Friday, June 17, 2011

Is Show and Tell Okay With YOU????

Are we getting tired of the show and tell blog post?

I am not sure that we are. I belong to Pinterest and I find myself pinning away and all that is on this particular website are beautiful images of just about anything and everything you could possibly want to look at.

I find myself looking and pinning, and then I realize I have been looking and pinning for quite awhile. I will actually think, “Okay just one more pin, and then I am going to bed!” Sound familiar? Kind of like when we eat potato chips or peanuts, “ Okay just one more and then I am quitting!”

I will say this, I do enjoy a well written post that produces thought provoking thoughts or a great dialogue I love the written word.  I am also  a lover of beauty. I will always enjoy seeing an image of a beautiful fabric, a beautifully crafted piece of furniture, or a beautifully appointed room.

On my Pinterest boards I have one board that I call,  "Just Pretty." These are images that caught my eye for no other reason than they were, “Just Pretty!” I thought I would share a few  of them with you.


Do you see a connection in all the above images? I find all of the above images so relaxing and soothing. Do YOU?

So how do you feel about a show and tell post? Do you enjoy these types of post or do you prefer a post with more writing and explanations of the images?

If you would like to see more of what I think is just pretty you can visit my. "Just Pretty board," on Pinterest, Here!!

“Enjoy the Process” Of:

Looking at beautiful images!!


BTW: Since Pinterest is by invitation only, If you would like an invitation to join Pinterest just email me your email address and I will send you an email invite through Pinterest. Check your spam just in case the invitation goes there.
Send your email address to me at:


  1. pinterest is ADDICTIVE - if i go on there while at work - hours go by - no work gets done - but i have pinned away!

  2. I have ignored Pinterest and need to pay more attention. I have done nothing with my board since joining.

    I like good thought provoking posts and gorgeous images.

    I love seeing show and tells. They are like good magazine articles.

    I post quite a few show and tells and very few thought provokers.

    These images are beautiful!

    Happy Weekend, Kathysue!

  3. Kathysue,
    I have just joined pinterest. I don't know how to use it yet, but I am so excited to learn.
    These images are gorgeous, and I especially love the paris the room and the settee painted blue.
    Have a great day.

  4. I love a good show & tell now and then but what sets off one blog from another is the author's comments and doing something with the images posted -- explaining common elements & what works and why; pointing out how that look might be achieved and for less; using one stellar image and using it as a springboard for a design concept the author will develop in a post. There are so many decor blogs online that simply post images and I breeze over them in a sec and rarely revisit them. I can read decor magazines for lots of images which I do love to do.

  5. That is a very good point Cherie. I love reading what my readers have to say, I learn so much!KS

  6. These rooms all look like you. The colors and the "pretty" just says Kathysue to me. Hugs, Marty

  7. just when i thought I was done with pinterest for the week, you go and post these pretty pics!

    I like pinterest to collect pretty images. But I love reading blog posts and seeing what the blogger has to say about a particular image!

    Like your blog for instance;)

  8. I love Pinterest too, but it is addicting! I love collecting my own photos and then going back through and seeing the common themes. I like your "just pretty" photos. Did you know they are all a very soft blue, my little blue friend! Have a great weekend! ~Delores

  9. I love show & tell posts! I don't belong to Pinterest, because you need to have a facebook or twitter account to sign up, and I don't have either. So keep posting the gorgeous pics, and I'll keep bookmarking them.

  10. I never get tired of looking at beautiful things. EVER. Love it, its what makes me tick. That said I too love writing and the written word can be as powerful if not more than pictures so if its well done, then thats mighty appealing to and then if you combine the two...well then you have a blockbuster! So many pretty pictures, that Aerin Lauder office/dressing room has always been so beautiful and inspirational to me and all those soft blue rooms are just dreamy. Those colors are my serene and peaceful!
    Love the topic and I am all for things of me the way!

  11. I love me some "just pretty"....! Mindless and SO not thought provoking but "dream" provoking :)

  12. Love the soft cool colors of your "just pretty" post. As far as the show and tell... I'm very visually driven, and love large pictures with enough text to explain what the picture is about.
    Oh, and large enough text that I don't have to get a magnifying glass to read it. :) I know, I can magnify it on my keyboard. lol

  13. I LOVE that picture of the blue-grey living room towards the end of your post. SO so lovely!!


  14. All pretty images. The first image is my most favorite. I just love how the gold writing desk contrasting elegantly against the beautiful soft gray walls with the gorgeous mural. Everything in this image is elegant, sophisticated and a little unexpected, elements which I love.

    Have a wonderful and relaxing weekend, Kathysue!


  15. I for one could spend my entire day just looking at pretty spaces. I LOVE it. I see so much inspiration and each time I go back and look at a photo I see something different that strikes me. Beautiful, relaxing images. Happy Weekend my dear.

  16. Kathysue I LOVE all your pretty rooms!! Pale muted colors and soft edges.....*sighs dreamily*

    I always love a good show and tell! I'll never tire of beautiful inspiring images!....My version of a drug habbit *winks* Vanna

  17. That first image has me thinking about wallpaper again, it is exquisite! I'm yet to spend time on Pinterest, it must be wonderful! Rachaelxx

  18. Kathysue, I love the show and tell blogs you do! You offer advice as well and it is very helpful to me especially.
    I love going through Pinterest as well, it's hard to quit once you get started!


  19. They are pretty, Kathysue! My favs are the last two...gorgeous! Happy weekend!...hugs...Debbie

  20. These spaces are so light and amazing, and the basket of araucana eggs is just so gorgeous. We love buying them at our local farmer's market and displaying them like that in our kitchen. So great! Thanks for the inspiration.
    xo E + J

  21. These are more than pretty - they are beautiful. Such a soothing, serene, calming and delicate set of photos. My favourite colours. Love all the rooms but the eggs are heavenly. Hard to believe Mother Nature makes them that way. I must admit that I have soo many posts to read, so much research, so much reading, and such little time, I have become somewhat of a skimmer and speed reader these days, and often just fly through blogs looking for nice photos that appeal. If something catches my eye and attracts my attention I stop and read fully. If I have more time, I can stay a while and read properly, but those times are few and far between. I think Pinterest should come with a health warning - it is completely addicted and when I think I will pin just a few photos, I find hours later I'm still there and still discovering gorgeous things. Time wasting? Possibly. Wonderful fun? Definitely.

  22. Breautiful pins. I accepted an invitation to Pinterest, but I'm not quite sure how it works yet. I an just keeping my head above water with my blog! You have convinced me to take another look.
    xo Yvonne

  23. Pinterest is fun and a great place for inspiration. It's the fun of finding that perfect image w/out the pressure to create a post. I have really gotten into Tumblr... it's addictive too. xo

  24. It's hard to beat a beautiful image for me. they make my heart beat fast and my mind starts racing or they just calm me down. these are all wonderful. Mona

  25. Hi, I'm stopping by from Upstairs Downstairs - you're one of her blog reads :) I'm with you on the Pinterest, and blogging in general. Who wants to sleep/eat or nearly anything else when you could be blogging and Pinteresting! Thanks for sharing the eye candy with us, I'll probably pin at least half of them. Oh and I "followed" your blog.

    Mary @ Redo 101

  26. Love these pictures esp the one of the table in front of all of the windows. Ahhhhh how I would love that room facing the ocean. I agree with Marty these rooms really look like you, esp the one with the shoes by the chair. It looks like you probably just left the room and put your book down. This room shouts your name out loud to me. I would love a link to Pinterest! I love "pretty" also even though most of the time its to dream about.

  27. show and tell is wonderful..and I love the color palette in these pics..but you are also a wonderful writer, so I think a balance of some show and tell and some posts with little more writing is probably just perfect..imho..




I would love to hear from you, Kathysue