Monday, March 7, 2011

There Is Nothing New Under The Sun

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We have all heard that saying throughout our lives. I never thought too much about it until I had  several decades under my belt.

Now I can totally relate. Of course I will relate this saying to design since that is my passion. I have learned that most design is actually a copy of something we have seen or something from the past that we tweak to make our own.

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If we are a creative type we like to think that we are original and never like to copy or follow the trends, but the truth of the matter is…… Most likely someone has already done it.

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With as many shelter magazines or the new addition of online magazines, and all of the design blogs we are actually over stimulated with visuals of  beautiful interiors.

I can not say I really ever get tired of seeing a well appointed room, but I will say I feel less, and less inspired these days. I find myself saying, “Been there done that!”

Now, granted I have not seen it all nor have I  done it all. But, with what is within my reach I feel I have seen pretty much the same-old, Same-old as the saying goes.

I am an optimist and I love life so I am always looking at things from a positive perspective, or at least I try too. So I realized I needed to dig a little deeper because I have not liked feeling un-inspired.

 I knew that I had to look inside myself a little bit and basically analyze myself and my design aesthetics.

This is what I discovered on my little journey…………

I have always claimed to be a traditionalist who loves a little of the unexpected and a bit of whimsy here and there. I am pretty solid in my taste. I still feel the need to shake it up now and then. So guess what I found in my searching around that has me excited???!!!!!

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Daryl Carter

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“The New Traditional” by Daryl Carter. This book came out in 2008 so I am three years behind but that is Okay with me.

 I just got the book yesterday and I am looking forward to being open to a new way of looking at my Traditional style. I think that is really what being inspired is all about.

One must be open to new ideas in order to become inspired!

Guess what else is on the horizon?

Traditional Home magazine has partnered with Michelle Adams and Patrick Cline, founders of Lonny on-line magazine, and they will be bringing the new on-line magazine, “TRAD!” to us, another new take on traditional design. It is due to come out in May!!

I am looking forward to seeing what TRAD has to offer. I am going to start exploring more of what “The New Traditional” look is.

I will try to do some post on this subject in the future. I will share what I am learning along with you all.

I believe we all have to stay on a learning curve no matter our age and always be open to change. I am excited to see what I might discover and be adding or taking away from my own home.

I love the journey in design it is ever changing and evolving. Whether or not it is a new/old style revisiting, we can still get a fresh perspective by being open to new possibilities.

How about you all, do you feel in a rut?

What if you look and dig a little deeper and maybe you will  come up with a book or a new look with some of your own wonderful imagination and creativity.  If you are open the possibilities can be endless. As I always say………

“ Enjoy The Process!” Of:

New Possibilities!!



  1. Yes, I have been around a long time and I have seen many many changes in popular design. And I have seen it revolve a few times.

    I think one of the things about me that surprises people, is the change I make to rooms from time to time, even at my "age"! I just finished a guest room redo that is traditional. I don't think there are surprises, in this room, other than it is a bit less accessorized traditional, than traditionally thought.

    Although the living room remains traditional, I have tried to change things up a bit. A tad bit of a delay with the new furniture, by the way. I like the look of this new traditional. It's a bit more modern and seems to be less stuffy. Hopefully, this is an indication of or the impression one gets from the "elderly couple" who resides in our home...a bit modern/contemporary and not stuffy.

    As you know I have been on a quest to correct things, done when I was less than sure of my "style". Getting back to the old Pat and J is a bit expensive, but I am loving these modern tradtional changes happening here.

  2. I agree that as bloggers we are hard to impress anymore because we are so bombarded with gorgeous images! And blogging has opened my mind up to styles I may not have been attracted to initially. Oh, and so excited to hear about TRAD - this sounds promising!!

  3. someone noted this book a couple of months ago and this is just one more nudge to finding it! I think saturation and over-exposure to visual design might contribute to feeling 'been there, done that.' But I don't tire of designers and bloggers, like you, Kathysue, who are teachers first and generous with their teaching moments. I am, more and more, curtailing the blogs I read daily, to just a few, those who do more than post pretty pictures and add a couple of sentences. Or whose primary purpose is to create and support their business.

    As you read this new book, please share your observations. I would love to hear them!

  4. I am so excited to hear about Trad ! Thanks for sharing.

  5. Hi Kathysue, I agree, it's all a reinvention of the wheel, and we need to think a little harder to make things our own. But that's where the love of design comes in, yes? I think Daryl Carter is brilliant. His style is so soothing. We traditionalists need to work a little harder, I think, to keep our look fresh. But when it works, oh my, it is gorgeous!

  6. Great post as usual Kathysue. I always say all things are just a reinventions of history. We draw inspiration from humans around us and recreate our own vision of what they have already created. I personally love Outside of the Box thinking-life and design is simply more fun that way!! xx,Jill

  7. I think ruts can be good, they can allow us to reflect and really look at things and then find a new perspective or solution. Personally, I keep finding beauty in the history and in the future of fresh design.

  8. I am excited to hear about Trad. Interesting news.
    I am still up to my ears in decorating the beach cottage and find I really have to think outside the box because of his requirments. His taste is very South Pacific in nature and not the Ralph Lauren look that many here think of. His taste runs from antique to islands. It has been an interesting and fun challenge.

  9. Sooooo true! You will love DC's (from DC) book, he has a different albeit masculine approach to tradtional and is known for using rugs upside down and fabric inside out, but does it with flair and retraint and always uses a historical refernece for his designs. And, not too bad on the eyes either...yep...he's a keeper!

  10. Kathysue, I think we all go through this now and then. I know you will enjoy your new books, and I am sure they will inspire you. I have faith!


  11. Oh Kathysue, I just adore your blog! I love how you always make me think about things in a different light =D Also, I just realized I haven't added you to my blog roll??!! Will fix that immediately!

    xo Linda

  12. Sounds great, looking forward to it. As someone who spends way too much time on blogs it does seem like there's nothing new. However, most of my friends aren't nearly as interested in design as I am and if I were to even completely duplicate a room I saw online they'd think I was brilliant. To quote Charlie Sheen: "Winning!"

  13. * Ks, great points here!!! Am looking forward to "TRAD", too!

    I'm FOREVER looking for a bit of "change/approach", to provide a fresh, new look~~~ IE: I recently completely redid the MBR. The "colors" are "non-colors" I suppose... whites/creams/taupes & grays with stone on the fireplace wall, and it looks sooo beautiful n' calm... BUUUT, I can't help but change the accessories from L*O*T*S of neutral TEXTURES for one look, and a few weeks later, I switch it all up for a different look, with color or without... (I am a PILLOW FANATIC, to say the least, and THEY make up the looks I love so easily because the background is so neutral!!!)...

    As always, enjoyed your insight! Many thanks!

    Warmest & best,
    Linda in AZ *

  14. I just found you Kathysue, great post! I know things tend to re-appear in design but there is always a fresh twist. That "twist" I am always looking forward to express...

  15. All so true, I agree with everything you said and I just love Daryl Carter. He has a great take on design.

  16. I totally agree with you Kathysue, it is easy to be overstimulated and almost de-sensitized by the blog world. I find I am often in a rut as well, but every now and then something comes along, much like your new book, and sparks my love and interest in design again!!
    Nancy xo

  17. It is always fun to see new ideas...even if they are based on older traditional ones, it is always just a bit different the second...or for that matter the third+ time around. (-:

  18. You are so right
    on, KS! It IS in
    seeing things in
    a new light. I
    love Daryl Carter's
    work and this new
    on-line sounds just
    xx Suzanne
    PS: Thank you for
    your beautiful words
    about my last post.
    Felt like a huge
    hug from you!

  19. Totally agree as well!! I find trends so annoying when all of a sudden everything looks like it came out of the same bottle. This is a beautiful book - I love his lean aesthetic. Like anything else, it's designers who have a solid knowledge and sense of the past who can reinterpret and reuse for a fresh look. Some of these youngins with no background in design or experience have no gravitas to their design work. That's why someone like Bunny Williams can do so many different styles - her work is informed and authentic - that's what I love!!

  20. And Colette wrote a great piece today over at the Nicky Haslam blog on the importance of patina - take a look - I think you'll like it.

  21. I have been looking at old photos and am almost dismayed that my taste is so consistent - when you think of the hours I spend pouring over design blogs...

    Love DC of course~

  22. I am a big fan of Daryl's DC Townhouse...enjoyed this post and your ideas! Janell

  23. We are over-sensitized to trends...I said to a friend, "ikat fabrics and starburst mirrors may be peaking"...and she had no idea what I was talking about. Tell us where DC gets his inspiration, does he say? I have a couple trips planned, and that always gets me inspired.
    Mary Ann

  24. I do think we bloggers are just oversaturated....agree that the average person doesn't know what ikat, chinoiserie, trellis, etc. is....

    I have heard great things about DC's book!

  25. Kathysue, Isn't id fabulous when you find something that sparks you! design is not my passion as you know. I have NO design talent , but ... I do have passion for bringing pretty back ~ again... nothing new there really. But there are things that fire me up! Nail colors for one! I am excited for YOU to see something new!
    Have a pretty day!

  26. I think what makes each concept unique is the person to whom it belongs. I can see the same fabric a million times, but when its paired with a million different pillows there is story somewhere being the pillow.

    I am young, but I am certainly a young Traditionalist.

    Mr. Goodwill Hunting

  27. I feel I have this insatiable effort for gorgeous interiors --- and boy, do the blogs deliver! Yet, it is fun to discover new things and new interpretations.

    I am SO excited about TRAD and with Michelle Adams at the helm, it will be a new addiction, I am sure!!
    xoxo Elizabeth

  28. Hi, Kathysue, haven't been visiting much these days, just so much going on, but wanted to stop by & say hello. I'm out of the decorating loop right now, since I'm in the midst of life changes, but I can see so many changes in traditional decorating for sure. I've lived long enough to experience more than one decorating trend and we are in several of them right now. I love the new looks of traditional & modern mixes, but I'm sure we will look back in 10 years & laugh at the burlap, white walls, seagrass & white linen slipcovers that are all over the place now. It looks so fresh & pretty to our eyes and yet, you are right nothing is new under the sun. Everything has been done in one variation or another over time. it's just a new combination of things that makes it fresh & new again.

    I'm getting to the point that I just want to stick to my own style and what I love instead of trying to keep up with what is hot all over the design world & esp. all over blogland.


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue