Thursday, December 15, 2011

A Perfect ♪♫ Falala♪♫ Day!

Yesterday I got to have what I call a ♪♫Falala♪♫ Christmas day. You know the kind of day that is just full of Christmas spirit and leaves you with the warmest, loving feelings inside.

Of course to have a day like this you need the proper ingredients:

Loved ones to be with
A place with Christmas charm
A joyful spirit

All ingredients were in place and the day began with picking up one of my favorite people. We listened to Christmas music as we drove to our destination. As the song goes, we were truly, “laughing all the way!”

We arrived at our destination, and received warm hugs, and kisses from a very special lady in my life, MOM!!!

Her home was all warm, festive, and cozy with a Christmas tree that she decorates with costume jewelry all rhinestones and pearls. It is so pretty and sparkly.

We all got back in the car to go to our special Christmas destination.

I pulled into the parking lot and went inside the office to find out where to go.The lady directed me to a large area where there was a huge sliding door with a  Christmas red handle.

I slid the door open and we all three gasped because this is what we saw…………..

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A sea of poinsettias!! WE were at the Duarte poinsettia farm where they have over 65,000 poinsettias in 35 different varieties. I have never seen anything like this before. I felt like a kid in a candy store!!

Sit back and enjoy the pictures. Try to  visualize three women that feel like kids in a candy store just full of awe!!

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This basket was huge and had at least three gorgeous plants in it and it was only $40!

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They had a variety of different containers for purchase with all different poinsettia, cyclamen and ferns. Something for everyone.

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This variety of poinsettia looks almost like a rose. It also comes in pink, which was so pretty! I thought of Elizabeth from pretty pink tulips and how she would enjoy a pink poinsettia!

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The three Christmas girls among all the pink poinsettias. We are as happy as we can be!!

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Mom enjoying the view!!!

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Oh what a beautiful view she had!

As I drove home I was thinking about the wonderful day with my special ladies, and God had one more show of color for me. Over Mt. Diablo the sky was full of ribbons of purples and pinks. It was as if he was saying, “ I have one more gift for your day that has been full of my glory!”

Yes, indeed I did have a blessed ♪♫♪Falalala♪♫♪ Day!!

Kathysue is:

Really enjoying the process of the wonderful Holiday season!


  1. LOVE this post!! I can feel the love pouring off the page, and I am not talking about hte love for the Though those are quite that double/triple variety, just bought one for my mother in law, its sooo pretty! What a special day to really rev up that Christmas spirit!
    Looks like a great day...jingle on!

  2. Kathysue,
    What a lovely post. Don't you believe that flowers contain magic power? They just bring happiness, always. This post has me smiling ear to ear as poinsettas equate to Christmas which equates to wonderful family moments. Here's to a wonderful holiday season filled with all things happy!

  3. I am in love with the Pink ones! What a lovely day with your Mom. Enjoy............or should I say Falalala! XO

  4. What a fun...and colorful day. My that sea of Poinsettias is georgous. What cute pictures of all of you.

    I just viewed your white dining room; how elegant and lovely. Isn't is fun to do different things each year? This is indeed unique, and so pretty!

  5. 65,000!!!!!! No wonder you gasped!

    You 3 are looking beautiful! I can feel the good energy all the way to Seattle!


    P.S Kathysue, I have not forgotten you! I am finally coming up for air after a few very busy weeks for my little store. Hip, hip!

  6. Hello Kathysue

    Oh what a glorious day you had with loved ones. Your mom looks happy and delighted to be in your company.
    I love days like that
    I just drove home through Clearwater Beach tonight and the lights were absolutely spectacular. I turned off the radio and rolled down the windows and enjoyed the salt sea air and magic.

  7. Kathysue, What a beautiful day! To spend time with your Mom and to see so many pretty poinsettias.

  8. Looked like the perfect day, Kathysue! Happy to see that the three of you had so much fun.

  9. Oh my goodness... those pink poinsettias are gorgeous!! What an incredibly beautiful place. So glad you got to enjoy all that beauty with your loved ones. Sounds like a wonderful day :)

  10. All so gorgeous...and the plants too!!!

  11. Kathysue what a wonderful Floral delight!! I love the variegated colors!

    Family time is so special at Christmas time!

    Come and enter the Grand Finale of 12 Days of Holiday Giveaways!!I know you will love it!


    Art by Karena

  12. What a perfect day! How gorgeous and festive. xo

  13. I have never seen such a perfect, pretty pink color of poinsettias before!!! Thank you for thinking of me when you saw them. I wish I had some - they would be perfect for my living room decor!!!

    So happy you had such a wonderful time with your mom!!!

    Warm hugs!
    xoxo Elizabeth


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue