Thursday, August 12, 2010

Is Fall In The Air For YOU?

When do you know that it is, “Fall in the Air”? I know that sounds like a silly question, but being in California our seasons are not quite as distinct as they are on the East coast.

Throughout blog land I have been noticing more posts on the fall even though people are still experiencing sweltering temperatures. So it made me realize that maybe the feeling of, “Fall in the Air,” is actually more of an internal feeling or calling.

I started thinking what happens in my own life that starts calling me to bringing fall into my home. It actually starts with my senses.
  1. First, I start craving more homey type meals. You know like stews, chili, shepherd pie,roasted veggies.(I just did this the other night)
  2. Next I will usually start looking at my front porch in a different way. I will purchase some fall plants like coleus to add to my Spring/Summer impatiens.(The pots are already planted. I did this on the weekend).
  3. It seems as if all of the sudden I pull out more votive candles and find myself lighting them in the evenings on my long mantle. (I have realized this correlates with pre-season football games.)
  4. As the impatiens wither, I will replace them with cyclamen in white and purples with the addition of white and purple kale. Purple and white mums are added to the mix on my porch in the pots.
  5. I start bringing out more of my black accessories. It does not make  a dark look, but a more cozier look.
  6. More fires in the fireplace in the evening along with the candles.
  7. The scents in my home change from fresh to spicy. Now is when I bring out my crock pot and always have some cider for myself or a guest that will drop in for a visit.
  8. Last but not least are the pumpkins in white and green.
roasted vegs
Roasted Veggies
Half moon bay -2010 (6)
Colorful Coleus

Adding touches of black to my mantle.

Fire in the fireplace and candles on the mantle.


mums purple kale
white mums 
Purple and white mums with ornamental kale.

Hot cider from the crock pot.

Martha Stewart November 2009[1]
Green and White pumpkins courtesy of Martha Stewart

So what do you all do when you feel, “Fall In The Air”? I hope you leave a comment so we can all be inspired!!

“Enjoy the Process” Of:
Feeling “Fall in the Air” and bringing touches of fall into your home.


  1. This is really interesting to read, especially as our seasons are opposite. We are heading into Spring...but not a hint of it yet. Our Melbourne winter has been the coldest and wettest in years (which is wonderful news as we are on water restrictions over Summer and the gardens are suffering). I loved reading about your Fall rituals or as we call it, Autumn. I love Autumn when the leaves change colour. I find myself making soup and baking more.
    X Briohny.

  2. As soon as September hits, then I know fall is on the way. Sometimes we have short 'Indian Summers' here in the UK and it will be really warm in September, but then the next day it can be windy and cold and then come October it really starts to get colder! I love fall, though - great fashion and lots of fun new homeware collections!

  3. It is in the upper 90's here, in Missouri, with the heat index into the 100's at times. With that said and it only being August 12th, last night when I stepped out onto the back porch, here at home, there was a fall scent to the air. Even though it is still very hot and humid, the scent was there. When I smell that particular undescribable scent is when I know Fall is not far away.
    Around the first of September, I'll bring out the ceramic pumpkins and that sort of thing, even though I don't do a lot of Fall decorating. Subtle changes will take place, here at home and at the lake. Fall is my favorite time of year.

    I saw photo ideas while I was standing on the back porch last night and had a thought or two for a blog post. If all goes well at the doctor, today (we have a 100 mile round trip) and we get our errands finished in time, I think I'll snap a couple of photos this evening and do a little pre-Fall post.

  4. Kathysue, I don't feel it yet, but am patiently waiting. I look forward to the cooler crisp air, the bluer sky, the smell of fallen leaves. I usually just add throws in the family room and sun room and darker color pillows will replace some of the light ones. I will take the plant out of the fireplace and bring my firescreen back out. I will probably take the slips off the sofa and chair in the great room. I will add mums outside and pansies do well here in the winter for added color while everything else dies.

  5. I have many of the same "rituals" you do, so I loved reding your list!

    For me, I can not think of fall until the kids are officially in school...then the wheels start churning!!!

  6. Oh, Kathysue! I am sooo hot and miserable here with temps in the 90s that it was nice to read about a little fall planning! It won't feel like fall to me until well into October. But I think the first sign of fall for me is when my ginger lilies bloom and the hummingbird moths come at night! I'm just waiting for the first frost so I won't have to mow anymore! Yaaay! Now if you could just send a little bit of your fall this way.....Debbie

  7. I think with the evenings being a bit shorter, we are all starting to think of fall. I love doing all the things you do with the exception of planting anything but mums....gardening wears me out by August!

    Thanks for a post that makes me feel cozy. Maybe stew tonight?


  8. Oh yes this post was def fall inspiring! Love all your pics!


  9. Fall will begin for me when I'm cold, haha.

  10. Oh...if only! It is going to be 104 here today with a heat index of 112...Fall? I am longing for it!

    I was just saying the other day that when school starts and we start anticipating college least we have the HOPE of fall...but here in Texas it will be HOT for at least 2 more months...UGH!

    I love your post...I am feeling a little for hopeful...just a little;)!


  11. For me, it is more about the smell in the air and the cooler temperatures. I think many of us are just having wishful thinking as we sit trapped in our homes in 100+ heat. This has been such an odd summer, almost as confining as a terrible winter. I long for the sights, smells and temperatures of fall.

  12. Normally, I cannot wait for Fall because it's my favorite time, but...we had such a long, cold, snowy winter, I do not want to give up being able to just walk outside without bundling up! I am with you, though, on all those little details, the food, the spicy (cinnamon here) the candles, etc. I do love the blue sky here and the colors are so incredible. It just doesn't last long enough!

  13. Hi Kathysue,
    Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. I'm glad I found your blog.
    I love Fall! But right now all I keep telling people is I can't wait to put some orange leaves in my planters. A little tacky, but they look pretty from the street. When I do this... I know the cooler air is here.
    I looked at your GW finds. Nice score! I need water goblets too.
    I'm starting to pay a little more attention to the tables of goodies.
    I'm usually scanning for furniture and then I'm out the door.
    I like taking my time to dig through all of the dishes and trinkets.
    Silver and glass are my favorites.

  14. Hi Kathysue,
    Same here on the coast. The fall season comes really late but around this time of the year I start thinking fall. Football is gearing up and I see lots of apple cider and pumpkin spice candles in the stores. I start thinking of falling leaves and fall colors.

    It is a wonderful time of the year.

    thanks for such a lovely post.


  15. It is hot here 98. I have seen some few leaves starting to turn. I love winter and am looking forward to doing Christmas this year. It gets here before you know it. I saw a tree decoraded in Cracker Barrel last week. Kathy

  16. I'm not totally feeling it yet since it was 102 degrees here today, but I'm sure ready for it. I blogged on Monday about some changes I want to make at the lakehouse this Fall. This reminds me to get back to it. I would like to find some coleus to add to my pots. It's so pretty. Love your changes.

  17. I totally understand the feeling Kathysue!! I bought a jewel-toned cardigan today and I felt all fall-ish inside!!

  18. Oh Kathysue I love your rituals but I personally don't welcome Fall into my home until the end of October as our Summer doesn't really arrive until Indian Summer in September. It's been foggy and cold here almost every day this "Summer". It's amazing the difference in micro climates between our two towns!
    Love you,

  19. Kathysue- I love tht feeling of fall in the air.. mm mmmm it inspires me in a way no other season does... to cook, to write, to hunker down & read... make my home homier ;)

    BUT i am coming back here to this post when i feel it because i'm so not ready yet!!! hahaha we have almost 100 degree days here in VA and we head to the beach next week so i'm squeezing every inch i can out of summer!!!

    I love your list & will be back to savor it when fall hits for me ;)

  20. oh KS. you have totally hit my sweet spot. fall is definitely in the air for me. good stuff to start thinking about. i love it! xo

  21. I am so ready for fall, This has been the hottest, dries summer on record. Loved this post!

  22. My heart aches for everyone who is sufffering through the high temps this summer. It has been a very difficult summer for some areas of the country and I'm certain they are looking forward to fall coming quickly.
    It has been extremely cool in southern California this year but I have a feeling heat is still on it's way. Then I will start thinking more about fall. I love to make all kinds of soups so that will be my first calling.


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue