Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Natural Look at Christmas!

During the Holidays there are so many ideas that come out each year depending on where you are looking. A few years ago the natural look became very popular. It has emerged again this year.

I am not sure if it is because of the economy and people are using what surrounds them or if it is part of the green movement. Either way I think it is a great look when done well.

I found a few images that had a  natural look to me…….

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This is the most over the top look that I have found.

I love the treatment around the mirror. I am not sure I would have made the mantle decor quite that busy, but this appears to be a very large traditional home so the look fits.

Notice all of the pinecones, wheat, nuts, and greenery that abound.  I sure wish I had some trophy cups, they are on my list!!!

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They really used a lot of pinecones here!!  I like the idea of the garland and the pinecones used in urns.

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Simple!, yet it makes a great statement.

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I am starting to see a theme here. (pinecones in an urn!)

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No pinecones here, but still lovely nature inspired decorations.

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Natural elements of a different kind. Fruit, flowers and berries are use beautifully here.

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For all of you lucky Southerners, berries mixed with magnolia leaves in an outdoor urn, lovely.

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Very simple!!! No cloches here! Instead they have taken lanterns and filled them with various decorations. I like this allot.

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Very clever!! Birch covered cylinders with varying shades of green plant life. I actually purchased some of these last year and used them in a center piece in my dining room. I will show you that in tomorrow's post!

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More birch covers and this time it is on candles. Pottery Barn came out with this look a few years back and it is still popular today.

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Back to pinecones!!! Simple and festive. I love the green plaid fabric that they used here for the letters on what appears to be linen or burlap.

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Remember Lincoln logs? I don’t think we can go back anymore to nature than this cute tree made out of twigs. I think this would make a great craft for children. It could start out with a walk in the woods and they can find twigs to bring home to make a tree!!!

Can you see yourself using a Back to nature theme for Christmas this year?

Come back tomorrow and I will show you how I incorporated a touch of Nature in my dining room last year.

My friend Terri at La Dolfina did an amazing job of using pinecones in her Christmas decorating this year. Terri is an avid collector of sea shells. I told her that pine cones are her winter sea shells!! If you need more inspiration be sure and visit Terri's blog.

“Enjoy the Process” Of:

Going back to Nature for your Holiday inspiration!


Holiday Hints:

When you take your morning walks, look around you and see what you can take home to use for the holidays.

If you use pine cones you can add some cinnamon oil to them and they will make your house smell wonderful.

Be sure to go over to What's Up Whimsy to see what I put on my Christmas Wish List!!! This is day Seven of the Twelve Days of Christmas Wish List. It is a fun series seeing what other bloggers have on their wish list. If you have time leave her a comment and tell her Kathysue sent you over!!
Holiday Gift Ideas

On another note♫♪♫♪ literally
 I just added a Christmas playlist at the bottom of my page. Let me know if you like hearing Christmas music or not???!
I always have music playing at my house and this is sort of home away from home so I thought for Christmas it might be kind of nice. Let me know if you like it or not???


  1. Love the birch covered cylinders and the Lincoln logs but as we are in summer we don't seem to have those type of natural ingredients just right at our fingertips! Pity really they look good!! xx

  2. This is my favorite type of holiday decorating and seems somehow especially suitable for the midwest and eastcoast...maybe because they have such an abundance of wonderful evergreen foliage. I really like the asemetrical garland on the one mantle...very nice...I must file that in the back of my mind. (-:

  3. This is one of my very favorite types of decorating. I love the natural look. I have hundreds of pinecones that I've picked up on my walks both here and on the east coast. I love them. Another fun thing to do with pinecones is wrap a wire around the top and then put lots of peanut butter on the pinecone and hang it outside on a branch of a tree for the birds and's their Christmas too! Kids love to do that.

  4. Now this is what I'm talking about! I love this approach to decorating for the holiday so much. Pine cones are in my house all year long! Can't wait to see the touch of nature you incorporated in your decor!

  5. Fantastic images and I think your right about how the economy can affect decorating too! I just love adding natural no matter the situation and almost froze gathering branches in my yard to use for decorating!

  6. Kathysue, you always find the most wonderful inspiration pics. These are gorgeous. Hugs, Marty

  7. How lovely, Kathysue! I especially love the magnolia leaves! I am thinking about planting one just so I can cut it up! lol Hope you are having a great week!...hugs...Debbie
    PS...Love your Christmas playlist!

  8. More beautiful inspiration Kathysue. I love the stairway done with twigs. I just showed it to J and said...we can do this! He replied...hmmm.;-)

  9. I LOVE THIS! Usually I prefer more simple holiday decor, but generally, larger, more traditional American-style homes pull-off "over the top" decor beautifully! That being said, I adore this! The decor around the fire-place is absolutely stunning!!
    Thanks for sharing,

  10. I love all of these looks...maybe not the over the top 1st picture...but I love using natural elements when I can. Now, if I could just get some magnolia leaves shipped up here!


  11. I like the birch wrappers and picked up a few last year.

  12. Kathysue, we're so on the same wavelength with regards to pinecones! I think the lanterns filled with greenery are genius and so simple, really. Love bringing nature into the house in every way I can.

  13. I love the trophy
    cup mantle....really
    gorgeous. I wonder
    how they keep the
    greens so fresh for
    a whole month, though??
    I also just love that
    burlap banner. I want
    to make one....for
    next year : )
    Happy Thursday!
    xx Suzanne

  14. It's always nice to see natural look and use what surrounds us, KathySue. I used a lot of holly berreis from our garden. I should cut more cause there is too much..Christine

  15. Hi Kathysue, what gorgeous inspiration. I love that mantle with the greenery and pinecones aroung the mirror. Thats a dream for me. Thanks for the image!

  16. I always mix some natural in with my Christmas decor, but I still have lots of shiny & sparkle too, so can't limit it to just one thing. But, I love the understated swagged real green garlands, simple satin ribbons, moss topiaries, all those real sugared fruits & swags. I go on a home tour here in B'ham every year & those homes are usually done very simply and elegantly with natural greenery and I oooh and ahh over it every time. Maybe one day I'll break down & go completely natural. But, it can be pretty expensive too to buy it all from a shop.

  17. This is really my favorite kind of holiday decorating. I love the pinecones and easy to find natural accessories.

  18. I am in love with all the natural decorating . These are fabulous images. It may be economy driven, but i hope it is here to stay for everyone. Love your music too. Mona

  19. Your speaking my language here!!!
    I love how you've coined my pinecones, my "winter shells"!
    You are so insightful. I'm loving all your Christmas posts, you are on a roll my friend. Thanks for bringing us so many beautiful images and stunning inspiration. I love it most when you share what you do in your own gorgeous home.
    And finally I am loving this music!!!!
    Thanks for linking to me too!!!
    I also love being linked to you :)
    Big Love,



I would love to hear from you, Kathysue