Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Sometimes We Just Need To Simplify

I am just like the rest of the bloggers in blog land. I go all over the web looking for inspirational images. In the last few days something came to my attention.

I began to notice that it was the simple designs, the uncomplicated designs that were so appealing.
I think that sometimes we complicate our design minds with too many details and it becomes a room of, “Stuff,” rather than a beautifully appointed room.

The word, “Edit” comes to my mind. Sometimes that can be so difficult to do. Especially if you are a more is more gal. I personally live in pretty edited spaces, but I do think my mind can get cluttered with the details.

I found when I was perusing the web and finding these beautiful, simple spaces and vignette it gave me a sense of peace.  I know we all want some of that in our lives, don’t we?
Let me show you some of the spaces that gave me the sense of peace and see what you think and feel when you look at them…….

Source: None via Kathy Sue on Pinterest

Room by Suzanne Kessler

So do you feel relaxed and more at peace, after looking at all of these
images? I must admit I thoroughly enjoyed looking at all of them again.

In the future I am going to be more mindful of just how many items 
I put into a space and vignettes. I am really liking the feeling I get 
from all the above images.

"Enjoy the Process!" Of:

Simplifying our homes to make a more restful surrounding.



  1. You are right Kathysue. The rooms are very peaceful. They would be very easy to live in. Although I would probably try and layer a litter more, which we really don't need to do.


  2. Kathysue-
    I try to change things out, but it takes no time to be cluttered again.
    I am a minimalist, but my sister is the opposite and I love her home too! I just would die if I had to dust it all.
    Thanks for the food for thought.

  3. The rooms with green were calming and I did like them. Some of the other rooms made me want to paint them a color to give them life. Sometimes too little in a room leaves me with a cold feeling.

    Pat at Back Porch Musings does a really good job with balancing-not too much "stuff" but enough "stuff" to be interesting and warm.

    Thanks for thoughtful post!

  4. Sometimes, the decorator in us tends to overdecorate and filled our home with stuffs. Although I love lots of layers and details, I totally get your point of view because these rooms are really beautiful and they do make one feels peaceful.

    P/S: By the way, don't miss my fabulous giveaway! Today is the last day to enter! :)


  5. I do find that I am always attracted to the edited and uncluttered (often neutral) interiors. I think having a calming environment at home keeps me calm.

    xo Elizabeth

  6. couldn't agree more. Simple allows beauty to come into focus and allows everything else to breathe.

  7. All stunning, I so agree its often the most neutral and uncluttered spaces that allow us to take a deep breath and fully relax. Having a serene and astheticially pleasing environment is so important to all of our well beings for all...... mind, body and soul.
    Several of these pictures gave me that feeling......ahhhhhh. After a crazy busy day and this being the first few minutes I have had to visit blogland, this was a nice treat!!

  8. Almost all the rooms looked calm and serene and I do love an uncluttered look. Sadly, that's not my reality, mostly because I have so many "treasures" I can't live without. Another thing I noticed. there was a feeling that no one lived in these homes. Am I the only one that feels this way?!


  9. As much as I love bright & bold colours, there's something about a light & airy room that's so appealing :-) Love all the rooms that you posted - some of them are going right to my Pinterest board :-)

    Especially love the great ceilings in a couple of the pictures near the end of your post, and the picture of the ferns in glass jars. So simple, but elegant too :-)

  10. I try try try to declutter from time to time. I will do pretty good for a while, and then I open a cabinet or a closet where I have something stored and out it comes. I have just given up. I love every single one of these pictures and I am absolutely enthralled with the peacefulness they exude. But, my reality is I am a collector of collections....and I have two rowdy grandsons and three cats. LOL Even if I decluttered my home to match these pics...there would soon be cat hair, cookie crumbs, Lego and any number of other "clutterables." Haha Hugs, Barb

  11. All gorgeous and very relaxing, I love the declatered effect, it does give more calm and serenity. I'm the European kind, I do like my layers and things and furniture, but, neatly, nut really very clatered either! Thanks for sharing. FABBY

  12. Restful indeed! Makes me look around and and wonder how much of this "junk" I really need:)

    Great post!

  13. Ahhh, that was like a breath of fresh air! I have collected lots of little things on our travels and have them everywhere because I do love them, but in the last year, I have felt this need to purge! I am loving the simple clean lines of these rooms and gives me so much inspiration!

  14. I don't know if it's the editing, the color stories, or both that are giving these rooms that peaceful vibe. I definitely could feel curling up with a good book in just about any of them. Thanks for sharing.

  15. What a great collection of images. Wish I could do this myself - but its so hard to pass up beautiful things!!

  16. Yes, the simplicity makes me feel at peace. Until I lived in it for a while. Then i think the color/stuff beast would come out and I'd go nuts. I really don't know if I could live so minimally, although I love looking at the images and imagine my life so tidy and clean. :) Okay, and how bad I am that I just read House of Fifty and saw you there? I'm sorry I wasn't the first to congratulate you on such a great job. I've been so out of the loop. I totally enjoyed it!!

  17. The funny thing is, that when ever I redo a room I start out with it simple...then things start creeping in! Horrors. But I am finally learning to rotate accessories, everything doesn't need to be on display at one time.(-:

  18. Some of those pictures have always been my favorites....I agree....getting the editing thing just right is one of the hardest things. But when it is done right it is a beautiful thing!

  19. Good Morning!
    I am embarrased to say that I have NEVER been to your site and I LOVE it! I joined this morning and so look forward to more of your posts!

    As far as Less is More. Yeay, this is my new mantra and I am editing everyday! I have always felt that people collect too much and need to display everything they have. Keeping collections together (and now behind closed doors) is sometimes tough to get someone to do. Tho' I am trying to lead by example.
    You are awesome and I am only sorry to took me so long to pay you a visit! Can't wait to come back!

  20. Thank you for keeping it simple! Love the inspiration photos. Especially the 6th one. I just had lunch with Segreto yesterday! She's in town from Houston. Wait until you see her new book! More inspiration for us!
    Hope you're having a lovely day!

  21. Couldn't agree more. These are such calming, elegant and comfortable rooms. So livable but so stylish too. Absolutely love them all. It's sometimes hard to quiet the noise in our decorating minds, but this is a good reminder to keep it simple and filter and edit as much as you can.

  22. Some lovely individual items but overall the white canvas gives the rooms a sterile clinical appearance. Nothing lives in a sterile environment and that means its not vibrant, there is no life, no warmth .... I would feel utterly miserable and bereft in such rooms. I do love the touches though, such as the vases with the single green stems.. playing with the light. The lovely wooden table, the natural items in the kitchen and so on.


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue