Saturday, December 31, 2011


It is almost here, 2012!! We all have been given the gift of another year.

I know some of you will read the words I have written here, others will just skim over the images. I hope you who have  taken the time too come by my blog today will take the, “TIME!” to read what I have written………

.....I look at my upcoming year a bit differently than I use to when I was younger. It is not so much about how much I will get done this year, or how much stuff I will get, but I look at the time I have been given as a gift.

I choose to use my time as a precious gift, and when I get the opportunity to spend time with my loved ones or friends, I am going to use my time wisely.

 I know it feels as if time goes by faster,but trust me we have same 24 hours as our ancestors had. What is different is how we choose to spend our time.

Life has taught me a couple of really good, and meaningful lessons about how I use my time, some were hard lessons and some were wonderfully pleasant lessons, but I did learn from them……..

One lesson, and the hardest lesson in my life, was taught to me at the age of twenty four when my Dad at the age of 47 died of a heart attack.

My world crumbled at that very moment. You see I was a Daddy’s girl, through, and through. I basically thought this man could walk on water.

Through losing him I realized at a very young age, that it was the sweet moments, the time I could never get back. 

I might have pictures, or gifts he had given me, but I never could get back the time, that precious gift of time to spend with him.

I remember thinking if I could just have 30 more seconds to tell him once again how much I loved him, and  how much I appreciated him, I would give up everything for those precious seconds of time.

I am not glad that my Dad died, but I can truly say I am glad that I learned how important it is to spend my time wisely when it comes to the people I love and care about. 

My other lesson was a happier lesson, and it came in the form of a little 6 year old boy. 

We had our boys, and their families here for some occasion, and all of the girls were in the living room talking about, design, hair, make-up and the latest fashions. 


I was in the middle of a story when my 6 year old grandson came up to me and asked me if I would play volley ball with him. I told him sure, just give me a few minutes to finish my story.

Source: via Kathy Sue on Pinterest

A few minutes to a little guy is an eternity, so of course he came back in a very short period of time. I stopped my story, and looked into those blue eyes and said, “Sure, Grammy will play with you!”

We went down the hall, got the beach ball and started tossing it back and forth down my almost thirty foot hall.

All of the sudden, that little guy came running down the hall, hugged me around the waist, and ran back to his end of the hall, and we continued our play. 

Not a word was spoken, but I knew! He was telling me how much he loved me, as only a small child could with such a heartfelt demonstration of love.

It was not hours, truly it was maybe 10-15minutes, but the point had been made. I put him, and spending time with him above everything else, and he knew without a doubt how much his Grammy loved him.

You see it is not the amount of time, it is the quality of time, and how you choose to spend your time that matters.

So with that my dear readers, I leave you with this……..

.....Time is a gift, we all get to choose how we will spend it, and who we will spend it with. 

I pray that this year you all spend your time wisely and lovingly with the special people in your lives……….

Happy New Year, and May God bless each and everyone of you with precious, precious “TIME!”!


Friday, December 30, 2011

Simple Ideas For A New Years Eve Table

My Christmas is almost officially over. My family has gone back home and I already miss them! We had a wonderful time throughout the Christmas Holiday with all of our family. One of the best Christmas's I can remember. I guess any Christmas that we can have all of our children together is the best!

I have some wonderful friends coming for a visit today so our celebrating continues. After our visit it will be time to take down Christmas and get ready for the New Year.

Are you all like me in that you can not believe it will be 2012?!! 

With that in mind I thought I would visit some fun New Year’s Eve party ideas.

I think I will start with one of my favorites. I love this for several  reasons. Anyone can do it, it is inexpensive, and it is easy to do quickly!!

The fun star studded numbers are placed on top of the corks of bottles!! How fun and clever!!

If you used any metallic wrapping paper at Christmas you can do this cute idea!! Cut round disc shapes and glue onto a string, and Voila!

If I were to do this I would use two disc back to back and glue the string between both disc so when the disc twirls you will not see the string, but  you will see the color and patterns of the paper.

Notice they used a silver and gold color scheme! They have cute little tin baking cups to hold their votive candles. Another simple and easy thing to do for New Years Eve!!

I love the idea of a simple toasting table with all you will need to toast in the New Year. I also think this color scheme is so pretty.

I think if you choose your favorite color, and add a metallic color to the scheme you are good to go right into party mode. 

A simple black and white scheme is also a wonderful choice for New Years Eve. I look at a black and white color scheme like a a well dressed man in a tuxedo. They always look sophisticated and sharp.

Since I love black and white I would add lime green to the scheme. I actually did a table one year for the New Years and for my son’s birthday since it is also in January. I chose to do a Chinese New Years theme………

I found some fun Chinese take-out ceramic containers that had wishes for the New Year on the front of each container. My containers had the words, Dreams, Happiness, and Good Luck for my New Years wishes!!

I chose to use small lime green mums and white buttons. I poked black enameled chopsticks to add height and architecture to the arrangement.

Doing like-flowers in clusters is such an easy way to do an arrangement. I actually entered this arrangement in a little contest that Eddie Ross was having, and I won!! That was kind of fun for me!!

Speaking of black and white here are a few more fun black and white ideas……

You can download a picture of a clock to make the little tag, and a whole punch used to punch holes in black and white paper will make great confetti. This would be a fun family project. The kids can take turn using the hole punch until you have enough packets.

This idea would have tied in beautifully with my Chinese take-out container table setting. Even if you can’t find the ceramic containers you can purchase metallic containers at Cost Plus. I keep them on hand to put goodies in for my guest to take home when needed.

This is a different take on the traditional poppers. Don’t throw out your toilet paper rolls. You can make these little token gifts for your guest. You can fill them with what ever little treats you would like.

What is your favorite color? Is it purple?

Source: via Kathy Sue on Pinterest

It looks as if this person used some of their Christmas decorations and made a wonderfully, sparkly New Years table.

If your taste goes more towards classic and traditional, how about all clear and crystal?

The use of clocks is so fun and I love this idea. Notice how they used wrist watches as napkin holders? I really can see myself doing something like this on a black table cloth!!! Love this idea!

Speaking of clocks…….

This person used clocks in silver, gold and creams and whites to add a whimsical touch to their silver and gold color scheme.

If you are clever and handy at baking these would be fun to try…….

Another clock!! This time it is the form of a plate!!

We usually stay home, and have a quiet evening for New Years, but however you decide to celebrate I hope it is  a happy and safe New Years for you all!!!!

“Enjoy the Process!” Of:

Celebrating a New Year to live your life to the fullest!!


Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A Big Surprise!

Christmas is over, but not for me!!! I get to celebrate for another week. My son that lives far away was going to be here late Monday night, and I was so excited because I have not seen them for four months. I have never been away from them that long. You can imagine how much I  was missing all of them.

We had Christmas eve here with my family, and then we took my Mom home on Christmas day and went to my Hubby’s family home.

We were all just about ready to eat when I went from the kitchen to the family room, and there stood my two Grandson’s with Mom and Dad right behind them, they said, “Surprise!!” I can not tell you how surprised I was. To be honest it was beyond surprised. My oldest Grandson said I looked like Macaulay Culkin in Home Alone. You know the scene where he puts both hands on his cheeks in complete surprise.

I cried, my husband cried, we were beyond excited and surprised!! I had my whole family together, and we had a wonderful meal at my Husband's Mom and Dads home!!

So If you don’t mind I will be enjoying my prolonged Christmas with my family for this week. Today we are going to have a Cousin day!! My little granddaughter is coming over to spend time with her cousins!!

Life is good and this Grammy/Mom, is one happy lady!!

intermission 02

I will see you all next week!!

xo Kathysue

Sunday, December 25, 2011



I am sending you all a great big Christmas Hug, and wishes for a wonderful day with your loved ones!
Thank you all for your faithful support of me and my blog. It means more to me than I can express!!

Love to you all,


Saturday, December 24, 2011

Our Christmas Eve Eating Marathon!!!

Today is Christmas eve, and I feel like a  little kid. I love this time with my family. I can’t wait to see their faces when they open there gifts. I just love giving gifts.  

I think if my kids had to choose between a gift, or their sock and ornament they would choose their sock and ornament.  Even when they were grown young men they would wake up in the middle of the night, and dump out their sock, and go back to bed until Christmas morning!! Oh such sweet memories.

I am just like the rest of you, and I have been cooking for two days to get things done. I thought I would share with you what we will be munching on throughout the day.

We are going to have:

Antipasti tray:

Veggie platter and Dip:

Fruit platter:

Pulled Bread:

Hot artichoke dip with a variety of crackers and sourdough bread:

The one pictured has spinach in it, but I use Paula Deens recipe.
The picture was too small so I used the above image!!

Just click on the link below  if  you would like to see her recipe. I highly recommend it and so does my family. I usually make a double recipe and they still ask for more.

Baked Brie:

Garlic Shrimp

We will hang out and relax, eat, visit, watch TV, eat, play games, eat, do a  Christmas puzzle and eat!!

Then we will have a late dinner of comfort food:

Baked ham

Ina Garten’s Mac and Cheese

Sorry for the small picture, but I wanted you to have the link for the recipe. Another family favorite!!

Balsamic Roasted Green beans with cremini mushrooms:

For dessert Mima’s apple pie!! Definitely a family favorite!!

So there you have it!! We will be pigging out , as the saying goes and enjoying every minute of it!!
I am wishing you all a wonderful Christmas Eve full of family and friends and lots of good food!!

Merry Christmas!
♥ Kathysue♥

Friday, December 23, 2011

And Then there were NO Lights!….

I thought maybe I had slept through Christmas, and it was all over, the lights were off and the gifts were no longer under the tree!!

Actually, what happened was………

Christmas tree 2011 001 (800x600)
It was like every other morning. The very first thing I do is open blinds, turn on the Christmas music, and then click on the tree lights.  We have one of those cords with the buttons you just step on, and the tree lights magically come on.

I stepped on it the lights flickered, I heard a psssp, crackle and a pop like a light bulb burst, then I smelled it, Oh my!!

After my hubby took all the gifts out from under the tree he discovered a fuse in the cord had burned up. It did its job by turning all lights off, but it also left a burned spot on my hardwood floor the size of a salad plate.

He proceeded to clean it off and as far as we can tell at this point it is just a little darkened. Whew!!!

Lessoned learned: We could not have prevented the fuse from going out, but it really made me realize why they always have the warning about not leaving tree unattended. There  have been many times that we leave them on when we leave, just so the house looks and feels happy when we return. I won’t be doing that anymore.

The lights are fixed and all is well with my Christmas world!! We are back on track!!

I will be busy cooking and dicing and chopping for tomorrows appetizers and dinner today. So I had better get going!!

Before I go I just wanted to share with you the dining room table make-over…….

We needed to add leaves in the table for Christmas Eve dinner so I used the same centerpiece, but it is reconfigured and has a new backdrop……..

Christmas dining room black 2011 001 (800x600)

Christmas dining room black 2011 006 (600x800)

Christmas dining room black 2011 008 (800x600)

Christmas dining room black 2011 013 (600x800)

Christmas dining room black 2011 018 (600x800)

Christmas dining room black 2011 019 (800x600)
 I loved using all white, but I must admit I think I actually like the black better. You know me and my black and white!!

I need to get off the computer and start my falalaing!!!

Kathysue is thoroughly,

Enjoying the Process
I hope you all are too!!!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

My Merry Christmas To All Of YOU!

It is almost here only three more days! When you really think about it, it is actually two more days until Christmas eve!! 

So much anticipation, and expectations evolve around this wonderful time of year. In fact so many, that we sometimes forget why we are celebrating.

I am very blessed to be able to spend time with my family all year long, but during the Holidays there is so much emphasis on on being together. Sometimes is not always possible for us all to be together.

I know there are many that won’t have there families around for the Holidays. I think it helps to not lose sight of what we are celebrating. The birth of Jesus Christ, and the precious gift of LOVE that God gave us on this very special day.

So whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza, or just the Holidays in general I think we all  have one thing in common, the celebration of LOVE of family and friends.

I thought I would show you where my family will be celebrating our time together on Christmas eve.

My 2011 Christmas Family Room

Before we take a look I need you to use your imagination.  Hear the soft Christmas music in the background? Smell the ham cooking, and the sweet smell of cookies, cider and hot chocolate? Okay! Now we are ready………

Christmas tree 2011 025 (800x600)

This is the place where we all hang out, watch TV, take naps on the sofa and just visit. It is a very cozy room for my family. Would you believe that mantel is 17 ft. long?! Whew! I am reminded of its length every time I decorate it!

Christmas tree 2011 027 (800x524)

See the green chair in the corner? This is everyone’s favorite place to cozy in. It is the type of chair that you start out sitting UP,  then you slowly find yourself descending downward into a comfortable almost reclining position!!

Also notice the little drummer boy pillow? I had to get him. Here is a close-up of his little profile….

Christmas 2011 027 (600x800)

I love silhouettes, but the main reason I purchased him is that his little profile looks almost identical to my middle son’s profile when he was a little boy. It had to be in my home this Christmas!!
Our tree is full of sweet memories…….

My youngest son’s very first pair of glasses. A sweet satin ball with his picture placed front and center adorned with beads and sequins that were placed by his little hands.
Christmas tree 2011 035 (800x600)

Christmas tree 2011 033 (800x600)

My youngest son’s first pair of shoes,  first ornament(dated 1977), and  his very first pair of glasses. 

My oldest son’s soccer buttons, and an ornament that was made out of a juice can top with red painted macaroni and glitter. It is crumbling, but it is still placed proudly on my tree.

Christmas tree 2011 041 (800x465)

A family picture of years gone by.

Christmas tree 2011 007 (697x800)

Christmas tree 2011 037 (600x800)

A sterling soldier that was my oldest son’s. When I gave him and his new wife his box of ornaments for their first tree, he handed the soldier back to me, and said, “ No, Mama this one belongs on the family tree!”

Yes, I cried because this was always his favorite ornament while he was growing up. The sweet face in the silver snow flake is his daughter. Believe me she is sweet beyond words.

Christmas tree 2011 034 (800x600)
In the far right is a picture of her Mommy and Daddy giving me the thumbs up for the gift I gave them that year.

Christmas tree 2011 004 (800x600)

Christmas tree 2011 040 (800x600)

A Styrofoam sequin gilded ornament made by my middle son. The other side shows a fish representing the symbol for Christianity. He knew even as a little boy how important Christ was in our home. 

There are pictures of him his very first year of Little League, a soccer button, and the little cherub with the kissable cheeks his youngest son. I think God gave him such kissable cheeks because he is a total love-bug, he gives the best hugs! The beautiful couple is his Mommy and Daddy!

Christmas tree 2011 007 (600x800)

My middle son gets rocking horses for his ornaments so I have this one on the tree representing his ornament. The cutie in the star is his oldest, and he is definitely a star in his Grammy’s heart……

Christmas tree 2011 057 (800x600)

Packages under the tree just waiting to be opened!

Christmas tree 2011 011

Christmas tree 2011 004 

Christmas tree 2011 065 (646x800)

The packages will have been opened,
our tummies will be satisfied and our
hearts will be full.

I am wishing your :
Sarah Christmas and mantel 2011 036 (600x800)
Christmas tree 2011 055 (800x600)
Christmas tree 2011 049 (800x600)
Christmas tree 2011 053 (800x600)
Christmas tree 2011 052 (800x600)

Merry Christmas To YOU and yours!
