Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Most Popular Post of 2011

I always enjoy the round up at the end of the year, or at the beginning of the new year that some bloggers do.

I thought I would join in with my own round-up.
It seems as if blog land had some favorite post on my blog, or at least they were the most viewed according to the stats.

Number one favorite post was…….

Apparently we in blog land don’t just do a lot of laundry, but we want our environment to be just as pretty, and functional as the other rooms in our homes.

Number Two was…..

I wrote this post as a lesson on how to use a springboard as a starting point in your design for a room.

I have found in my career the one question that almost all of my clients would ask is, “How do you know where to begin?”

If you have a chance to read it, just click on the above title.

Number Three……….

I was amazed at how much traffic this post received. I did this as sort of a random post of some ideas that I thought would be helpful to any homeowner.

I can tell you that there were more copies of  one particular image than any other image I have posted….

a close second was this image:

Now who would have thought that either one of these ideas would be so popular? You just never know what will be a hit in blog land.

I must admit that the first and the third post were a total surprise to me, but the Springboard post was a post that I put a lot of time and thought into, so it really makes me feel good to see that you, my readers appreciated that particular post.

I guess that is a good thing, it will keep we blog authors on our toes, always searching, and reaching for new and better ideas for our readers.

I hope that I can continue to entertain, inform, and teach you all throughout this upcoming New Year. 

I must say thank you to all of you who have been so faithful in your reading, commenting, and visits here on my blog. It is because of all of YOU that I keep writing.

I am always open to new ideas and request, so if you have a subject that you feel I am qualified to write about, please send me an email and I will do my best to address it.

I am looking forward to this New Year, and all it has to offer!!
“Enjoy the Process!” Of:

Trying new and exciting things in your home and in your life in 2012!!



  1. Loved all of these posts Kathysue! Here's to many more wonderful posts in 2012, you always come up with the best topics to cover. Hugs,
    Nancy xo

  2. These were all great posts, Kathysue! I'm looking forward to many more inspirational ideas from you in the future!
    ~ Wendi ~

  3. I always count on you to deliver not only inspirational posts but informative ones too...always learning something! I am going to go back and read the laundry room post now because I don't think I saw that one!
    Thanks for the fabulous job you do Kathysue!

  4. Kathysue- What a great review of the year! It IS fun to see what really tickles a fancy in people, isn't it? I must say I love that laundry room. My own is slated for a makeover this year...although it was never really "done up" in the first place.

    You just keep doing what you are doing and we will just keep popping by to see what you are up to...xo Diana

  5. Kathysue,
    You have so many good posts, but I am betting I loved the laundry post and have that same image saved! I have no doubt you will bring us many more great reads in 2012 and I look forward to following along.
    Happy New Year!!!

  6. I remember these posts, especially the one with the shoe storage...brilliant! Keep them coming!


  7. Funny thing: we just got the second estimate today for redoing our laundry room! So I am deep into this subject... I do, however, have a few very particular "needs": I don't use a clothes dryer... well, maybe 3x a year. I hang up everything! And, I love to iron! So, in a way those two things are guiding us in this room.
    Anyway, you have inspired me to find more pictures... Pinterest here I come... and yes, I will def. do a before and after of this room!

  8. thanks for such quality and positive energy in 2011!

    bravo and best to you.


  9. I love all of your posts but this one is great of those of us with memory problems!! I had totally forgotten about the pvc pipe to store hair dryers etc. Brilliant!

  10. My friend, ALL of your posts are favorite posts of mine. You are a wonderful writer and all of your posts are well written and it is evident they are well-thought out. You keep on keeping on my friend. You're doing a wonderful job and have truly discovered one of your many talents through your blog.

  11. Kathysue.... You are so much fun!!
    What a great post.... About great posts!
    Have a pretty day!

  12. i love reading your posts..your sense of style and humor is impeccable. May 2012 bring you much joy and success!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue