Tuesday, December 7, 2010

For The Young At Heart!!!

Christmas is for Kid’s right? Well, then I am a BIG kid!!!

I do have three wonderful, beautiful, perfect, talented, smart, grandchildren, so I am always on the outlook for fun things to do with and for them during the Christmas season.

The ideas I am about to show you are not just for kids, but they have a fun whimsical look to them so they remind me of children.

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This is one of the cuter ideas I have seen in a long time. I am going to try and make these with Grammy’s Christmas children. That is what I call my grandchildren at Christmas time.

You can go here to find out how to make these adorable little houses. I love the name of her blog, Not Martha. I am not a Martha either so we have a lot in common.

I  have a sleep over with Grammy's Christmas Children so the Moms and Dads can go Santa shopping. I love doing this for my family and especially for this Grammy!!!  You can never get enough of our Grandchildren!!!!

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Simple, Easy and a gift on the outside!!

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Yum Candy!!

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How about writing out their name with sparkly pipe cleaners instead of a boring name tag.

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Cupcake holders aren’t just for cupcakes anymore!!!

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More candy please!!

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Even their bedroom dresser can look like a pretty Christmas package.

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Christmas mice! The only mice that are acceptable in our house!!

I saw this idea on Designs by Gollum last year and made them for my grandkids. They are so easy to do. A chocolate dipped cherry for the body and a kiss for the head. Tubes of icing for eyes and little red nose. Slivered almonds make perfect ears.

Over at the blog  A Thoughtful place I found this darling idea. This is a new blog to me and I must say I looooove this blog for ideas!!! Be sure and go by and see what you have been missing if you are not familiar with this wonderful blog. Tell her Kathysue sent you !!! I promise you will not be disappointed!!
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There you have it! A few ideas for the young or in my case the young at heart!

“Enjoy the Process” Of

Bringing out the Kid in yourself and others!!



  1. those are some great ideas. I have never seen the little gingerbread houses on the mugs before. that's darling!

  2. Such cute ideas! I love the cleverness of the little gingerbread houses on the mugs, and how simple would it be just to tie a jump rope around the gift - would have never thought of that. That last gift is a.d.o.r.a.b.l.e. Happy Wednesday, Kathysue!

  3. I am young at heart for sure! Happy Wednesday!

  4. Great ideas, Kathysue! Thanks for sharing them. I have some plain tin little buckets I found at Goodwill that just might work for one of my nephews with the crayons, markers and colored pencils.

  5. I really miss having small children around this time of year. Occasionally my daughter (today's her 16th birthday!) will surprise me and want to do some holiday project with me. I'm looking forward to the day when I have grandbabies to do all the kiddie things with at Christmas time.

  6. Adorable little Christmas details. I love the first photo so much!
    Happy Christmas preparations!

  7. Dearest Kathysue,

    Martha.org seems to be a great site!
    Lovely ideas you show here. For sure your grandchildren will not get bored...

    Enjoy your time with them!

    Mariette's Back to Basics

  8. You always come up with the greatest things. I love it. Love you too!!! Hugs Marty

  9. Amazing ideas from the World's Number 1 Grandma!!!

  10. These are fantastic!! How lucky are your Grandkids to have such a hip Grandma! xo

  11. So many cute ideas...adore the gingerbread house!!

  12. I love having your Good Design page on my Google Home page. Everything you do makes me smile! I so admire your talent, your passion, and especially your love for our Great Big Wonderful God!

  13. How fun! I'll bet you are the best Grammie, and not just at Christmas time! I can't wait for my grandboys to get old enough to know what's going on with all the Christmas hoopla! Perhaps I just need to go ahead and start the fun things even when they're too little to remember! Thanks for the ideas!

  14. something i can actually do, actually many somethings. thanks luv

  15. So loving these ideas and only wished my boys were slightly younger to really get into the spirit. It seems that I'm the big kid in the house around the holidays!

  16. What lucky lucky children! That's such a good idea: to have them over for the night so "Santa" can go shopping. Well, I look forward to having some...yes? maybe? soon?
    Love that cupcake paper idea: too cute

  17. I bet you are the
    BEST grammy, Kathysue!
    I love these ideas because
    they are simple but stylish,
    fun and full of love. We
    made the choco mice one
    year and they are so cute!
    Merry Wednesday, sweet friend!
    xx Suzanne

  18. How cute are those gingerbread houses! My little grands are 2 and not quite 4 and all boy. I can't quite get them into crafting or baking, at least not yet. But, I do have a Christmas movie or two planned for their visit this weekend and all of my kids old Christmas books are out and ready to be read!

  19. Oh, so sweet to highlight my blog and idea! Thank you my dear friend. So many fun things here!!!

  20. What great ideas, KS!!!! I remember the mice from Gollums last year, thanks for reminding me, I am going to make some for Sunday! We are having a small party! LOve the candy tree too! So m,any great ideas! XO, Pinky


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue