Sunday, August 21, 2011

A Great Idea for YOU DIY’ers Straight From NYC!!!

Tina from The Enchanted Home blog did a whirlwind visit to the New York Gift show this week. While visiting her blog, and living vicariously through her trip I was taken with one of the displays by a new vendor.

It is not something that will work in my home, but I thought it was so fun and clever I wanted to share it with my readers also.

As many of you know I am not a very good DIYer, but so many of you are and I just know one of you will take this idea and run with it………

Isn’t this a fun idea?! This giant shadow box is approximately 4'X5'!! It would fill in an entire wall in a kitchen dinette……

For those of you that love the all white/rustic look this one is made just for you………….

This would be so fun in a wine tasting room or a wine country home……….

One more for you viewing pleasure………….

I would like to thank the very generous blogger, Tina for allowing me to use these images from her post!!

I just love blog land!! It is so full of like-minded, generous people!!

“Enjoy the Process!” Of:

Finding a new idea and sharing it with others!!



  1. Interesting, Kathysue! And I loved seeing your monogrammed towels! But...after your cabinet storage post, I am feeling the need to organize that space! Yikes! Happy week!...hugs...Debbie

  2. Haha, I was living vicariously through Tina, too. I told me husband that I want to go next year. I'm hoping we can make a weekend of it....he could visit the ESPN center or something while I go to the show. I could never drag him in to it...I think he'd never recover!

  3. I saw this too Kathysue and was intrigued. I don't think it would work in my home either, but isn't it a fun idea? I think I could actually make one of these, and I'm not a great DIYer either! I think it would be a fun way to capture a special trip or event. ~Delores

  4. Love Tina's blog and that fabulous house she is building, takes my breath away every time I see an update! This is a great idea, wouldn't really work in my house either, but I can imagine a more modern take on it that would be really fun for a laundry room, kids room, etc! Janell

  5. Thanks for the mention, these really are so unique and so decorative if you have the wall space.....they could add such an interesting element to a kitchen, dining area or wine cellar!

  6. It is a really cool look and so different. I could see this being used in shabby chic type of home. You are indeed right about spreading the love in blog-land - it's so wonderful.

  7. Would be fun to try something like this in a kitchen or wine room. Would be even better with a personal collection.

  8. This is such a great idea! I think it will work best in a rustic or shabby chic home, don't you think?

    P/S: By the way, I am hosting a fab giveaway. Come by and enter for a chance to win a beautiful and personalized necklace courtesy of SimaG Jewelry!


  9. I am NO diy'er! but this is cool!
    Have a pretty day!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue