Sunday, December 12, 2010

Favorite Christmas Inspirations for 2010

As I reviewed the holiday post I have written and ready to go, it dawned on me why not show the  images here  that are my favorite this year. So, that is what I decided to blog about- my personal favorites!!

I did a guest post on this very subject over at Providence LTD.  I used some of the images below, but not all of them. I continue to add to my file as the season progresses.  En-JOY!♪♫♪♫

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Country Living Image
This is one of my all-time favorites. I love black and white with a pop of green. The simplicity of this image is so appealing to me. If I see stripes, especially  black and white stripes, I am in heaven!!

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Another simple idea, but this time it has a little more elegant flair. I love an understated elegant look.

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Simple Elegance at it’s best!

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I have already shown this one on my blog and it was a favorite among my reader’s.

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I think this is just a really simple and fun idea. Bottomless cylinders  are used here and the lights have white wire to keep it, yet again, simple!!

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I love how they spelled out a word with natural greenery. I have a real love for anything with words, letters or numbers.

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I love the festive look on the backs of these chairs.

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Speaking of backs of chairs- I love a little whimsy and I think these angel wings would do the trick!

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If you were having an adult party this would be a great way to light up your stairway.

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A fun little touch for your outside stairs leading up to your porch.

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Speaking of porches, if one wreath is good and two is better, three has to be the best!!!

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No surprise  here!! Black and white is my favorite!!

1 Blair House (200x267)
Can you imagine how this looks at night?  I want all of these lanterns hanging in my yard!!

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Cute to have white churches all decked out for the holidays. The color scheme here is so so pretty. Who needs a mantel if you have an old upright piano?

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A snowy Christmas would be nice, but it probably won’t be happening in my California neighborhood.

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Clever idea! Cluster your ornaments and hang in the window.

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I adore wrought iron gates and I have several older ones in my backyard. I think this idea is so clever!

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Leave it to Ms. Stewart!!! So clever and all the elements just work well together!!

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Simple elegance! Notice the tie-backs!!
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This is just cute!!!
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More Simple Elegance!!
better homes and gardens (300x277) (300x277)
Better Homes and Gardens
I think the use of natural elements is always a good idea. I think the little banner-like cloth hanging is adorable.

 I would take it one step further and add words like, Peace, Joy, Love!! What would you add to the banners?

If some of these images look familiar to you all I might have used them in other post.

I hope you have enjoyed just a little glimpse into the images that are inspiring my  decorating this year.

I promise I will have pictures of my home this week. You will be able to see which of the above images I used in my own home this year, with just a bit of my own personal touch.

I have been having some technical difficulties with my camera:
  • I am a horrible photographer and can’t seem to get the lighting right!
  • I left my camera at my son’s house(now that would put a stop to my picture taking for sure!

Be sure and come back this week to check out what I did in my 2010 Christmas Decor!!!

Merry, Merry Christmas!!

“Enjoy the Process” Of:

Everything that you are doing to make your own Christmas Home!



  1. I love all of these images you have posted! Lots of great inspiration.

  2. These are all wonderful...great inspirations. Sorry about the camera - I have a terrible time trying to get good indoor photos...between the glare, the lighting, and not being able to get back far enough it can be so fustrating!!!

  3. Dearest Kathysue,

    Wow, from the dreamy looks these images emitted, I almost got sleepy when I came to the bottom of the blog... So much to look at. The beginning is in my opinion the better part of the show. Love the green wreaths in that room on the windows!

    Hope you have another great week!

    Mariette's Back to Basics

  4. Beautiful images. You are always such a wonderful source of inspiration and encouragement. I am looking forward to seeing what you have been doing in your home. From glimpses you have shown us before I love the fact that you decorate with both your talent and your heart. It is always such a treat to see your home. Looking forward.

  5. Gorgeous inspiration. I love the black cabinet with green and of course the gate with wreath, especially!

  6. So many beautiful ideas for Christmas decorating :-) Especially love the little bell wreath on the door knob and the three wreaths on the front door and the red ribbons & pine cones on the dining room chairs :-)

    {I just bought two more glass floats to add to my collection :-) }

  7. Wish I had all this inspiration before I started decorating this weekend - guess you'll have to stay tuned to see what I did! Great images, especially the candles on the stairs...

  8. I still like the chairs with the white slipcovers, red bows and greenery. Simple and elegant.

  9. Such beautiful images! I can't wait to see how you express their inspiration in your own home! I really felt inspired myself by the use of the old gate over the fireplace. I have one and I've been trying to figure out what to do with it? Bingo!! Thanks! Vanna

  10. Hi Kathysue! This is such a great post! The images and the music.....I feel like it was a holiday "moment" just sitting here.

    Can't wait to see your home dressed for the holidays!
    xo elizabeth

  11. Love all the simple , natural elegance. I went more that direction this year but I think I will go even more simple next year. I'm really loving it.

  12. Wow, Kathysue, so much gorgeous inspiration...thanks for sharing!!

  13. I loved seeing
    all of this inspiration
    in one post. Thank you
    for that! I'm going to
    "clip" a few for my own
    idea file. I would agree,
    the first one is fab and
    I have that one in my
    file, already....Maybe
    I even got it here? Can't
    wait to see your pictures!!
    Hope your week is off to
    a wonderful start, sweet
    sweet friend.
    xx Suzanne


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue