Sunday, November 13, 2011


Which one should I be thinking about?

I am finding myself so torn between planning for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I seem to be juggling them back and forth in my mind.

This morning I spent some time looking at Thanksgiving menu ideas, and then I found myself on-line searching for a particular element I plan on using in my Christmas décor this year. If that wasn’t enough I also was planning on how to wrap my Christmas presents!!  I also did some on-line shopping for gifts!  Oh My!!!

I must admit I do love when my mind is spinning with ideas. It is so rejuvenating! I do find that I have to leash my thoughts in a bit, and organize them. If I don’t I begin to feel overwhelmed instead of being able to, “ Enjoy the Process!”

Today is a great day to shop on-line and just think about the upcoming holidays. I need to finish this post so I can get back to my minds spinning activities!!!!

What is your mind full of today?
I hope you are…….

……..“Enjoying the Process!”

Be sure and read the comments below!
My friend Yvonne from Stonegable blog calls this mind spinning process:
I definitely have been Holidated!!


  1. Kathysue,
    I know what you mean! I think these 2 favorite holidays are too close together.
    Here is what I propose... move Thanksgiving to the 1st or 2nd Thursday in November and totally do away with Halloween ( I am not a scary type gal). That way all of fall can be preparation and a venue to celebreate Thanksgiving and then we will have much more time to enjoy and celebrate Christmas without "cross-holidation" as I have named it!
    What do you think?
    Very though provoking post!
    I have been doing some blogkeeping and just added you to my blogroll! It's about time. Your beautiful blog is such a joy to visit!

  2. Thank you so much Yvonne!! I am so glad you enjoy your visits here!! I know I feel the same way about your lovely blog!! I agree with your theory on cross-Holidation!!
    xo Kathysue

  3. Kathysue I love this post and Yvonne's new word. Cute! So very true...:)

  4. I'm with you- Mind a-spin with everything going on...and Holidays upcoming. Add to that the fact that they are going to induce labor for my daughter on Tuesday morning and I am beside myself with all that is happening! xo Diana

  5. Hi Kathysue,
    Our Thanksgiving in Canada is in October, so I don't have to deal with juggling two holidays at the same time.
    I've been spending the day sorting my Christmas decorations to see what I need to buy this year. I bought some items on clearance last year after Christmas, and it looks like I've got everything covered!
    Have a lovely Sunday, Kathysue!
    ~ Wendi ~

  6. Hi Kathysue, this post gave me a little bit of envy and heart I am nervous about the holidays literally being around the corner, then with our pending move, its got me a little frazzled. That said love all of your holiday inspirations, especially that fig tart, I copied about a beautiful dessert. WOW!
    Good luck with all your planning, I know whaever you come up with is going to be fabulous....and I cannot wait to see it!

  7. Hi Kathysue,
    It is hard to decide which one but for me it's definitely Christmas.
    I had to plan way ahead for my booths and people are buying already.

    Lovely photos.


  8. Yes, it is a busy time, I woke up this morning with thoughts of Christmas decorating floating around in my head and planning the menus for various dinner parties. Once the decorating is done it is so much fun to share it with friends.

  9. I don't mind when the decorating ideas overlap in my mind, but the thought of christmas shopping would put me over the edge right now!

  10. I am trying to savor each one because it will be New Years before we know it! But I do have those "plans" in my head rattling around.

  11. I save Christmas for the day after Thanksgiving-----no exceptions. Other wise i can hardly sleep at night.

  12. i know, i know......keep checking the calendar and both major holidays are looming large! unfortunately with those limitations our thoughts encompass both. YIKES!

    we highly anticipate your gorgeous decor and details, i too loved that fig tart, gorgeous

  13. You must have read my mind because I have been thinking and feeling the same thing! Though I believe you are much further along in the process than I am. I just totally realized that Thanksgiving is next week!! I always enjoy the process of reading your blog. Thanks for sharing!

  14. *** My dear pal, you ALWAYS bring fresh, beautiful, new ideas, for everything (!), directly to the table matter WHAT you do, it's always wonderful!!! (HONEST!)... AND, I think it's all so wonderful in PART (a BIIIIG part!) because you plan & put soooo much of YOURSELF & your BIG HEART into it all for your family n' friends & all those you love!!!

    (Plz note~~~ I always look forward to seeing what you're planning/"up to"!!!)...

    Great photos today~~~ many thanks!

    Linda in AZ *

  15. Lovely images, Kathysue. I love the wreath and the colors of gift wrap. I spent most of today Christmas shopping for my grandson. He is only 16 months old, so it is all fun.

  16. Hi Kathysue,
    I find it very hard to focus on Thanksgiving with my favorite holiday right around the corner, but am trying to "enjoy the process" and stay focused. It must be a universal problem!

  17. P.S. That FIRST PIC is soooo heartwarming and lovely and CHARMING!!!!!!!!! Linda

  18. I would like Tgiving in Oct when the Canadians celebrate it. Then we could move on to thoughts of Cmas! I love Tgiving, but I don't host it anymore. I still do a lot of the cooking, but don't decorate as no one is coming.
    So I do find myself thinking Cmas!

  19. Not living in the US I can offer you no words of wisdom, but I just wanted to say how nice it is to be able to decorate for any seasonal theme, and how much fun it is to do so. Plus to say how delectable that fig tart looks. MMMMM....Virginia xx

  20. I have my mind on Thanksgiving but it keeps reverting to Christmas as there is so much more to do for the latter. Last night I mentally planned my Thanksgiving table and went online to order some bits and pieces for it. I am using my Winterberry set of dishes that I bought on sale after Christmas last year so it's been fun to accessorize. Any suggestions for a centerpiece?


  21. I am full steam ahead with the Christmas decorating. I have had visions of sugarplums dancing in my head since October...gotta get ready for that tour..I enjoy your blog..I work better under pressure, so the T-Day planning will have to wait till next week!..Just hope that glitter does not get into the turkey!

    Shirley S.
    Housepitality Designs

  22. I've been thinking about Christmas. I won't be doing any decorating until after Thanksgiving, but I've definitely been spinning some ideas around. My MIL is hosting Thanksgiving this year, so while I have autumn decor out, I haven't really had to think about a Thanksgiving tablesetting. It's tough not to start dragging out the Christmas stuff to help me brainstorm ideas, but I'm a strict post Thanksgiving Christmas decorator.

  23. I don't know how you guys do it in America - how do you manage to stage two such involved and similar celebrations so close to each other? We don't have Thanksgiving here, and sometimes I wish we did, but not so close to Christmas. How do you turn around and do it all again a few weeks later!

  24. I feel that every year the holidays get pushed earlier and earlier. Halloween candy shows up in the stores in Aug. Malls start decorating for Christmas by the end of Oct. To me, Thanksgiving gets sort of overlooked because Christmas overtakes it. Although, I do have to admit I've fantasized about putting my tree up already!!! xo

  25. Since we will not be back in our house for either holiday I am not overly inspired this year but I did have fun last night working on our holiday photos....and I have a pumpkin cheescake recipe I am hoping to try at Thanksgiving. Next year I want to go all out for both!

  26. I'm a post Thanksgiving Christmas decorator as well. Wish I could put my mind on hold too! I am "delegating" more this year than previously -- asking family members to bring significant dishes for Thanksgiving: d-i-law is doing the turkey and stuffing (yeah, I don't have to wrestle Tom and worry about dryness); daughter is doing all the vegie dishes (those really eat up time but everyone loves vegies in this family so she can just give them a whole lotta love), etc. As a whole family (everyone is raised, have families of their own now), we draw names for Christmas gifts and we put a low cap on the amt for each gift so these are heart-gifts. Lowering expectations, decorating less with more attn on beauty gives me more time to bake the favorite cookies while I listen to favorite Christmas music. My happy change: we order out for PIZZA on Christmas eve, make a big salad, and soak in the peace of what is for us a sacred time of year. Finally, I am getting closer to surviving the holidays! But I still vote for rescheduling them further apart! This is just not FUN enough!

  27. I love Yvonne's idea. That would give us more time to enjoy our surroundings. A lot of work decorating our homes for the holidays! Who wants to tear it down so soon.

  28. Having been busy sending winter designs out for the past three months, I'm all holidayed out and it's not even Thanksgiving! Thank goodness my in-laws host that affaor so that I can focus on Christmas decorations...

  29. Oh I feel ya! I have been getting things together for Thanksgiving while coming up with my color scheme for Christmas! Ahh, the life of us bloggers:)

  30. Great images! I love the designer wrapping :-)

  31. The ideas may be spinning but you're probably far ahead of the rest of us where planning is concerned. I generally get all of my decorations out, start putting them up THEN decide what else I need to buy. I'm really looking forward to see what you put together for both occasions.

  32. Our pastor calls this time of year Hallothankmas and I think that fits perfectly. You can hardly get to Halloween anymore before the Christmas commercials are on tv!

    I'm with you, though, my mind is spinning with both holidays at once.

    Take care,


  33. Hi Kathysue! Aaahh! The holidays are coming and I'm not nearly ready. My girls have already decorated their bedrooms for Christmas and playing carols and I am wondering how I'm going to get through Thanksgiving with my husband cooking a turkey (he's so not a cook) because I'll be recovering from minor knee surgery next week. I think that run-on sentence conveys my panic! Your images are just gorgeous and inspiring. This was a bit of a holiday escape -- thank you!! Carol (formerly Sofas&Sage)

  34. My mind is full of birthday thoughts and family room makeover plans today :-) Our Thanksgiving was last month, so it's easier to focus on just Christmas. Although I don't really start doing that till about December 1st.

    Why not put out some of your Christmas decorations now, but dress them up with some Thanksgiving decorations for now? Then you have the best of both worlds :-)

  35. I love Yvonne's word!!! I can't seem to focus on either...what's the word for that??? Help :)


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue