Thursday, October 28, 2010

Being Centered!

We have all heard of Being Centered in reference to ourselves. Being centered is important in going through life. Today I am not talking about our personal beings. Today I am talking about our homes actually our entry halls.

I have always been attracted to center hall tables. I have not found too many examples of center hall tables. It is probably because our homes are not as grand as they once were or as spacious.

I for one would love to have a center hall table but alas my home is not large enough. Instead of having a center hall table I will just dream and look at images of center hall tables like the following…………..
1007p095_len_2[1] (383x510)
branches (568x450)
flowers (499x499)
This is gorgeous!
Max and Col. (468x537)
simple (470x540)
untitled (460x360)
I don’t know about you all, but I feel sooooo centered now!!!
“Enjoy the Process” Of:
Enjoying images of something you love!


  1. Hi Kathysue,
    It's so weird to see this post as I was just admiring the most wonderful center table in the hotel we are staying. I will take a photo and send it to you.
    A few years ago, I decided to put a center table in my entry. It lasted for about a year. It seemed to always be in the way and I couldn't keep up with the flower arrangement/display for it. I think my entry isn't quite big enough! Lovely post my dear. Coming home tomorrow night. I need to see a Giants game! xo Delores

  2. Wouldn't it be wonderful to have a grand entryway like these? Of course, some of these halls are half the size of my house! My favorite is the second, I love that space. Great examples Kathysue. Hugs, Kat

  3. Kathysue, I love that look, too, but mine is too narrow, too. I have seen many done like that on home tours.

  4. Hi Kathysue! Love these! I immediately thought of the Black Walnut B&B and their hall table...covered with yummy snacks! lol Hope you are having a great week!...hugs...Debbie

  5. I love this look, when house hunting we looked at one home where this could have been done, placed just to the side (so technically not exactly centered, but a wonderful look.) When I think of that house it is what I remember! Janell

  6. I'm like so many who don't have room for a center entry table but do love the look and the way it says "Welcome."

  7. That is a great look, Kathysue - though I tried it myself in my wide foyer and it just felt awkward to me, so I moved it.

  8. Gorgeous pics!!! Wish mine was big enough for a table too....

  9. Let's think about how we could change this design element, which is a dreamscape for most of us, to possibility for small spaces? Anyone?

  10. I too have longed to be able to have this look but after seeing your lovely images I feel more centered now too. Thanks sweet friend!

  11. Oh, I'd love to have an entryway large enough for a table. I've always loved the look and you just gave me more to dream about!!


  12. I've always loved these gorgeous tables and wouldn't it be a treat to have the room for one, instead of practically shuffling in sideways past all the coats and boots? :)

  13. Great post Kathysue! I wish my entrance was grand enough for a pretty table.


  14. I am just loveing those pedestal tables, KathySue!..Christine

  15. I think this is such a beautiful look for an entrance foyer...great post!

  16. I love this look. My foyer is so small I only have room for a bakers rack, and that is a tight fit;):)

  17. Kathysue, These photo's are so formal and beautiful. I think that my new house is about the size of these entrenceways! haha! I am hoping an antique tepephone seat will fit in our new entranceway! ( :
    I copied your formula for how many lamps we should have in our homes, thank you!
    I am glad you got a kick out of my car story! Meals on wheels! LOVE IT!
    Have a pretty day!

  18. I think we share a brain Kathysue!! I love the look of a centered round table in an entry, and my dream home would definitely include this look!! Lovely post :)
    Nancy xo

  19. I've loved that fifth image from the first time I saw it. No room for a center table at my house either, though...

  20. We hope you had a wonderful trip! Aren't entry tables so beautiful? Thank you for the sweet comments & we hope you have a Happy Halloween :)


  21. I actually have the room for a center hall table, but I always wonder if they are more trouble than they're worth. Everyone has to walk around them after all!

  22. These are gorgeous! Love the octagon table the most. Have a glorious weekend, Kellie xx

  23. I'm not sure I'll ever own a home big enough for a center table in the hall. :)

  24. Hey gorgeous
    and sassy 60-
    year young!!
    I love this
    post as I've
    always wanted
    to do this....
    I do have a
    spot that would
    work; just need
    the courage AND
    the right table : )
    I'm not a fast
    mover, though...
    maybe in a few
    xx Suzanne


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue