Friday, January 7, 2011

Cyber Energy vs. Physical Energy!! and a Question??!!

I had a couple of fellow bloggers comment on my energy and iquire as to how do I do it all?  I hate to disappoint you all, but writing about what I would like to do or, plan on doing, takes very little energy.

I don’t always get done what I am writing about. While I am giving you  inspiration,  I am also giving myself  a “To Do List.”  Some of the list gets done and some does not.

I have a lot of Cyber energy, but not so much physical energy. I am working on that.

I never want anything I write to make anyone feel like I am doing more than I actually am, or that I am doing more than they are.

I also hope that I never make it sound as if my way is the only way.

I only write what is my opinion and what has worked or, has NOT worked for me.

I am just like all of you out there- busier than some and less busy than others. I am person just trying to keep the house afloat ,one day at a time.

So when you see a post that has some inspiration don’t always think I have done it!!

I was wondering! For you bloggers out there that really do get a lot done(you know who you are!)

Do you think it is better to write about the process as you are going along or do you think it is better to write about it after it is done?

I start projects but it might take me several days, weeks or months to actually get them done.

What do you all think? To write before, during or after a project?

Please leave me a comment I really do want your opinions on this one!!

“Enjoy the Process” Of:

Figuring out what you want to do and how to write about it!!


BTW: On Monday I will start my post on my “Purging Process!”
Time to clean out the house!!!


  1. after! so I don't have to wait to long to see your finished product please Kathysue!!
    Actually if I did a before and during you would never see it as I have such dreadful trouble taking the photos of the camera that I only do it occasionally!! xoxo

  2. I seem to write the blog in my head as I am doing, then, I just hope, hope , hope that I can remember to take pictures as I "write". Eventually, it all ends up in the cyber blog! I hope you will check out my most recent. I am starting a small series on picking paint color!

  3. I tend to keep my goals very realistic if I'm going to write about them... Blogging about "to do's" always makes me feel more accountable! Happy weekend, Kathy!

  4. Ditto what Never Enough Thyme Creations said about writing in her head.
    I like to see it all because I do "Enjoy The Process" like you suggest.

  5. Great topic Kathysue. One of the reasons I started my blog was to give me the push I needed to get some things done. At first I was all gung ho and even lost 10 lbs because of all the energy I was expending. Hmmm, maybe I should get motivated and kill two new year's resolutions at the same time, lose a few lbs. and get some things done around the Strictly Simple Style abode! What do you think, maybe I could write the next great weight loss book based on my experiences. LOL!

  6. I love your posts just the way they are. You always show so much inspiration and it gives me tons of food for thought. I like that. Besides, I do know that you accomplish more than most all of the time. Hugs, Marty

  7. I agree with Marty, I love your posts just the way they are. I work full time and need your wonderful inspiration. I feel I have so little time at home and when I read your posts I am very inspired and motivated. I always look forward to your delightful post and you never sound like it has to be your way or no way. That is not your personality. You are absolutely charming and delightful.

  8. I like "in process" and "after" posts. I think you have a nice balance -- I always learn something from your blogs. What's difficult in some other bloggers is that they'll mention working on a project and then you never hear about it again. I especially like posts on possibilities, say, for smaller homes.

  9. thanks for your encouraging comment on my guest post at leah's blog!

  10. Well, Kathysue, you pose another interesting question. I typically take photos along the way and post about it when I'm done, unless it's just an inspiration post or bigger projects I'm dreaming of (when time and budget allow...)

  11. Oh such a good question! I've blogged about a couple things I've been working on and never photographed the finished outcome or forgot to do a follow-up post or thought it just didn't seem "blog worthy" afterall. Since then, regarding projects in my own home and for others, I am trying to do posts only with before's that actually have an after!

  12. I always WRITE after I do something and take pictures. I wouldn't know how else to do it:) XO, Pinky

  13. I think you do a fabulous job regardless. Keep up the great work, and do what works best for YOU!!!
    Happy New Year!

  14. I think it depends on the topic. If you feel you need people to cheer you on or throw out a few ideas...well, then during. I generally show things after they are done, because sometimes my projects take too long and I wouldn't want people to get bored :)

  15. I tend to wait until a project is done before I blog about it. I might mention that I'm going to start working on something, but I prefer to write about the process and post pictures all at once when the project is complete. Which is why my project posts are few & far between - it takes me forever to get them done :-)

    {I'm so happy you enjoyed my recap of Sarah 101 :-) I'm going to try to write a recap post every week for you and my other readers who don't get the show. Have to keep the Sarah fans happy!}

  16. I usually take photos after I'm done though I have broached ideas on my blog asking for your feedback before starting a project.


  17. Hi Kathysue, I tend to write about my small projects after I complete them. The larger projects I may mention ahead of time so it gives me extra incentive to get them done.

  18. For those of us who don't have your talent, the process is critical! I always look forward to the end result, but love to follow your steps along the way!

  19. Jeanie is right! You have so much talent!!!
    I do alot of thinking about my blog. sometimes I think maybe too much! ( :
    But I am LOVING it.
    I have done more soulk searching this past few months than I have in years .
    I will ponder a blog in my mind - then I just sit down and write it in a few minutes.
    Great post!
    Have a pretty day!

  20. I love looking at the finished project...
    Must be my being too impatient...
    But I also enjoy looking at pictures taken before and after...

  21. Hi Kathysue!
    You have posed a very interesting question. I sometimes get an idea in my head and I become very obsessed with making it real. I often wake up in the middle of the night and write down an idea that just hit me! LOL!
    I usually blog about a project after I've completed it. I'm not good with tutorials because I want to just get it done!
    I have trouble sitting still. If I'm in the livingroom, dining room or whereever in my home, I'm always looking around at all the projects that need to be done. I've even been known to move furniture around while watching TV.

    I think you have said it all very well. The blog is always on my mind, everywhere I go and everything I see, I ask myself if it is blog worthy!

    We are a very unique group of women who love to share all that "stuff" that's oozing out of our heads.


  22. Hi Kathysue. I just do what I'm inspired to. Projects can take so long that I get impatient and need to talk about them! Others that are quick I post about on completion. I don't really care what others show, I'll read it no matter what because I can never get enough :) Oh, and the weight loss thing, yea, that's not me! I'm an eater and a blogger, bad, bad girl!!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue