Saturday, December 17, 2011

Down To The Wire CHRISTMAS Solutions


Can you believe it is only one week until Christmas!? I am amazed at how fast time is going by. I just love this time of year. I must say I have had a pretty wonderful season. It is about to get even better with the arrival of family!! Let’s face it, Christmas is all about being with the people that we love!
I plan on baking this weekend and taking care of some last minute details. Next week I like to call food week! Time to plan Christmas eve dinner and Christmas morning breakfast!
I am like the rest of you I have a few more packages to wrap, and last minute details, but all and all I am sooooo ready At least in spirit. I think I am worse than a little kid sometimes, I just love Christmas, and all the festivities that go with it!!
I am sure you all are either shopping, baking or wrapping today!! With that in mind I thought I would do a post with a little of all of the above!! These are all quick and easy things to do because I know time is running out!!


I don’t plan on doing a lot of baking because to be honest I don’t need to be eating what I bake. I have no will power when it comes to cakes and cookies, they are my down fall. I will be baking some because after all it is Christmas and I have others coming to my home that will expect a little treat or two. I thought I would show you some of the recipes that sounded like they would be worth trying that are fast and easy……………

These are a lot like the chocolate crinkles that my family loves, but with lemon. We love anything made out of lemon. Click on the source above to see the recipe, I think you will be pleasantly surprised at how easy these are. Definitely worth a try!!

Speaking of lemon! These cream cheese lemon bars are delicious! I made these for Thanksgiving. I did alter the recipe by making twice as much of the topping. It did not seem like enough topping for my liking. Another really easy recipe.

This is not a recipe, but more of  a presentation idea. If you are going to serve any kind of pudding how about lining plastic cups with cupcake liners to make it feel more festive. I love this idea. I made the crockpot pumpkin pudding recipe and it would be great in these. By the way the recipe is so easy and definitely worth making!!

I love to wrap gifts and I have my packages wrapped in black and white this year. Actually I plan my wrapping around a black and white striped paper I use all year long as my signature wrap. More on that in another post!

Since I love black and white this package really caught my eye. Notice the sweet tag. It is the special little embellishments that can make a gift feel custom. Love the glittered key too.

For those of you who love a Santa theme, these packages are adorable and easy to duplicate. Just look at the cute little furry puff on top!

So many of you seem to be doing a more rustic, nature inspired Christmas this year. I thought this would be a fun look under your tree, and so easy to do!
Here is another one for you……

Bay leaves and twine, how cute is this!?

Last minute shopping can feel a bit intimidating and hurried, but let’s face it, there is always something that we forget to buy with so much going on during the season.

I thought this was the cutest idea to take to a party or give to your neighbors as a little token gift!! It is all in the presentation!!

I think this would make a wonderful gift for a man. Let’s face it they are the hardest to buy for. Again, it is the presentation that makes this feel more special.
Here is another gift for your favorite man or a wonderful hostess gift…….

I love the idea of using a man’s shirt and closing it with cufflinks! Perfect!!

For the cook in your life, pick up a cookbook and wrap it like this!! Dish towels and wooden spoons, how clever!

No money needed for this gift! Just clever little tokens of love for a week. Write special notes to give to your loved one.

We all have teenagers in our lives and let's face it, they love to get money to spend on whatever they want. I thought this was a sweet idea to present it in a special way!
One more cute idea and then I need to scurry!! I have my own, baking, wrapping and grocery shopping to do……..

Merry Christmas! I hope you are all………

“Enjoying the Process!”


  1. kathysue, you are just brilliant. i took some great ideas from this fabulous post! the rustic wrapped gifts just make me swoon, and i'm thinking about taking the week of little goodies idea just a bit further--awesome inspiration!

    love to you.


  2. This is so chockful of great ideas but I must admit you had me at cream cheese lemon bars..holy moly I would gobble up the entire batch!
    What cute gift ideas above...especially the last one, I can off hand think of many a teenager who would LOVE to receive THAT gift!

  3. So many amazing ideas, Kathysue! Thank you! I love the shirt sleeve bottle bag, and will definitely be creating a few of these this year.
    Have a lovely Saturday!
    ~ Wendi ~ xo

  4. I love the gift ideas! They are always welcome, especially for those pesky hard-to-buy-for men! :)

  5. You've got some great ideas there - I LOVE the week pill container to use to put little love notes in - how clever!

  6. This is tooo many great ideas here. My son (19 years old) just wants money too and I love the last idea. I actually got a stack of 100 one dollar bills (new ones) and wrapped them up in a big box.

    I am still "enjoying the process."

  7. Wonderful ideas, Kathysue! I hope you have a wonderful holiday with all of your family!

  8. OMGOSH! I got some wonderful ideas from here tonight. At least TWO that I will use. I have to ask though-is there a recipe on your blog for those lemon bars? My mouth got all puckery-watering just looking at them. xo Diana

  9. Hello!

    Thank you for coming to Pine Cones and Acorns! I see that you rented an apartment in Paris in the Fall, I have been to Paris about 30 times so if you would like some suggestions for interesting places to vist let me know. I can give you a few tips!

    Thanks again for your kind comments...I will have many more posts on Paris in the next few weeks.

    Merry Christmas, Elizabeth

  10. So many fabulous ideas. Love that you use a black and white them and those Santa inspired bags are adorable. I have had a strand of the "white poof" for some time and now I know how to make the most of it!!!

    xoxo Elizabeth

  11. That is the reason I don't bake either! I can't resist deserts. If I do make something I give it away. Love all of those last minute gift ideas.


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue