapple floret..will have to try that right away!!..Funny, I did the same thing to my son's bed many years ago....Vinegar for weeds..will have to try that too!...

    Thank you for this most informative post!

  17. brilliant ideas kathysue!

    the bedskirt trick will solve a problem for a client and in the nick of time.

    having another minor technical issue with blogger/pinterest (i must be really really stupid!) mind if i ask you again?
    wishing you a lovely day! in chicago we are a very unnatural 84 degrees!
    xo debra

  18. I love the upholstered box spring idea so much! And the pineapple topper is genius...I thought it was paper at first. Even better that it's edible :)

  19. Thanks for sharing these tips! I love the pineapple flowers! The bed-skirt tip came at a perfect time. I just changed out the comforter in my room and need a new one.

  20. Amazing! Both the pineapple and bedskirt. Never thought those two items would be in the same post - but so glad they were.

  21. Thanks for the lemon fragrance, a friend recently gave me a sack of lemons that I was wondering how to use and now my home will smell divine all through the holidays!

  22. Hello. Great blog : ) I hate to say it though, I work at Williams Sonoma and we do not use that scent at the store. I see it all over Pinterest. I have worked at WS for 6 years and part of the culinary team. We use our mulling spice and water during the holidays. We use a bottle of our BBQ, or slow cooking starters with water during the rest of year. Or we are cooking, or baking something fresh. I have no idea where the rosemary, lemon scent came from. Just wanted to let you all know.


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue