Sunday, September 25, 2011

Quote For The Day!

“An interior designer] must be able to clarify his intent keeping ever in mind that decorating is not a look, it's a point of view.”

          - Albert Hadley, The Story of America's Preeminent Interior Designer

I love this quote, and I think Mr. Hadley was spot on!! I think sometimes we get so caught up in trying to achieve a look, or the current look that we lose ourselves in the process.

 I spent most of my career trying to educate my clients with techniques that would allow them to become very in tune to who they are, and what they would need in their home to express themselves.(Look at my previous post for one of my techniques, HERE.)

Think about it………… Does your home express your point of view, or does it express someone else’s point of view?

Hmmmmmm? Inquiring minds want to know!!

Have a wonderful week!



  1. I think its definitely my point of view, although the problem therein lies....I have lots of points of views. My home is a mishmash of styles, but I have used color to tie it all together. Well, I hope I have anyway. Earlier this year, I was bound and determined to start all over again and redecorate a new way. Well, I finally figured out - with some help from Pop-Eye..."I is what I is." LOL And so is my home. Happy Sunday my friend!

  2. Good Morning Kathysue!
    Love this quote, it's so true :)
    Did I ever mention how much I love your new header, your blog looks great my friend, just great!!
    Have a beautiful Sunday.xoxo

  3. I think that my home definately expresses my point of view. It might not suit everyone, but it is definately me. (-: Happy weekend.

  4. Probably a little of both, kathysue, but it eventually represents my taste.
    I love this quote, and these images are stunning.
    Have a nice Sunday.

  5. I can honestly say I think my house does express my point of view, I am not much of a trendsetter or seeker, and rarely give in to whats "in". It might not be what everyone loves or how they would do it, but it makes me happy and afterall its my home, right? LOL......good topic and as I think about it I can think of a few people I know who I think try too hard to fit their homes into a neat little box to conform to a specific "look" but I am not even sure if thats what they love, so it probably is happening more than we realize!

  6. Hi Kathysue,
    You've raised a good point that a home should be a reflection of its owner's personality and style.
    I've always been drawn to classic design mixed with a touch of glam. It's a look of eclectic elegance, and has become my personal signature style. Thankfully, my family loves it too!
    Beautiful post, Kathysue! Have a lovely Sunday...
    ~ Wendi ~ xo

  7. My home definitely express my point of view although I would prefer to have a bigger budget. With a bigger budget, my point of view will be so much clearer! LOL!

    Great quote, by the way!

    Have a lovely Sunday, Kathysue!

    P/S: Come by and enter my current giveaway! Win a stylish book : 'Shoestring Chic' by Kerrie Hess.

    Have a fabulous Sunday!


  8. I've always loved that quote by Albert Hadley. He is spot on, and so was Sister Parish. (see quote on my sidebar) Anyway, yes, my home does reflect my own style. Have a wonderful Sunday KS! ~Delores

  9. Great post, Kathysue! I think my home is definitely me...maybe with some influence of my main man Charles Faudree copied on the cheap! lol Hope you are having a great weekend!...hugs...Debbie

  10. A wise quote. We lack a proper flow of things around here.

  11. Great quote...true of fashion and interior design! I am also one who has so many points of view that I have trouble keeping a therein lies the problem at times!

  12. All the best to you for a terrific weekend. Thanks for sharing these gorgeous images. ~ Sarah

  13. Kathysue...I am going to go backwards and catch up...but I love that quote. It is so easy to copy everything we see on blogs...but it is best when you do something that makes YOU happy!!!

  14. Very true! Hope you have / had a great weekend!


  15. I think our home reflects my point of view, but now we are ready to update, and I think I am heading in a different direction. Richt now we are French Country, and I would like to be a little more modern and still classic.
    Have a great day Kathysue!

  16. That is of course the reason why I started LiveLikeYou. If you look around and your home resembles a Sheraton hotel lobby, a storage room, or the latest trend that doesn't suit you--- redecorate! Life is short!

  17. My home reflects my point of view and always has. I do not follow trends. I like what I like. When I sold my home in NY two years ago and scaled down to just one home, I thought I wanted to keep my surroundings leaner. I sold or donated many things I had for years because I thought they would clutter up my Florida home. I often think about these items I once cherished and wonder why I ever did that. I guess my design philosophy will evermore be "more is more" and I am fine with that now.

  18. I love your point of view in this post, Kathysue. I am constantly reminding my clients that we do not care what the current trend or look is. We want a result that is authentic, that makes the client happy and has meaning to their lives. Thank you for the post!

  19. Kathysue,

    I love this! I am constantly reminding my clients that WE do not care what the in trend or color is. We want a result that reflects what is authentic to the client and genuinely makes their heart sing. Thank you! AND thank you for your recent visit!

  20. Pamela wrote this comment in an email:Your post is timely for me. I just removed some things that looked nice, but didn't bring me joy when I saw it. I've been trying to find something that works for me, but won't be out of style down the road. I think your suggestions will carry me throughout the years saving me money and bringing me joy. I appreciate you taking the time share your experience.

  21. Food for thought! Sometimes I stare at some of our blank, empty walls and get frustrated that I haven't put any artwork on them yet but I'm just waiting for the right art to include in our home. I like to think our home reflects me (or should I say us) although my husband has very different opinions on what he likes. It'll all come together at some point. Great post!!

  22. The chandeliers in these photos are just gorgeous! Love them all!
    xo E + J

  23. What a great quote. Very insightful. I must remember it during my redecorating phase. It's easy to be influenced by other designers, trends, and fashions but I am reminded to stick with what speaks to me, not what someone else says I should have.

  24. And it is interesting to note that the homes which people generally love to visit the most, are the kind which express the owner's point of view rather than a style.

  25. I do believe my home reflects me. The pictures you used are beautiful. Great post. It gets ya thinking.

  26. I so agree with the quote...easy to get sidetracked by short lived trends. Adore the second image...gorgeous palette!!

  27. My home is a mishmash of everything and lots of half done projects. So I guess it's the scattered point of view of a Gemini with ADHD. Beautiful pics! Thanks for sharing.

  28. Love this quote, I think my home reflects on me the way it does to you with your so regal post!it's so true! thanks for sharing.


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue