Monday, December 12, 2011

Random Christmas things to do!!

Sometimes I find it easier to write when I am writing about a  particular subject, or at least have a theme in mind. Today I am going to do what I will call a random Christmas post.

I don’t know about you,but  I find my mind goes from gift buying, too wrapping, baking, and then back to decorating. 

I just love it when my mind spins.

I am at that point in all of my Holiday planning, and getting ready where I am tweaking, and tying up last minute details and truly enjoying it all.

With that in mind I am going to show some ideas that will involve a little of this, and a little of that. Are you ready for the ride on my random sleigh?  Here we go………..

I love, love this and it is definitely going to stay in my memory bank. Believe it or not,I am already thinking about my decorating for next Christmas. In fact I will write a post about it. I need to do that so I won’t forget!!

Did you know that you could have custom calligraphy gift tags made?! Me either!! I love this idea!!!

Mr. Goodwill Hunting did an impressive makeover on an old wing back chair, by painting it black,genius!! What I love the most about this chair is how he tucked the plaid throw under the cushion and then he embellished the front with a man’s suspender!! I love love this, it is so handsome!! Can’t you just see this in a library or den!!?

Mason jars with Epsom salts that look all frosty and snowy!!

Pretty darn cute, I must say!!


If you have teenagers, or older children they always love to get money. What a fun presentation!

With all the cold weather and cooking and baking that we all do this time of year,this would be a welcomed gift by any hostess or Mom!!

I LOVE this!! What a fun way to drink anything. I know any kiddo would love this!!!

Fun stocking stuffer!

Design your own watch! This is great for older kids!

Okay! that is enough randomness for a Monday! I need to get going on some random things of my own!!
Happy Happy Monday to you all!

“Enjoy the Process!” Of:

All the random things you get to do this time of year!



  1. Oh so many clever ideas Kathysue! Didn't you love Mr. GW's makeover, amazing!!! I love Christmas and have been having so much fun soaking up all these goodies from fantastic blogs like yours.
    Nancy xo

  2. love that money-tree idea! definitely going to use that one for my oldest grandson. Thank you!

  3. Most clever post I have seen all day!!!!!! I feel ashamed...I haven't put up my tree yet (coming on Wed.) and you are thinking about next years decorating? Wow I REALLY am behind!! Better get my butt in gear and fast!! All of these ideas are amazing..thanks!
    Going get busy decorating!

  4. Thanks fof all the great ideas, Kathysue. I love the star made of hazelnuts and the money tree. Very clever, and I love puns.

  5. *** He PAINTED that CHAIR?????????? Are you SERIOUS?????? Reeeeeally?!?!?!

    * The star of NUTS is driving ME nuts!!! Soooo delightful!!!!!!

    * All the ideas you shared (THANKS!) are wonderful, including the money "tree"... I don't really "LIKE" to give $, but "must" in some cases, as everybody else "must", so a NEW way to gift it to them is ALWAYS welcome!!!

    Enjoyed this, girlfriend!!! (My head's been spinning toooo, but I CAN'T CATCH U*P WITH IT!!! Hellllppp!!!!!)............

    Holiday hugs,

    Linda in AZ *

  6. My son always wants money, and that money tree was so clever!

  7. Fun post! I am a tad to frazzled to let my mind spin anymore and it is only Monday! LOL!

    Love the money tree, very clever!

    Happy Monday!

  8. Kathysue, The money tree is so clever. What a great idea..

  9. when things get busy, i calm down. go figure. i have a big evening to put together wednesday, and i feel relaxed even tho the list still remains long. loving all the images you posted full of inspiration!


  10. My head is spinning so I don't know if it's on or off...this was a fun always come up with the best. XO, Mona

  11. you have me looking forward to NEXT christmas......can't believe i wrote that!

  12. I'm loving that money tree! Do those come in adult sizes?? Lol!

  13. There are some really neat ideas here! I like the wreath in the first picture...very different but amazing! Love the Christmas tree made with money...if they were one's it could be called the Dollar Tree! lol!

    Happy Holidays, Kathysue!


  14. Kathysue, you always amaze me by finding such interesting ideas. I really like the star nut wreath. It really is quite clever.
    Fun post!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue