Saturday, December 24, 2011

Our Christmas Eve Eating Marathon!!!

Today is Christmas eve, and I feel like a  little kid. I love this time with my family. I can’t wait to see their faces when they open there gifts. I just love giving gifts.  

I think if my kids had to choose between a gift, or their sock and ornament they would choose their sock and ornament.  Even when they were grown young men they would wake up in the middle of the night, and dump out their sock, and go back to bed until Christmas morning!! Oh such sweet memories.

I am just like the rest of you, and I have been cooking for two days to get things done. I thought I would share with you what we will be munching on throughout the day.

We are going to have:

Antipasti tray:

Veggie platter and Dip:

Fruit platter:

Pulled Bread:

Hot artichoke dip with a variety of crackers and sourdough bread:

The one pictured has spinach in it, but I use Paula Deens recipe.
The picture was too small so I used the above image!!

Just click on the link below  if  you would like to see her recipe. I highly recommend it and so does my family. I usually make a double recipe and they still ask for more.

Baked Brie:

Garlic Shrimp

We will hang out and relax, eat, visit, watch TV, eat, play games, eat, do a  Christmas puzzle and eat!!

Then we will have a late dinner of comfort food:

Baked ham

Ina Garten’s Mac and Cheese

Sorry for the small picture, but I wanted you to have the link for the recipe. Another family favorite!!

Balsamic Roasted Green beans with cremini mushrooms:

For dessert Mima’s apple pie!! Definitely a family favorite!!

So there you have it!! We will be pigging out , as the saying goes and enjoying every minute of it!!
I am wishing you all a wonderful Christmas Eve full of family and friends and lots of good food!!

Merry Christmas!
♥ Kathysue♥


  1. Hi Kathysue, I can see no one will be going hungry in your household!! Some of my favorite foods and you didn't even hit dessert!! You know how to roll out the good stuff, thats for sure. I have to try that dip and Ina's mac and cheese, my eldest sons favorite dish! All looks delicoius and that relaxing food fest kind of a day is pure heaven spent with those you love. Enjoy every minute and MERRY CHRISTMAS!

  2. Wow! The pulled bread and artichoke dip look amazing. I am totally inspired to rush out, get the needed ingredients and get to work. Merry Christmas to you and yours on this Christmas Eve and thanks for the much needed inspiration!

  3. You're making me hungry, Kathysue! Looks so yummy! Wishing a very merry Christmas and the happiest of holiday seasons to you and your sweet family, my friend!...hugs...Debbie

  4. You didn't let us know what time to be there, Kathysue!
    I hope that you and your family have a Merry Christmas.

  5. Hello Kathysue

    You organization amazes me. Such attention to detail.

    Wishing you and your family a Happy Christmas and goodness and joy in 2012Helenx

  6. KS you can tell all of the love that went in to each and every one of those 800 courses :) You're family is extremely lucky to have you, but you raised them right so my guess is they already know that! What a magical Christmas you are going to have!!! I'm happy for you and wish you all the best! xox

  7. OMGOSH- That looks SOOOO good! There is just so many choices it is hard to select a favorite...but I'd probably eat the whole thing of artichoke dip! xo Diana

  8. INCREDIBLE, as always, Kathysue! I just wanted to stop by one last time before the big day to wish you and your family a joyous Christmas!
    Hugs from your Canadian friend,
    Wendi xo

  9. This all looks delicious. I downloaded a couple of the recipes for future use. Thanks for sharing and a very Merry Christmas!

  10. Hi Kathysue,
    Looks like a wonderful Christmas eve. Have fun pigging out with your family! The food looks amazing! We are doing the same thing, only tomorrow! Merry Christmas my friend! xoxo Delores

  11. Wow, you are so fortunate to have family to share Christmas Eve with. Joe and I will have a very quiet evening, just the 2 of us. It's kinda sad that we have such a small family now. Tomorrow our daughter and all her in-laws will be here. Next year I am coming to YOUR house:):) Have a WONDERFUL Christmas! XO, Pinky

  12. *** OK, here I am, taking a "quick break" from prepping for tomorrow, and I sit here, diet Pepsi in hand, and plan to r*e*l*a*x for a few minutes... I come to my fave spot and look at what YOU'RE doing... NOW I feel like a reeeeal SLOUCH!!!! Eeegads! That's some GOOD LOOKIN' FOOD... and SO MUUUUCH!!! (Well, you DO have the "big boys" & grandkids, etc, so I guess it's a must... BUT, I still feel like I'm "underfeeding" my teeny group of 6!!!!!)...

    MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE, dear sweet one!


  13. happy Christmas ,dear Kathysue. It sounds like Santa has already made all you wishes come true.
    And to all a goodnight .

  14. Wow that food is fabulous. You look like and amazing chef. Sounds like your family will had a fabulous meal at Christmas. I am following you now and would love it if you would do the same.
    Carolyn xx

  15. I'm sitting here drooling over all they wonderful food. The Pulled bread looks delicious and so unusual. Gotta try that. Looks like y'all had a wonderful Christmas foodie marathon.

  16. Sounds like a feast....Everything sounds delicious! Enjoy!

    Happy New Year!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue