Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Is Almost Here!!!

It is almost Christmas Day!!! I feel like a little kid the closer it gets!!! I think I am ready except for the food for Christmas day dinner.

Gifts are purchased, wrapped and under the tree. I have a few things to organize and I think we will be good to go. I love the last few days right before Christmas, don’t you?

Now that it is almost here I thought I would show you a few bits and pieces of my home.

You already caught a glimpse of my mantel. I thought you might like to see the rest of it and maybe a few close-ups……..

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I had so much fun sprinkling California snow on my tree and mantel this year. I like the way it gives the mantle texture.

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Left side of the mantle.

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The left side of mirror.

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This is a console table at the back of my family room. I have a figurine that represents each son. The soldier is for my oldest son, the rocking horse for my middle son and the Santa is for my youngest. I can't have a Christmas without these little guys!!!

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The green chair and ottoman is where everyone likes to sit. This chair is so comfy. The small checked chair is really nice for reading with it’s higher arms.

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I would like to leave you with a picture that is truly at the center of our family Christmas. In spite of all the lights, packages and ornaments we as a family are celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior.

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Merry Christmas,



  1. How warm and welcoming your home looks. I am sure the Christmas Spirit will be strong and steady in this wonderful atmosphere you have created. God Bless You Kathysue and thank you for being a bloggie buddy this year xoxo J

  2. That tree is incredible, what a beautiful room. I do love these last few days before Christmas, they're so magical. Have a wonderful Christmas and thank you for all your lovely comments and fantastic advice..I look forward to catching up with you in the New Year..Love Rachaelxx

  3. Kathysue,
    Nothing like a favorite seat to view all the Christmas decorations! I love the silver glass trees. I finished up everything Monday...earlier than most years and I am now ready to kick back and enjoy it all.

    Merry Christmas!!!

  4. The image of your tree looks like a Christmas card, beauteous!

    Merry Christmas Kathysue.

  5. Such a lovely, warm, and welcoming room and the decorations only add to the over all effect. So pretty. Merry Christmas!

  6. So beautiful...
    love the music too :)
    I'm imagining your lovely home full of your treasured family all gathering around that beautiful tree and wondering who is staking claim to the green chair :)
    Merry Christmas Kathysue!!
    You know who loves you :)

  7. Everything looks so pretty, Kathysue! Wishing you a wonderful Christmas with your family filled with peace, love and joy!...hugs...Debbie

  8. Dearest Kathysue,

    Hope your sons and all of you can be together for this important FAMILY event! Spiritual family as well as earthly family. You prepared your NEST well for it!

    Enjoy the FINALE...

    Mariette's Back to Basics

  9. Kathysue, everything is so beautiful. I can almost picture your family all gathered together to celebrate the magical day. And, as Terri so perfectly said it "wondering who is staking claim to the green chair"! Love it!
    Have a beautiful Christmas filled with much love and joyous celebration.
    Merry Christmas!

  10. it is as lovely as you kathy sue. wishing you and your family a magical christmas!

    big hugs

  11. Merry Christmas to you dear Kathysue! So happy to have 'met' you this year and I really appreciate all of your support. Big hugs to you,
    Nancy xo

  12. Its so pretty and warm and I love how you have figurines for each boy!
    Merry christmas friend,

  13. Kathysue
    So pretty....and festive. Love the explanation of the figurines representing your children. That is really special. Merry Christmas.

  14. warm and inviting... happy holidays!

  15. Merry Christmas, Kathysue! We love you!

    Your house looks gorgeous!

    Eddie + Jaithan

  16. Love all of the shimmer, Kathysue! Just gorgeous! I love the Cali snow! Merry Christmas, my friend! XX!

  17. Hope you had a GREAT day! Your home is so beautiful and you kNOW I just love that mantle!!!! Thanks for sharing it with us! XO,. Pinky

  18. Your tree is stunning!! Hope you had a wonderful holiday!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue