Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A Big Surprise!

Christmas is over, but not for me!!! I get to celebrate for another week. My son that lives far away was going to be here late Monday night, and I was so excited because I have not seen them for four months. I have never been away from them that long. You can imagine how much I  was missing all of them.

We had Christmas eve here with my family, and then we took my Mom home on Christmas day and went to my Hubby’s family home.

We were all just about ready to eat when I went from the kitchen to the family room, and there stood my two Grandson’s with Mom and Dad right behind them, they said, “Surprise!!” I can not tell you how surprised I was. To be honest it was beyond surprised. My oldest Grandson said I looked like Macaulay Culkin in Home Alone. You know the scene where he puts both hands on his cheeks in complete surprise.

I cried, my husband cried, we were beyond excited and surprised!! I had my whole family together, and we had a wonderful meal at my Husband's Mom and Dads home!!

So If you don’t mind I will be enjoying my prolonged Christmas with my family for this week. Today we are going to have a Cousin day!! My little granddaughter is coming over to spend time with her cousins!!

Life is good and this Grammy/Mom, is one happy lady!!

intermission 02

I will see you all next week!!

xo Kathysue


  1. What a wonderful surprise indeed!! So happy that your holidays were fabulous and sounds like that surprise visit was the icing on the cake! Enjoy the quality family time......Happy new year!

  2. What a wonderful Christmas gift!! Enjoy your week!


  3. Awww...that is the nicest story! So glad for you, Kathysue. Enjoy every minute of it!

  4. Sounds like the perfect Christmas gift. Enjoy the family time. xoxo-Susie

  5. That sounds like the best Christmas present ever! Enjoy your time with them!

    Kat :)

  6. Oh Kathysue, That is the BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Hugs and love!

  7. that is the best kind of surprise, enjoy your family kathysue
    best wishes for a blessed 2012

  8. Yeah!!!!! So happy for you girl! Enjoy.....

  9. Oh- Kathysue! I can't imagine a better gift than seeing family unexpectedly. Sometimes the ache in our heart for those that are missing is not fully realized until we see them in person. Blessings to your beautiful family. I hope you enjoy every single family moment, Macaulay! xo Diana

  10. I can't think of a better Christmas gift than having a surprise like that. Enjoy your extended holiday.

  11. oh Kathysue! What a wonderful, wonderful surprise!! You described it so well I felt like I was in the room too! Enjoy your time together....
    wishing you all a very Happy New Year!!

    p.s. thank you so much for leaving your "calling card"!

  12. Oh my dear friend - what wonderful news and the bestest surprise ever! I know you are in "high cotton" right now. (um...that means "happy" here in the South) LOL

    I am thinking of you and know you have the biggest, prettiest smile on your face that is possible. Enjoy every moment!

    Hugs, Barb

  13. That's the best kind of Christmas!

  14. How marvelous - what a wonderful surprise for you!! Wishing you and your family the most marvelous time together and a very Happy New Year!

  15. How wonderful Kathysue! I'm so happy for you. Have a wonderful week!

    My parents and my brother's family will be here tomorrow and I can't wait. It will be a belated Christmas, but I'm all for extended it a bit!

    Happy New Year!

  16. I know how you feel, Kathysue. My sons, daughter-in-law and grandson are visiting. I only get to see them twice a year now (except for Skype) so I am loving it. I know, like me, you will treasure every moment.
    All the best...Victoria


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue