Saturday, December 11, 2010

How Could I Lose Something So Precious?!!

A Story of Discovery!
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Wow!! Christmas time is such a fun and busy time of the year, isn’t it?!!
I am just like all of you and stay very busy decorating, baking and wrapping.

I truly love it all and  hum Fa-la-la and Deck the Halls as I am happily at work. Yes! I have to admit I am a hummer and a whistler♪♫♪

People that are close to me always use that as a sign of my happiness while I am creating, a barometer of sorts.

I truly love all of the preparations and decorating!! I can get pretty caught up in the whole process. After all my  saying is,"Enjoy the Process!!" Trust me I do enjoy it allot!!!

Let me tell you what happened last week in the midst of all the preparation for Christmas.............

……….I decided to decorate my living room for Christmas. I keep my living room  decorations  very simple and reflective of the true meaning of Christmas- the birth of Christ to come to earth to be our Saviour.

I always start out my decorating with putting Mary and Baby Jesus out. They truly set the tone for this room.

Now where did I put Mary and the Baby Jesus? I always keep them in the house in a safe place so they won’t get broken, now where are they???

I looked and looked and then I began to kind of panic.  I could not find them anywhere.  I looked in my prop closet,  where they are usually kept. Still no luck.

I looked in that closet three different times and did not see them.  Suddenly!!!!

There they were!!

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In the shadows hidden behind all the Holiday splendor.

Notice the tag on the glitzy leaf ornament?! Snowball Splendor  Priced at $2.99!!

I almost cried with relief and then it hit me!

What price was my Lord and Saviour willing to pay for me by being born on Christmas day?

She and baby Jesus were in the shadow of all the glitz and ornamentation of Christmas. How could I let this happen?! Not physically, but in my thoughts.

I have been so wrapped up, literally in the wrappings and trappings of Christmas, that I have not spent enough time being thankful to the One that made this all possible in the first place.

With that thought, I really did cry! Tears of remorse, tears asking for forgiveness.

After seeing this, for the first time this year........

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How could I forget this…………….

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So dear readers with all that being said, learn from my experience and try your hardest to keep Jesus at the forefront of this wonderful Christmas Season.
Merry Christmas!



  1. Very lovely and so very true...sometimes we need a little prod to remember what is truely important.

  2. beautiful, Kathysue. Thank you so much...

  3. Amen,indeed. Let's remember to keep the Christ in Christmas! Blessings as you go about the rest of the decorating -- and remember, he won't be upset if you go over-the-top with it all, as you are obviously doing it because of Him!! I highly doubt you've forgotten that.

  4. Amen Kathysue!!!
    Jesus is the reason for the season.
    My Mom's house was on the Christmas tour today and her house was the talk of the town. There was no doubt what her decorating was for. She has a huge collection of Nativity Scenes and Creches and everyone who walked through her home could feel her that she had decorated it in honor of our Lord's birth. It was palpable and oh so beautiful. I will post on it tomorrow!!!
    Lots of love to you my angel!!!!

  5. Dearest Kathysue,

    That helps me coping with the time frame... Thanks for putting this in writing. I'm still not caught up from being paralyzed early this year. Once behind, at our age, it seems almost impossible to catch up. What is time doing to us? So my Christmas decoration is very limited but the nativity scene will be put up. That's THE REASON for Christmas! Since we came to the US we've had a hard time with all the commercial pressure, after Thanksgiving. It kind of ruins the PEACE it is supposed to be all about.
    Paying high medical bills does not leave much room for extravaganza anyway. But we have so much to be thankful for and it is the FAITH that keeps us sane, keeps us going and keeps us down to earth...

    Have a great Sunday!

    Mariette's Back to Basics

  6. Great post - I think everyone gets so wrapped up in the decorations, gifts, baking and such that we forget what this holiday is actually about. :)

  7. What a beautiful reminder of the season. Thank you for sharing. This is what this holiday is all about.

  8. Beautiful Kathysue, and so wonderfully said. Merry CHRISTmas to you!! Lisa

  9. Amen, Kathysue. You so beautifully expressed a reminder of the meaning of the season and we must not forget that. And when we decorate we must remember that it is in his honor. Beautiful, beautiful.

  10. Well said and beautiful written Kathysue...sending big hugs your way :) x

  11. Kathysue,

    WOOWOWWW What a story! I love how we are able, in our limited capacity to really understand the divine, that we can get a revelation of a HUGE concept by way of a small and tangible object or event in our lives. He is so gracious to show us the ways of righteousness and gently shows us our wrongs.


  12. This is so touching and heartfelt, Kathysue... thanks for sharing. It is true that in all the commercialism of the season the true meaning can get lost. Thanks for reminding us of what's important. xo

  13. Oh Kathysue, I know your heart and you always remember our Savior. Not finding your statues is scary, but it doesn't reflect your true thoughts. I can't wait to see Him honored in your living room. Hugs, Marty

  14. I can't tell you how glad I am to read your words today. So much attention is paid to decor and buying and getting ready for Christmas that we forget the true meaning. I am so done with the material side of Christmas, increasingly becoming less meaningful to worry about decorating the mantel just so. why not quietly and reflectively go into this season?

  15. What a beautiful reminder, Kathysue! I need that, too. He is the reason for the season! And I have to say also how much I have been enjoying your Christmas inspiration posts. It is indeed a beautiful time of year! Happy weekend!...hugs...Debbie

  16. Beautiful post! Thank you!!!!!!!!!! And, Merry CHRISTmas!

  17. I agree KathySue. We have to remember the Reason for the season....Christine

  18. You are right again, Kathysue. We are all tempted by the glitz and commercialism of Christmas - but the life we are promised through the birth of Christ is the true gift!

  19. Kathysue, oh so true! What a great reminder. I truly have slowed down this year & reflected on the season. Spent last weekend at the Deeper Still conference & heard some powerful messages from 3 annointed women & I cried. A wonderful time of praise & worship. Great time of reflection this year on what is truly important. Merry Cbristmas, my friend!

  20. My first time on your blog and I read THAT! Wow... what I would have missed if I had not clicked on your photo from a comment you made on another blog. Thank you for sharing your story, for declaring what you believe and for the wonderful reminder. I agree. xo Sherri

  21. Now I am the one crying! Thank you so much for this post Kathysue, you are such a blessing to us!




I would love to hear from you, Kathysue