Saturday, June 18, 2011


My Dad! I can hardly think of him without getting big tears in my eyes. He is no longer with us and he died at a very young age (47). The tears I shed are sometimes for sadness but other times for joy.

He was a man among men as far as I was concerned. We were raised to pretty much think he could walk on water. I actually thought I was going to marry him until I turned 10yrs old and I found out that was not done. On my actual wedding day after he walked me down the aisle he sat down and took out his hanky and boo-hooed, my Mom had to console him.

Here we go!! 001 (509x800) 
I wish the pictures were in color, he had the most amazing sparkly blue eyes.

I remember how hard my Dad worked and what a wonderful provider he was for his family. What I remember above all was how much he loved his family. Daddy spoke with his eyes, they could laugh without making a sound. I would love to watch my Dad look at my Mom and her looking at him. Not a word was spoken but you knew without a doubt how much they loved each other that gives a child so much security to see how their parents love each other and boy did mine love each other.

My Dad made me feel loved and protected. I knew Daddy would fix it if anything would go wrong. I knew I was beautiful in his eyes.

Daddy @ wedding 001 (682x800) 
He put a penny in my shoe and helped me with my garter.

I remember when my oldest son had his daughter (who is the most precious little girl alive) I watched as he leaned over the isolette and he bowed his head. I asked him later was he praying and he told me , “I am a blessed man, I was thanking God!" I knew that he was going to love his little girl just like my Dad loved me.

I told my son that day, You know you will be her first mirror. She will see herself through your eyes. Now how did I know that? Because I saw myself through my Dads eyes. I knew I was worth loving because he showed me. So when it came time to choose a husband I knew without a doubt that I had I met the right one. We have been married over forty years now. I fell in love with him when I was only sixteen yrs old so I have loved him for 43 years.

So you see because my Dad loved me like no one else could and took such wonderful care of me. I have learned to expect the best and in my opinion I got the best in the man that I have been married to for 40 years.

I guess in my heart I will always be Daddy’s little girl, I kind of like that even though he is no longer here to give me hugs he is with me in spirit and his love will be with me forever. That is what I call a wonderful example of a Dad!!

 "Enjoy the Process" Of:
Telling the Dad's in your life know how special they are to YOU!!

Happy Father's Day to all the Dad's in My Life!!



  1. Kathysue, this is so beautifully written. It sounds like you had the ideal childhood. How lucky you were to have such a wonderful father. xo

  2. Such a lovely post for a special person in your life Kathysue. I love your comments about your Dad and your comments to your son about him being his daughters first mirror. Such a true statement! By the way your Dad is very handsome and I love the picture! I too lost my Dad many years ago and miss him too.

  3. Kathysue,
    This is a special and beautiful tribute to your father. I know that you miss him. I miss my father as well, and he too was special.
    I know that they are looking down on us.
    Also special compliments to your husband and son.
    Have a nice evening.

  4. Kathysue, you are a blessed woman. Two wonderful men in your life that truly loved you. It was a lovely tribute to your father. Have a wonderful fathers day with your family.


    That is truly a beautiful tribute to your late father. He was a treasure and to think you won the lottery again by marrying a loving husband. Well deserved. Wishing you a long life with continued love and happiness.

  6. Not only do I have tears in my eyes, so does Gary, who also read your post. Thank you Kathysue for your wise insights and reflections. I too was a Daddy's girl. He has been gone ten years ago this June. Oh how I miss him....xo Delores

  7. Wow. That is such a special post. Thank you for sharing. Sounds like your Daddy was one in a million. :)


  8. This is a beautiful post Kathysue; what a loving tribute to your father! LOVE the photos of your wedding day ;)

  9. I love this post. You had an incredibly wonderful father and now, a loving husband. You are so blessed and I am so happy for you. Thanks for sharing.

    P/S: You were such a beautiful bride!


  10. Kathysue that was beautiful. My Dad has been gone 20 years now and he was also a wonderful father and man. I would love to be able to give him a big hug today!

  11. a beautiful remembrance to your beloved father. you are gorgeous kathysue walking down the aisle and the upturned mouth of your father is saying 'i know and we are so proud'

    read a quote yesterday; "if love could have saved you, you would have lived forever"


  12. What a lovely post. I think many of us were Daddy's girls. You look absolutely beautiful walking down the aisle with him - such wonderful memories!

  13. What a lovely post!! Love those photos!! It's not Father's Day over here in Sweden. But I got the spend it with him anyway, and every day while home. It's always very special since I live so, so far away from my family. It's family day every day when I'm here.

  14. Kathysue, Now you've brought tears to my eyes. Such a sweet post and wonderful tribute to your Dad. I'm sure today has been a very special day around your house. Sounds like you married a pretty cool Dad as well. Mona

  15. Hi Kathysue,
    What a lovely tribute to your Father and his love for you. I love the photos and you haven't changed at all. You are so pretty and he was a very handsome man.

    Thanks for sharing your beautiful thoughts.


  16. Wow what a beautiful post. I can see those sparkly blue eyes even in black and white. You are so right when you saw daughters see themselves through their dad's eyes. Hope your memories bring you smiles on this Father's Day!

  17. Kathysue, you have written about your precious father before and I wept when I read it, and now I have tears in my eyes reading again about your special relationship with him. I, too, had a very special father with whom I had a very special relationship. We were both so very fortunate in that way.
    Please wish your Doug a Happy Father's Day from me.

  18. wow Kathysue, this is the most wonderful example I've read from a daughter of her father and his love and appreciation of his daughter...
    this really touched my heart..I'm sure you know how blessed you are..
    sadly, my father walked away from my sisters, brother and me when we were very young..I make the obligatory phone call on father's day to wish him well..but I don't really feel anything..not to make you feel bad,just to let you know you are blessed..
    so I wish you a happy Sunday full of wonderful memories of a wonderful Man, your Dad...


  19. Kathysue,
    This was your most beautiful post ever. You spoke from the heart and I felt it. Your remembrance and thoughts of your father are to be celebrated. Your father sounds as if he was definition of a man and a father. How lucky for you to be raised by such a loving and wonderful father. Thanks for sharing your dad with all of us. XOXO.

  20. Kathysue, this is such a lovely post and the images are so poignant. What a beautiful bride with her Dad!

    Art by Karena

    Be sure to enter my exciting Giveaway from the Artisans at Novica!

  21. Such a touching story and beautiful photographs. Although it's not Father's Day here, it reminded me to be grateful and appreciative of my Dad and all the things he means to me, that I don't say often enough. X

  22. What a beautiful tribute to your Dad! Great pics, too! I love what you said to your son, what a wonderful gift you gave him with those words. Thanks for sharing.

  23. Kathysue, I missed seeing this last weekend. This is a beautiful post. I have the same feelings about my dad, though he died before I married. I wish he would have known the man I married. We've been married 36 years. Thanks for sharing these heartfelt thoughts. ~ Sarah


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue