Thursday, November 10, 2011

Thanksgiving thoughts and Thrifting

I am trying to move forward with my ideas for my Thanksgiving table. I decided that I would like to use some pewter on my table.

I went thrifting with a friend and I was so pleased that I actually found a few pieces. I still need more to get the look I am going for, but I think this is a great start!! I love, love the barley twist candlesticks. I think I really lucked out to find these.

Thanksgiving Table 011 (600x800)
By setting up this little vignette I can tell that I will need the box that will be holding my arrangement  to be a dark espresso colored stain.

I thought I had it all figured out, but as luck would have it, I do not have the old wood from my fence that was recently taken down. It got hauled off, and now I need to re-group and find an alternative. I have something in mind, hopefully this will keep me on track!!

I find it helps to lay out elements together to see what completes the picture. I always group items together first to see what will work and what will not.
Since I like to keep my elements tight I think I am on the right track with the color scheme of:

Dark lime
Dark espresso

I need to get off the computer and see if I can track down what I need for my Thanksgiving Table.
 List of To Do’s:

  1. Iron white linen napkins, spray with lavender water
  2. Iron table cloth
  3. Decide on side dishes and desserts
  4. Get out serving dishes and utensils for all items to be served.
  5. Purchase some Rosemary for arrangement and napkins.
  6. Order fresh produce from grocer to use in arrangement:

Green apples
White mini pumpkins


I will keep you all posted on how I am progressing. My mind is spinning with Thanksgiving and Christmas ideas. I just love this time of year!!!!


“Enjoy the Process!”Of:

Making progress on your
 Holiday plans!


On another note: My home is being featured with two other bloggers on Wendi's blog, "Classic Chic Home!" Wendi is a designer and a wonderful writer. I know you will enjoy what you see and learn on her blog. Be sure to tell here Kathysue sent you!!


  1. Those colors are perfect! Lime is my favorite, can't wait to see it all put together!

  2. Love the direction you are headed in!! You are so organized...I am impressed Kathysue and your table sounds like its going to be AMAZING!! I can hardly wait to see it all come together, something about that green is sooo beautiful!

  3. I love your pewter pieces and color scheme and that you're so orgainzed. I've gotten 'off track' but I knew you'd get me back on track for Thanksgiving. Thanks for being so organized. :)

  4. Hi Kathysue

    I love pewter and you are getting a nice collection here.
    We are fortunate to be invited out for Thanksgiving. Christmas will be my turn.
    Helen xx

  5. Beautiful setting. Lime is the perfect color!

  6. I love where you are going with this, Kathysue...such pretty combinations of color and texture! Hope you are having a great week!...hugs...Debbie

  7. I can´t wait to see your table all set

  8. Now this is a fresh color combo for turkey day! I love your candlesticks!!! I have a pair of barley twist in wood...wanna trade?!

  9. Kathsue, I need to be more organized. That is on my to do list. I am very impressed! Cant wait to see your Thanksgiving table and I saw your home over at Wendy's. Looks great!

  10. I can't believe you went out to find some pewter and actually found those great pieces. So lucky! They ate beautiful. I can't wait to see what you make now that the old wood is gone!

  11. Kathysue,
    I love the ideas, it will be fun to see your final table. I recently stumbled upon some pewter at a nearby thrift store for a song. How great.
    Have a good weekend.

  12. love the lime green and dark espresso combination

  13. loving your plan!

    congrats on the feature!


  14. Loving it so far, I cant wait to see the end result. Your table from last year was stunning!!

  15. buckets of design talent and amazing organizational skills, i admire you kathysue!

  16. I love your stunning color pallette. It's so elegant...

    Stop by for a visit. I'm hosting my first giveaway, a "little black dress"...


  17. Kathysue, I remember your table photos from the last couple of years and also remember how stunning they were. I am looking forward to seeing what you will create this year. I have a feeling it's going to be outstanding! XO

  18. Hi Kathy Sue: Congratulations on your feature at CCH, I will have to take a gander. I'm trying to keep up with blog and website. Have you seen it? It has been a great deal of fun, but I miss getting to all the blogs I love. The girls and I are going to Paris to see my youngest who is having a ball in school, so I get a hall pass this Thanksgiving. I'll be sending lots of photos of our visit, though.

  19. That picture with all the things on her mind is like me...only every day! I can tell you are much more organized than I am :) I am agreeing with you on how much effort to spend on both tables. I have solved that one...I am spending Thanksgiving at my neighbors!

  20. Love the direction you're heading with your table. Love the addition of pewter too. You are way ahead of me girlfriend! I will probably end up doing exactly what I did last year! Heading over to see your home featured at Classic Chic Home!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue