Monday, September 26, 2011

I Have Never Done This On My Blog Before!

For those of you that have followed along on my blog journey you know that I don’t often share things about my family. I also don’t show their pictures, not because they aren’t gorgeous, because they truly are. I have always been very private about my family.

Today I am breaking one of my own rules, with permission of course! I have to share with you all a little bit about my daughter-in-law, Natalie. 

Natalie is not only gorgeous, brilliant, the mother of my granddaughter, and the wife of my oldest son, she is also a woman that I respect and admire as a person.

The reason I am blogging about Natalie today is she is about to run her first marathon. I can not imagine running 26 miles, but she is going to do it, and I am so very proud of her!
In 3 weeks she will be running in the Nike Women's Marathon. I asked Natalie a few questions to find out more about her running experience. I thought it would be fun to have Natalie tell you in her own words.

Dear reader’s I am very proud to introduce you to, Natalie My beautiful daughter-in-law!!……………

NataliePerdue (800x599)

Natalie, how long have been running?

I started seriously running about 3 years ago when a group from work was training for a half marathon.  I had never even run more than 5 miles before so it shows that you can start small and do great things!  After 2 half marathons, I decided I really wanted to challenge myself and started training for a full marathon.

This is my second attempt at running this marathon. I got injured last year about 8 weeks from the marathon and was extremely disappointed that I could not run.  I told myself that I was not going to let that stop me!! 

I got healthy and started training again this spring, and now feel great and am less than 3 weeks away!  I really wanted to show myself that I could do this, and be an example to my daughter to never give up trying if there is something that you want to accomplish and fail at the first time.

Can you tell us a little about the marathon you are going to be running in?

About the Nike Women’s Marathon:  The Nike Women’s Marathon is in San Francisco, and it was a lottery to get in – 20,000 fabulous women will be running to support the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.  It is a very popular marathon, with a ton of great perks including a custom Tiffany necklace for all the finishers!


When do you find is the best time of day for you to run, and how do you stay motivated?

What Motivates Me:  I have to get up early and run first thing in the morning. I have learned that if I don’t just get up and go, I usually find other ways to fill my day and it just doesn’t happen! 

What have you found helpful in your running that keeps you going?

I also love the Nike Plus tracker ( It’s a little device that you put on your shoe, and then it synchs up with your IPOD and tracks how far you have gone. You can go onto the website and see the history of all your runs or walks. It is pretty motivating to see your progress and track improvements. 


 What will you be wearing that will not only help you run, but help you look stylish on the day of the marathon?

My Favorite Gear:  I love the dri-fit material—it’s super light and wicks moisture away. If there was one thing that I could not live without it would be my socks!! 

I know this sounds funny, but I am in love with the Nike Dri-Fit foot specific socks. They are specially made for your right and left foot and are the best socks I have ever owned—have never had a blister, or callous with them.

The only bad thing is that when the washing machine eats your socks, it always seems to eat the LEFT foot, so I have a bunch of rights and need to go buy more! (Somehow I think Nike knows and maybe even plans for this!)


 Did you have to do anything special to enter the contest?

To enter the contest, we had 140 characters to describe our style. I entered:                
My Style: To keep up with my 8 yr old girl. Running my first full to show her you can be stylish, smart, strong and successful!
Little girls can get sooo caught up in being cute and I have always tried to help my daughter (who is the cutest thing ever!!) understand that beauty is so much more than what is on the outside.
  I think that is what Kathysue is doing here with her blog as well. It’s not always about what it looks like, but how it makes you, and those around you feel.
Thanks so much for your support!

Thank you so much Natalie for letting us all know a little bit about your upcoming run in the Nike Women’s Marathon.

I am going to ask you all a favor:

If you have the time could you go HERE and vote for Natalie to be in the Nike Runway Crew. Only 8 ladies will be chosen by the Nike Entourage, and Natalie would really appreciate your votes. Just click on the link, and click on  the LOVE next to Natalie’s picture, that will give her a vote from you!!! You can vote once a day!!

Thank you all so much for supporting my beautiful daughter-in-law, Natalie!!! This  marathon is for a great cause it will help support the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.

“Enjoy The Process!”  Of:

Helping support a
great cause with a simple vote for Natalie!!



  1. Bravo. Natalie!! I wish her all the best in the run. My daughter has those shoes and loves them!


  2. Absolutely wonderful, Kathysue!

    All the best to Natalie!!

  3. Your daughter is beautiful, Kathysue and it's great to see a lit bit of your personal life. Now I feel lazy... 26 miles?! Good for her!! I'm off to vote. xo

  4. Wow I am impressed!! I can so understand why you are proud of her! That is no easy feat.....I enjoyed reading about what gets her going and laughed to myself when she said she had never run more than 5miles when she got started, and I am thinking "5 miles...thats a lot, I don't know that I have run more than 50 yards"!!
    I will go and vote for her now and good luck Natalie!

  5. This is absolutely amazing, and I love her effort to open her eyes to the things that young women can do. It is such an important lesson. By the way, you have succeeded in bringing on a waterfall of tears, lol. If you will let me know right before the marathon, I will pray for her.Such an inspiration.
    I will have to go get these socks and shoes, because I am about to add fast walking to my workout. You know how those lbs creep up at our age. And the ipod record, wow.
    Well, your daughter law is lovely and motivated. I am headed over to vote now.
    Have a great day, Kathysue, and thank you for sharing.

  6. This is great! So glad that you shared this wonderful young woman with us. And the cause she is embracing is a very important one to me. I am off now to vote.(-:

  7. I'd be happy to vote for Natalie. Best of luck to her, I can't imagine the dedication it takes to prepare for a marathon.

  8. Natalie you are an inspiration! You go girl.. Beautiful post Kathysue.. I would be happy to vote for Natalie... Wishing you all the luck!! hugs ~lynne~

  9. Hi Kathysue, What an inspiration Natalie is... I would be happy to vote for her.. hugs ~lynne~

    p.s. not sure if other comment showed this may be a repeat

  10. That is a great cause and she is beautiful. I'll vote right now. Thanks for sharing your family with us Kathysue. :)

  11. Congratulations to Natalie! I will go vote for her now!

  12. Thank you everyone for voting for Natalie!I appreciate you supporting my sweet DIL!!! xo Kathysue

  13. Good luck to Natalie. I am having a hard time finding her on the Nike link, but I will try again.

  14. GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Natalie!!! That is incredible- I can not even imagine running a marathon!
    I am going to go vote RIGHT NOW!
    Have a pretty day!

  15. I'm so happy you shared Natalie with us! She is beautiful, and she has my vote!! Good Luck Natalie, you're going do great :)

  16. I am so impressed! What a remarkable daughter-in-law you have...and what a remarkable mother-in-law she has. Thank you so much for sharing Natalie with us. I am off to vote!
    I wish her the very best, she will do great! XO

  17. Thank you all so much for your support and kind words!! I think Im just a few votes from making the top 20 and you have all certainly helped! My Mother-in-Law is the best and I am so lucky to have her! I think it was meant to be because guess what? I'm Natalie Sue!

  18. Wow, that is absolutely wonderful and very inspiring !! Best of luck, Natalie (and thanks for introducing us to her, Kathysue)!!

  19. Wow, what a great thing she's doing! Thanks for introducing her to all of us.

  20. Natalie is gorgeous and to give her my vote!!!

    So glad you broke your rule and shared!!!

    xoxo Elizabeth

  21. She is drop dead gorgeous! I've always thought that I could do ANYTHING that I set my mind on....EXCEPT a marathon. It's just NOT in the cards for me. *sigh... Oh, well.... :)


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue