Saturday, November 19, 2011

What to Serve For Thanksgiving Dinner

This is our last weekend before Thanksgiving to  pull together our dinner menus. If you all are like me, you already have family favorites that are always served.

Obviously roasted turkey, dressing and mashed potatoes and gravy will always be on the table.

However I do like to add a new dish from time to time. I will usually add a new side dish, salad or dessert to my menu.

I thought I would share some of the contenders that I am trying to decide on for this years dinner.

I like to have a green vegetable and what I call a yellow/orange vegetable.

This recipe looked and sounded really good to me………

Vegetables and Salads:
(you can click on any of the links below each image to go to the recipe)

Balsamic root vegetable cooked in a crock pot with a sweet glaze and a sprinkle of cranberries. Easy to make and won’t take up any oven space!!

 Roasted brussel sprouts with cranberry- pistachio pesto. I love brussel sprouts roasted in the oven. They get a wonderful crispness and the flavor is so much better when they are roasted. I love the idea of the pesto on top, Yum!!

Roasted balsamic green beans and mushrooms. I am starting to see a trend here……. balsamic vinegar must be on my mind or at least in my taste buds!!

Giada de Laurentiis’s roasted carrot and parsnips salad, with arugula and candied walnuts. This would kill two birds with one stone. Vegetable and salad all in one!!

Orange ginger glazed carrots. I love ginger and these sound so yummy to me!!!

We have all seen this stacked pair salad, so easy, but a beautiful presentation.

Now shall we move onto the fun stuff? Appetizers and desserts…..

I always do a cheese platter, but I think these would make fun additions.

Bruchetta, goat cheese, roasted grapes with rosemary.

Brie Bites. I think these would go really fast in my house!

Baked maple brie with pecans and cranberries. Boy oh boy, my mouth is starting to water, just writing about this stuff!!

Pear, goat cheese, walnut crostini.

My Mom will be making pies,but I like to offer a variety of desserts so I think I might do something simple. These looked interesting to me……….


Poached honey pears wrapped in puffed pastry.

While Mom is baking pies I might have her make me some of these to keep on hand in the freezer……..

I remember when she would take the left over pie crust and sprinkle cinnamon on it and roll it up and bake it. What a treat that was for us when we were kids. Did your Mom’s do that too?

Pumpkin pudding made in the crockpot!! I can just imagine how wonderful this would make the house smell!!! YUM!!

Caramel stuffed apple cider cookies.

Oh my!! On that note I need to stop. I think I gained ten pounds just thinking about all of this food. I am stuffed!!

What will you be serving your family for Thanksgiving dinner?

“Enjoy the Process!” Of:

Planning a special Holiday menu for your family and friends.



  1. This post is killing me with hunger pangs and its only 6am!!!!! I am in trouble....I always make a baked brie for both Thanksgiving and Christmas and make sure to serve plenty of other things to ensure there are leftovers (for me) the next day, its that good, the one I make is with cranberries, apples, loads of pecans and brown a pastry dough...yum!
    The veges look wonderful, I love any kind of green bean but do like the color that carrots brings to the table. You have some wonderful contenders there! Happy planning.

  2. Yummy! It all looks so good! I usually add something different to my menu, but this year I'm keeping it simple. I've got some picky eaters around my table and I've been disappointed in the past with new items. Maybe one day they'll grow up! ;)

  3. Wow! This foodie is drooling. I'm having some minor knee surgery in Tuesday so my husband and girls are cooking. I can confidently say our dinner will look nothing like your images! Lol! Have a good weekend.

  4. It all looks so delicious Kathysue.
    Even one dish alone would suffice for a meal.
    Wishing you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving

    Helen xx

  5. It all looks so good! My MIL is hosting this year, so I haven't had to think about the menu at all, but all of those look like they're worth a try. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Guess who I'm sending a link to this post to? My Husband. He is putting together the menu this weekend and a couple of the vegetable dishes look like winners!! Janell

  7. Oh my gosh...this post is making me hungry...I would love a plate of each of those appetizers and then a stuffed caramel apple cider cookie...This post certainly makes me want to start my shopping list!

  8. Oh Kathysue, these all sound so good. I love everything. I am with you, I just gained 10 lbs just thinking about it. Hugs, Marty

  9. Kathysue you have really done it!! Any of these dishes would add a special touch to your menu. I love glazed carrots and will have to try roasting Brussels sprouts.

    Any appetizer with Brie has me swooning.

    Of the deserts the pumpkin pudding ..oh yum! Yes my mother always baked us the leftover crust sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar

    Love and Hugs,

    Art by Karena

  10. I give up! I can't remember which ones I want to save. I am bookmarking this page so DO NOT MOVE IT, haha.
    I LOVE roasted brussel sprouts, and the maple brie- to die for.
    I hope that you are having a nice time getting ready for the holidays. Can't wait to see your table.

  11. Your post has my mouth watering. I love roasted root veggies and I have made both the roasted brussel sprouts with cranberries and also the ginger glazed carrots. Now I am looking at the images of desserts and you have my imagination racing.
    Thanksgiving is absolutely the,friends and good food. Is there anything better? I think not!

  12. okay, it's official Kathysue... we're coming to YOUR house for Thanksgiving!! All the photos look fabulous, I don't know how to pick just one from each catagory. You might have to make them all!!!

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

  13. These recipes are all wonderful {the pictures, too!}. I's love to try the Brussels sprouts recipe and the brie appetizer. I usually keep my vegetables simple because I spend so much time on the turkey, but I think it's nice to break out of the box once in awhile. What better time to do it?!

    Thanks so much for your suggestions on my centerpiece. I am definitely doing something woodsy and colorful to go with the dishes. Thanks again!


  14. Oh I am starving. Anyone of those would be fantastic! I am with roasted brussel sprouts. But some of those appetizers and deserts made my mouth water...I wanna come.....

  15. Kathysue- WHAT were you thinking when you posted these? Do you think we are made of steel? Do you know how my mouth is watering now- so bad that I fear I will drool into my keyboard and render it useless?

    OHMYGOSH! I love the gingered carrots and the pear that is sliced and stuffed...AND the caramel stuffed apple cider cookies look over the top. Saving these! xo Diana

  16. My goodness! These all sound and look wonderful. It will be hard to decide between them. The idea of using the crock-pot for something would really make things easier.

  17. I think I need to double my workouts this week!

  18. Your making me hungry right now. So many fabulous choices. We are so traditional that we have the same thing every year, However, I like to try one new has to be added to the standbys or everyone has a fit. I hope that you and your family have a great holiday. XO, Mona

  19. The Brie bites and stacked pear sale, and well everything really, look just amazing! You made me hungry, and excited to start cooking for my family! Xo

  20. OMG.....mouth watering...want to eat it ALL..........don't even care if I get a belly ache. YUM!

  21. Yum! Everything looks so good, Kathysue! In my family, the menu has been set...the same each is our tradition. Only the dessert varies. However, my BIL says we have perfected it, so why change? lol Love your Christmas countdown! Happy Sunday...hugs...Debbie

  22. We'll be having the brussel sprouts with cranberry!!! Plus mashed potatoes. And the pumpkin pie cheese cake is already in the freezer..., hard to leave it alone, haha! But I will!! Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

  23. Let me tell you, that dish with the green beans and mushrooms may make its way to my table this year!!! It looks so good! Plus my hubby is a huge mushroom lover (I just started liking them).


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue