Saturday, October 8, 2011

My Home Sweet Home

As many of you know I just had two of my blogging friends here visiting me in California for five days. As they entered my home they both remarked on how different my home looked in person. They had an idea of what it looked like through the images I had posted on my blog and in the Puttzer chatroom. I was surprised at how surprised they seemed to be.Well not really since I am not very good when it comes to taking pictures.

They said it was larger, more open, and brighter and lighter in person.
I am so glad they got to see it in person, but more importantly I am glad I got to spend such a fun time with them for five days!!

Since they seemed so surprised and I needed to add images for my navigation bar above I thought I would do a post that took your through my home. It is a bit lengthy and full of pictures. I hope you enjoy!!!


Welcome to my sweet little piece of California Suburbia. I live in a 1970's ranch. We are the original owners, and this little home has proved to be a wonderful place to raise our three son's. It is now the home that our grandchildren come to visit, Grammy and Papa.

 This is where I sit in the mornings listening to my fountain and birds as I drink my first cup of morning coffee.

The impatiens love their spot under my bay window to the left of the porch.

You enter into my home through a full French door. I love the wonderful light that streams in first thing in the mornings.

Welcome!!!! If you look to your left you will step down into my living room with the bay window that you saw from the outside of the house...........

This room was called, "The quiet room," when I was raising my boys. We read books in here, played the piano,which has a new home now, and good visits with family and friends. I use every single room in my home!!

As we step back up into the entry we will be going to the right where we will be entering the area where we do most of our living and entertaining..........

 You can see the kitchen breakfast bar through that door. The kitchen dinette will be on your right and the U-shaped kitchen will be on your left as you enter............

It was amazing to me what a little bit of molding and paint could do to transform my 1970's kitchen into the sweet vintage look it has today. It is one of my favorite rooms to be in.

 We took out the overhead fluorescent light box (remember those?, what were we thinking back then?)
By adding stacked moldings and a vintage chandelier from the 1940's it looks totally different.

 We purchased two new glass front doors and added lighting inside. The back of the cupboard is covered with mirror for more reflection and a window-like feel. I have great fun changing out my dishes for the different seasons.

This is the look of my kitchen cupboards for the majority of the year, since all white dishes are what I use on a daily basis.

 As you continue through the kitchen you will enter into my family room. It is truly a "family" room!!

If you need to use the guest bathroom you will go back through the kitchen and you will see it straight ahead of you......

 As you continue down the hallway the first door on your right is the play room for my grandkids. It is a favorite hang-out and a great place to read books and sleep, especially in the nook with the curtain pulled. It is like their own private tent.............

 If you continue down to the end of an almost thirty foot long hallway you will enter my Master bedroom. I love to sleep in this cozy room. I am a big fan of the ocean and I wanted my room to evoke the feeling and colors of the ocean waves. I must admit I think my blood pressure lowers upon entering this room............

That is the end of our tour, but not the end of my time, "Enjoying the Process," with my loved one's in our little California suburban home.

I hope you enjoyed your visit here,



  1. Hi Kathysue! Your home is so beautiful. I can tell you have lovingly cared for it over the years.

    Having moved so many times myself in our married life, I can't imagine how wonderful it must feel to be really "HOME" and have poured so much love and beauty into every nook and cranny! :-) What a blessing to have a family home to cherish!!

    xo & blessings,

  2. Hi Kathysue...

    Ohhh what fun! I sooo enjoyed the photo tour of your lovely home, my friend! Everything is sooo gorgeous! I agree...your home has a very open feeling and it's full of beautiful light! I have to tell you...I just oooh and aaah...everytime I see your gorgeous marble floors, my friend! I love the color scheme that you have chosen and I also love that you have taken it throughout each room of your house! Of course I have loved your kitchen for quite sometime now...and I love, love, LOVE the guest bath! It is still one of my favorite baths...that I've ever seen! Ohhh..and then there is your master bed and bath...another one of my "all time" favorites, my friend! I'll never forget when HGTV showcased your fabulous bath on their site!

    I bet you had loads of fun with your friends. I think that one of the reasons that your home may have looked so different to them in because you only get a "bird's eye" view through photos. When you step into a room...your eye takes in a whole. It does make a difference! Anyway...thank you again for sharing your gorgeous home with us, dear lady! This was such a treat!!!

    Warmest wishes,

  3. It's beautiful, Kathysue! I have also tried to imagine the layout and how it looks as you walk from room to room. I have found that no photos do justice to the lovely homes of bloggers that I have been so fortunate to our Barb. :-) However, your photos certainly help me to see it more clearly in my mind! Hope you have had a wonderful weekend!...hugs...Debbie

  4. Your home is so lovely from start to finish. I love all the fine details that you have used to make each room special. I have a silly question though... do you have a shower curtain that hangs in the guest bathroom? I know that is silly to ask but I am about to redo my guest bath and wanted to see what you did! Thank you and thank you for sharing your gorgeous home.

    P.S. Your bedroom calms me just looking at the pictures! It is perfect!

  5. Hi Kathysue,
    thanks for taking us on a tour of your beautiful and welcoming home.


  6. That was lovely - thank you for sharing. Sally

  7. Hi Kathysue

    Thank you for taking us on a tour of your beautiful, welcoming home.
    I love your marble floor and the toile in the bathroom is truly beautiful.

    How lovely to have had two friends visit and I am sure you had much fun
    Helen xx

  8. Thanks for the tour. I love all the colors, it's very relaxing. I bet your grandkids love that reading nook !

  9. Your home is perfect!!! You can totally tell it is a labor of love -- the loves shines through in every room!

  10. Kathysue-
    Your home is beautiful and full of personality! You have done a lovely job of decorating!
    Thank you for taking us on this tour.
    Have a nice evening.

  11. What a lovely tour. Your home has the gathered over time look. Everything is chosen with care and it shows your passion for design. Thanks for sharing. Happy Sunday!

  12. What fun this was! It is so beautiful and expresses your wonderful taste and decorating skill. I really don't know which room I like the best because it is all so nice.(-:

  13. There is only one thing that I can tell that is missing from these pics - well two, and that is you and Doug. The most important factors for why this home is so warm and welcoming.

    I cannot believe how special you treated Jeanette and I. I will never forget it. The wonderful breakfasts, the fluffy towels, the flowers in our rom. A B&B would not have been one bit better.

    I especially loved our nights out on your back patio with coffees and a fire in the chiminea. Perfect in every way - just like your beautiful home!

    Love you my friend!

  14. What a lovely, welcoming, fresh, light-filled home! If my husband and I EVER settle down long enough, I'd love to create a home with the same restful feel. Thanks for the inspiration.

  15. Beautiful home! LOVE all the blue & white ginger jars, plates, etc. Where did you buy all your blue & white pieces?

  16. Kathsue, Your home is beautiful. There are so many elements that i love about it. Your bathroom is so charming. I have a thing for black and white. Thanks for sharing your home.

  17. I was just looking at this post for the third time :) and had to comment again to tell you how much I LOVE your master bathroom. The tile work is absolutely beautiful Kathysue!
    Xo Stacy

  18. Wow! Kathysue, your home is beutiful I'd seen details through my reading of your blog, but seeing the whole thing together, is amazing! I absolutely love all the charming details you have all around the house. Tha master bathroom is breathtaking. You did an amazing job =D


  19. It is beautiful, charming, inviting, cozy and welcoming all at the same time. I love all the blue and white (of course) the quiet room, the fun room you recently finished for the grandkids, your master and bathroom....and that black and white bathrooms' vanity is amazing! Thank you for taking us on a little tour...that was fun, love all your special touches!

  20. You have a gracious and lovely home, Kathysue! I love your soft color palette and your amazing attention to detail.
    I don't think pictures can every truly capture a home's presence, because it only appeals to one of our five senses.
    Thank you so much for sharing your home with us!
    ~ Wendi ~ xo

  21. kathysue, you had my heart at stripes and toile! beautiful, donna

  22. Kathy Sue,

    Thanks for sharing your lovely home! Your style shines through and the rooms have such a comfortable collected feel. Your obvious attention to detail makes each room feel lovingly curated.

    Cathy @ Room Rx

  23. Kathysue your entire home room by room is beautifully done. It's light, bright, airy, welcoming, classy and elegant all in one. I love it! Thank you for sharing the photos. I soaked in every detail. I adore your striped rug in the family room. It looks fabulous.

    Warmly, ~Melissa :)

  24. So lovely taking your wonderful tour. You've done a marvelous job and most importantly it is clear that your home is not just a haven for you but a welcoming place for both your family and friends.

  25. I loved the tour of your beautiful, inviting home. My favorites are your dining room and the reading area complete with privacy curtain.

  26. You have a lovely home...such beautiful style!
    Have a wonderful day~
    Lisa Moran
    Bilancia Designs

  27. Kathysue, your home is very beautiful and inviting. My favorite room is the dining room, the master bedroom and the playroom. I love the colors and details in each of these rooms. You truly did a marvelous job transforming a house into a home!

    Your home looks very comfortable and it seems to say, "Please stay a while" to every one who stops by.

    Thanks for the wonderful tour, Kathysue.

    Have a lovely weekend!


  28. Congratulations on a superb and beautiful home. The color schemes, the arrangement, the placement of each element in your home’s décor is pleasing to the eye. What’s more the overall effect is one of warmth and serenity.

  29. Thanks for sharing your beautiful home. I haven't see it all before. Have a great week,

  30. what a lovely and cozy home kathy sue!

    particularly love the dining room and kitchen, and the bath oh, i love the little nook in the guest room. one your home always so immaculate?


  31. Kathysue,
    Your home is so warm and inviting. I love all the blue and white pottery, the marble floors, the kitchen ceiling detail, the "killer" guest bath (I want the gingerbread trim). And your bedroom is perfect. You are right; my blood pressure would lower in that room too. The color of the walls and the furniture style evokes calmness. Did I forget to mention the landscaping? Perfect. Congratulations on a great job.

  32. Your home is beautiful!

    Kudos on your white appliances and white tile kitchen counters. It seems that everyone "must" have stainless steel and granite these days. I've reached the point where I totally dislike granite countertops - no sense of individuality!

    Your home reflects light, love family and happiness!

  33. Kathysue, your place is just beautiful! Hope I can do a good job on our 1970's reno - I'd love to keep the warm and homey feel that your home has!

  34. What a beautiful home you have! I enjoyed the tour! Thanks for sharing!


  35. *** KS, I canNOT believe this!!!~~~ I have DELETED my comments FOUR (yes, 4!) times, and I'm ready to bop myself on the head!!! (I'm wondering, tho, if it's the new allergy medication I'm trying that's "goofing me up"! Hmmmm...)~

    BUT, at any rate, I just wanted to THANK YOU for this wonnnnderfully delightful posting of your beautiful, charming home... It speaks volumes about YOU, and now I feel like I reeeeally "know" you... The warmth and the FEELING of your home PROVES that you are a warm, gracious and beautiful woman...just like this wonderful home!

    Your house too, reminds me of my sister's terrific neighborhood in Fullerton.... and THAT neighborhood reminds me of the fabulous street of homes in "FATHER OF THE BRIDE"!!!

    Again, thank you... Sending warmest & best wishes, kiddo!

    Linda in AZ *

  36. *** P.S. I can't BELIEVE you've lived there since '70!!!! How LUCKY your kids are to come home to you, and a home that's the one they grew up in! WOW! We moved 26+ times in 38 years, so I VERY MUCH "ENVY" those who have had a "permanence" like that in their lives... I'm not complaining, tho.. Jim's career as an Army Officer was demanding, yes, but boy!!! Some of the places we lived were sooooo wonderful & exciting !!! (And vacations were incredibly magical at times!!!). XO, Linda ***

  37. Utterly charming and unique. I love the things you have done to make your house a home. Thanks for sharing.

  38. Hi Kathysue, thank you for the inspiration. Don't know if you know how much I love green, but I adore how you used it in your home. The kitchen cabinets are to die for in my book, and the stripes on the wall, too. I often think my first floor is just too green, as it is in every room, but i love the flow and feel of it -- seeing your home, where you use it in some form in almost every space, is very validating because I think it looks so gorgeous! Your home is so lovely and real. I thank you for sharing it! :)

  39. Kathysue, I always enjoy seeing your beautiful home. Every room is gorgeous and I especially love the toile bathroom. The architectural piece over the tub is wonderful! Thank you for your kind comment on my interview at The Enchanted Home.

  40. Kathy Sue, THANK YOU for this wonderful photo tour of your beautiful, warn, inviting home! I can't pick a favorite room as they ALL are so appealing! I love the black and white guest bath but have one question....I love the scroll work above the tub but where is the shower curtian? Just wondering:) LOOOOOVE your kitchen. YOur home is also SPARKLING clean, how do you manage that???? I can never catch up!!! Thanks again. XO, Pinky

  41. I don't know how I missed this the other day, but your home is fantastic! I love the wallpaper in your entry and the stripes in your breakfast area. Not to mention the monogrammed slipcovers and, of course, all of your blue and white. It's all so charming and inviting! I really, really love it all! Thank you so much for sharing!

  42. Thanks for the tour. You really pulled it together for us--your readers. I especially love your updated bath with the white tile and blue and green accents.

  43. Kathysue, I so enjoyed the tour of your lovely home. It felt like a window to your soul. So many details that I know you have pondered to perfection and enjoyed every minute of the process. Your home is warm and cheerful just like you. You've created a haven for your family and friends. Thanks for sharing it with all of us. XO Mona

  44. You have a beautiful home - I especially love the front porch sitting area, the family room (love the fireplace!), and the play room. But I'd also love to relax with a bubble bath in the bathrooms too!! You've done a great great job with your home.

  45. Love, love, love the bathrooms! You already know I LOVE the kitchen;)

    I also really like the way you carried the family room rug with the same stripes as the kitchen/dining.

    Lovely, lovely home.....


  46. Kathysue,
    what a charming home.
    May I book a looks like the perfect b & b!

  47. Your home is absolutely stunning!! I have SO enjoyed my visit...thank you for your time to take and post the pictures! It has been a blessing for me!!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue