Friday, October 7, 2011

May I introduce............

If you read my last post on how I began my journey in blog land you know about the wonderful group of ladies in the Puttzer Chatroom!!

I asked their permission if I could share the five ladies that are actively blogging in blogland today.

First and foremost our founding sister :

Deb: Confessions of a Plate Addict (She is the brain behind our blog, and she helped me with any questions I had about the computer when I first started blogging. She is generous beyond belief.)

Marty: A Stroll Through Life ( our Eveready bunny, she can work circles around any of us. This woman has a heart of gold.)

Kat: Empty Nester (Another very hard worker and a lady to respect. She has a wonderful writing ability. I know someday she will be a published author.)

Barb: Grits and Glamour (She can get more done in a week than I could get done in three months. Her ability to talk about food, and recipes can make even me want to cook.)

Lastly I must include a non-blogger. I met her on Rate My Space, and she was my first real internet friend. We shared the front page at RMS, her kitchen and my bathroom......

 I guess you could say we were drawn together by our rooms to begin with. We traveled to Micasa together and we remain close friends to this day.

You all might remember her from this image:


Her kitchen has the all time most views over at Rate My Space, totaling 656,006. I would say, they really loved her kitchen wouldn’t you? The lady behind this kitchen is even more lovely, warm and inviting than her kitchen. If you would like to go and visit her page to see more of her lovely home, you can go HERE!

Without the encouragement of each of these ladies I would not be blogging today. Words can not describe how much each and every Puttzer means to me.

Thank you to all of you for following along with me on my journey in blog land. Blogging is much more than sharing words, and images it is the connections that keep us going on the days we might not feel like writing.

As long as you keep reading I will keep writing!!

Kathysue Is Going to:

Enjoy the Process,” for a very long time!


  1. You are so sweet, Kathysue! I love our Puttzers and I am so proud to be associated with such a wonderful group of ladies! I cannot tell you how much you all have come to mean to my sisters. Being able to meet and spend time with you, Barb and our sweet Carol is one of my fondest memories. One of these days we will ALL be together and meet in person...even faster if I can win the lottery! lol And I know that we are only representatives of other ladies in blogland who have found each other and developed strong bonds though never having met. Thanks for such a sweet post! Hugs to you and all of the Puttzers!....Debbie

  2. Thanks for the intros...a few I know and I few I do not. Its so wonderful how you all came together and I love your bathroom today as much as I did the first day I saw it!
    Her kitchen is also gorgeous and I can see why so many felt compelled to comment on it.....I agree blogging IS so much more than sharing words it is about making connections of all kinds and some unexpected friendships along the way!

  3. Hi Kathy Sue,
    I'm looking forward to discovering your friend's blogs.
    And please keep writing, because I for one, so enjoy reading and visiting your blog!
    ~ Wendi ~ xo

  4. Thanks for sharing Kathysue & Company! I remember your friend from RMS, her kitchen was one of my all time favorites.

  5. what a wonderful story. I also have been amazed how kind some blogger's are. They have sent such sweet messages. It is so wonderful that you have these great relationships on line and they have grown into seeing each other. Great story.

  6. All are wonderful people Kathysue. I do remember her amazing kitchen. Wow! It is so stunning.

  7. Love your story. As in life beyond's all about relationship. There is no joy to walk into a beautiful room, or wonderful restaurant or any other fabulous place, if you can't turn and say to, what do you think about that? The sharing is the best part. I love sharing stories back and forth with you. You're a jewel. XO Mona

  8. Hi Kathy Sue, isn't it the best to have such great support and kindness in our blog friends! You certainly have some of the best!

    PS Come let me know what you think of my Autumn decor and enter my New Giveaway!

    Art by Karena

  9. I LOVE her kitchen! Gorgeous!! xo

  10. It amazes me what the internet has done to connect people! Glad you have found such kindred "souls". And shoot, reading this I almost wish I didn't delete my rooms from RMS, but the bedroom drama was becoming a full time job and was draining me (I deleted it when it had 300,000 plus hits.)Oh well, moving on! Love her kitchen and DO recall your bath, crazy! Janell

  11. It's always nice to meet new people while blogging. Love your bathroom by the way. Have a great weekend!

  12. Oh, yes I do remember her kitchen. It is gorgeous!!

  13. This is a wonderful story. Love how you have met so many great friends and form so many wonderful friendships.

    Beautiful bathroom, by the way!

    P/S: I am hosting a fab giveaway. Come by and enter for a chance to win a stylish beach umbrella from Cocopani Australia (valued at $110) :)

    Have a great weekend, Kathysue!


  14. It's a lovely kitchen. My DB would love the dark. I like the layout very much but we have so much dark wood I would like it in dazzling white.

    Now as for the bathroom; it's great just the way it is.

  15. Such a sweet story, Kathysue. Headed to see these blogs now!
    My sister has that sink in her house on the beach. I love it.
    Thank you for sharing these friends and their beautiful homes/blogs.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  16. omg that is a beautiful kitchen and bathroom! amazing, can't wait to hear more about your blog land :D

  17. Good of you to share your riches and introduce all of us to these blogs and wonderful friends. I have noticed their posts on your blog before now. I know you had a great time!

  18. Dearest Kathysue,

    Blogging has literally changed my life. Why on earth our neighbors, colleagues and even family in close proximity do not SHARE their passions and heart like bloggers is still a bit of a mystery. But it is quite clear that all of us bloggers are travelers through the waves of communication, and that is the key. Whether it is the FUN of home décor, cooking, arts, music or literature, we have ALL connected in a way that brings us a smile, or a tear. THANK YOU DEAREST for sharing yourself here, and for visiting me. Polish your crown my dear, you have many jewels that sparkle in your eyes. Anita


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue