Friday, August 13, 2010

Touches of Fall for my Porch

I know it is not officially the start of fall, but as I wrote in my previous post, I am feeling it in the air.

This past weekend Hubby and I took a little day trip to Half Moon Bay in California. It is cooler there by the ocean and you can smell the Monterey pines and the ocean air all at one time.

They have an incredible nursery that displays seasonal color on long tables. They put all of one flowering plant on each table for an amazing array of color. The senses are delighted by the fragrance, sight and even sound, they always have wonderful classical music playing in the back ground.

Here are just a few of the wonderful plants and flowers we saw that day……
Half moon bay aug.2010 (6)
Look at the great planter this display of plants is in. It appears to be a mixture of cement that has rough elements added to it in order to make this natural looking planter, I loved this look.
Half moon bay aug.2010 (5)
A wonderful mixture of colorful coleus and lobelia.
Half moon bay aug.2010 (1)
Half moon bay -2010 (8)
Half moon bay -2010 (11)
Half moon bay aug.2010 (9)
Half moon bay aug.2010 (13)
Now for a look at my cart!!
Half moon bay aug.2010 (15)
Half moon bay aug.2010 (17)
Inside my trunk all ready for the ride home.
The start of fall comes with the coleus. I also am adding a fun lemon cypress tree to the mix. This is a wonderful plant that actually smells like lemon when you touch it. It is going to make my porch smell so good. I loved the very dark almost black coleus with the border of lime. I think it will look really good in my black pots on the porch.

Remember when I did my porch make-over on this post ? I had it all done except for the cushions for the chairs. I got the cushions and they are wonderful. Black with white piping and I think they add just the right touch with the black and white striped curtain. I will have a picture of the porch with the new cushions on Monday's post.
Be sure to come back so you can see the pots on my porch all planted and ready for fall, well almost. I will be adding mums as the weather gets a little cooler and closer to Septemeber.

"Enjoy the Process" Of:

Going to the nursery and enjoying the sites,smells and the sounds and bringing home some of the beauty found there.



  1. I love the smell and sites and sounds of the Nursery as well! So calming and energizing!

  2. It is always a treat to visit our local nursery. I love your picks.


  3. Half Moon Bay not only looks lovely, but it has such a wonderful name! Have a lovely weekend, Kathysue. xo

  4. Don't you just love Half Moon Bay Nursery? It is such a delight for the senses. The soft classical music, the plants all grouped together, and in winter, the wood burning stove! Let's go together someday!
    Can't wait to see your new plants on the porch. Have a great weekend Kathysue! xo Delores

  5. The photos are beautiful! I love what you selected for your porch! Can't wait to see the new cushions!


  6. Oh so pretty Kathysue! I love all the colors.
    I'm ready to see your gorgeous porch as well. :)

  7. Great photos, Kathysue. I am praying for a cool down here and rain. So hot and dry this week. Those plants are beautiful and can't wait to see them in.

  8. Kathysue, we are still dealing with sweltering heat here! Your photos are beautiful - did you get a new camera?

  9. I agree that it is not too soon to start thinking about fall. Please visit the site I write for, to see my fall decorating suggestions. I fully understand what you mean by the smell in the air. I live in So cal and while people always say we dont have seasons, we do have subtle changes that those of us who live here fully recognize. Even though we really have not had a summer I am ready for the change of season. Love those plants and great photography!

  10. Oh Kathysue, you always make your porch look so pretty. Everything is just perfect. You plants are wonderful We can plan around the end of sept. So hopefully I can have some pretty flowers then. Love ya. Hugs, Marty

  11. Our 100 degree temperatures finally broke last night with lots of wind and rain. Hoping today won't be the 100 plus they are predicting. This a.m. it is gorgeous outside. Perfect for sitting on the patio in front of the shop. Your fall colors are wonderful. Nothing screams happy any better than beautiful flowers.
    hugs ~lynne~

  12. That IS a gorgeous bougainvillea! Crazy about that planter, too - I'm all about mixing it up in a great container!
    Happy Fall in the Air!!

  13. Kathysue, you are making so envious. All my pot look pretty sad about now. But with triple digit days there is no use planting something new. In fact, there isn't much to be had at our plant centers. So thanks for taking me along on your trip. :-)
    ~ Sarah

  14. Great array of color and textures. They are going to look great.

  15. Hydrangeas are my all time favourite! Such gorgeous things they are ! xx

  16. How beautiful Kathysue! I needed to see some lush flowers! I am tired of my dried up old petunias and vinca! No wonder everyone wants to live in California! Have a great weekend...hugs...Debbie

  17. Gorgeous succulents! So jealous that a touch of fall is arriving, it is still soooo hot in Georgia! My impatiens are so thirsty! I love Half Moon Bay, one of the most beautiful places ever! Enjoy your weekend, Kathysue! Lovely post!

  18. Hey sweet friend!
    I'm still on holiday
    and the internet at
    the beach was lousy,
    so I'm catching up!
    I can see that for you,
    fall is in the air! I'm
    in complete denial, since
    my home is in Minnesota
    and the winters are sooooo
    long.....As much as I love
    the fall, I'm just not
    ready for it, yet!!! I
    know that I'll return home
    to some sad looking planters,
    though and will be ready
    to add some of these same
    lovelies to perk them {and
    me} up. Loved going to
    the nursery with you!
    xx Suzanne

  19. Beautiful pictures. I love going to the nursery because it's food for my soul. I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with your beautiful choices.
    We have had unbelievable cool temps this summer in southern California but I think our hot weather is still to come in September and October. I guess that's when I will be dreaming and hoping for fall.

  20. Kathysue, I love the colors you have chosen! You know how I lOVE pink!
    THANK YOU for your beautiful email and comment! I will be emailing you tomorrow afternoon. We are pouring concrete tomorrow so the morning will be exciting. I will put pic's up on the blog in the afternoon.
    LOVE, Kristin

  21. Beautiful flowers, KathySue and I cannot wait to see them in your yard...Christien

  22. Oh, such gorgeous colors and textures. I can't wait to see them planted.

  23. Wow...stunning pics! I can't wait to see your new cushions! :)

  24. I didn't know they were lemon cypress trees. Does that fresh green ever come back once the season is over? I bought one once and it turned brown.

  25. By the way your porch is stunning! Beautiful job!

  26. Why do I always get green with envy when I see your posts? However, on the plus side, you certainly motivate me and remind me every day that life can be beautiful! You are extremely gifted, Kathysue!!!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue