Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sometimes We Just Need A Treat!!

I had a fun day yesterday. It was a cold rainy day so I decided to stay in and do some puttzing around the house.


I cranked up the Christmas music, and I proceeded to sort all the gifts I have purchased, and started wrapping and humming♫♪♫♪!!

I had the best day ever. Of course I did get a bit melancholy because this is the first year one of my son’s won’t be here, but I tried to focus on the good time his family will have getting a big box from the Big Brown Truck!!! I know I just love when that guy pulls up in front of my house.

Since I stayed pretty busy I tried to  fit in a couple of breaks and have a treat!!

I am going to highly recommend this treat to YOU, all of my readers. It is also something I like to have on hand for Holiday drop-ins!!!

I have always kept a supply of Trader Joe’s almond mini biscotti and enjoyed it immensely, but this by far surpasses  the almond biscotti.
If you have not had this before you must try it……….


Another plus it is only 80 calories, pretty good for a sweet treat.

One of these biscotti, and your favorite cup of tea or coffee =Love in a cup!

Speaking of tea I have two teas that I love to drink in the winter……


This tea has a spice, vanilla, citrus flavor. There is something about the addition of the vanilla that just makes this a wonderful mellow cup of tea with just hints of spice and citrus.

Peet’s only carries it this time of year so you can bet your bottom dollar I will be buying several boxes to last all winter. 

It makes a wonderful hostess gift too. In fact that is how I got my first box. A dear friend brought it tied up in a beautiful coppery brown satin ribbon. Boy, was it pretty on that blue box.

The other tea that I have been drinking this winter is Stash’s………..

Lemon-Ginger Tea

This tea has a strong ginger flavor so if you don’t like ginger you would not like this tea. I love ginger and lemon so it is a perfect mix for this girl. I squeeze a bit more lemon and a spoonful of honey and it is a perfect cup of tea.

So there you have it!!! This is what I treat myself with on a cold and rainy afternoon, with the fireplace lit, and Christmas music in the background.

Do you all have some fun little treats that you like to keep around for yourself and drop-in guest? Do share, we can always use more ideas in blogland!!

“Enjoy the Process” Of:

Whatever you are doing by adding a
biscotti and a cup of special tea!



  1. Kathysue, I am just so impressed with these moving pictures. So cool! I wish I could do this. Is it a program?

  2. Love your roaring fire. I'm not a tea drinker but the biscotti sounds divine. I have all my wrapping paper and supplies but that's as far as I have gotten! Not one present yet...I plan to start this week for sure. Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. What a delightful post, Kathysue! You're such a creative lady!

  4. sounds like such a lovely lovely day! can't wait to have one just like that, only there must be good cheese (and for me right now, that is a wensleydale with cranberries!).



  5. Love this post and those moving pictures are set such a cozy mood, gingerbread biscotti, I am so in. Your day sounded perfect, I love days like that, and cherish them when I get them.....

  6. Your animated pictures are all so fun. Such a cool post. So happy you had a great day. Hugs, marty

  7. Kathysee-
    Thank you for the roaring fire. It is hot here at the beach. 75 going to 81!
    Love these images, and the biscotti looks perfect.

  8. It sounds like a perfect afternoon. I just hooked up a stereo in our guest room where I'll be doing my wrapping this year-now I want some of that tea. Peet's coffee is one of my favorites, I didn't they had teas as well.

  9. This sounds like the perfect day! I have to say that I have been wrapping and playing Christmas music since October. I am a little weird about that but I also have a lot to get done so I have to start early.

    Have a great day! Love the images!

  10. Kathysue,
    Since Trader Joe's just opened in our closest "city," 100 miles away, I will be visiting tomorrow and will looks for this gingerbread pecan biscotti!

    Any other favorites at Trader Joe's?

    love that roaring fire!

  11. Hi, Kathysue! Oh how pretty this post is. I love those moving pics, how in the world did you do that? I must find some of those. That really gets you in the mood for a fire and something warm to drink. Your suggestions sound great. My sis and I are going to be getting some Christmas cheer ready at her house this week. Not as much as usual, but we have to do what we can! Happy Thanksgiving, my friend!

  12. Love the animated pictures and the biscotti!

    Wishing you a warm and joyous Thanksgiving to you and your family!

    P/S: Come by and enter my current giveaway for a chance to win a $65 gift cert (for some pretty designer pillows) if you like!


  13. The biscotti sounds delicious! I keep my oven going for most of December cranking out Christmas cookies, so I tend to always have something for my tea table when guests drop by. My favorite winter tea is Harney & Sons' Holiday Spiced Tea. Love the moving pics! Thanks for sharing.

  14. The moving pictures are so cool. How do you do that? Here in SW Florida, where it is sunny and in the 80's, I am enjoying a roaring fire vicariously through you. You are a clever one, my dear. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving week. I look forward to seeing your centerpiece and place settings.

  15. Your post just cheers me up every single day and reminds me that every day is a precious gift from God. These recipes look fabulous and since I have to cook for 30 Cash's, they give me fresh new ideas!! Beautiful photos! Beautiful blog - beautiful blog author! Jeanie

  16. THose images are so amazing and heartwarming. Even though it's supposed to be almost summer here in Sydney, it's cold and rainy and that was just the pick me up I needed. Lovely.

  17. The biscotti look delicious but since I try my best to avoid gluten, they are on my no no list. However, the lemon ginger tea looks like a must have!!

  18. Sounds like something my hubby would love! Thanks:)

    And I must say something about these images too! So cool! I need to figure out how to work my fireplace (sad, I know!).

    Also, good thing I'm not the only one listening to Christmas music!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue