Sunday, July 11, 2010

Sweet Tea

I recently had the pleasure of staying at a wonderful beach house in North Carolina. While I was in North Carolina I was introduced to Sweet Tea! I have had iced tea before but none like the sweet tea in North Carolina. It was smooth mellow, thirst quenching, icy and oh so sweet!
I am a California born and raised gal so we did not grow up with Sweet Tea. I had to find out how to make this wonderful brew.
Southern Style Sweet Tea

  • 3 Large Tea Bags

  • Simple Syrup
Simple Syrup Ingredients

  • 1 cup of water

  • 1 cup of sugar

  • vessel to store it in- a nice glass jar works best
I found it to be simple. It was not the recipe but the tea that was used.
Sorry Liptons!! I am a convert and I am now only going to use Luzianne tea. I was told this is the best tea ever, and boy were they right.

I might have to have it shipped to me but it will be worth it to have the Southern drink of Sweet Tea!

I thought it would be fun to explore some iced tea pitchers now that I know how to make a proper pitcher of Sweet Tea! Here are a few that I have found:
Fridgeadaire 1930s depression glass
This is a Frigidaire pitcher in depression glass, you can find these on eBay or at Etsy. Love the color!!
Crate and Barrels Ona pitcher looks so pretty with tea in it.
Crate and Barrel Rustic white pitcher
Crate and Barrel Zazz barware pitcher. It looks so frosty, love that!!
Le Crueset
Le Creuset pitcher in lime. I have this one and it is timeless.
Fun pitcher with its own tea strainer in the top from Rare Device.
fiesta ware
Fiesta ware pitchers, reproductions are sold at Macy’s stores.
I am sure you Southern gals probably think I am funny, but truly I have never had a glass of ice tea this good before. I would love to hear if y’all (that was said with my newly acquired Southern accent) have any other old family secrets or advice on Sweet Tea?!
“Enjoy the Process” Of:
Making a refreshing, icy cold pitcher of Southern Sweet Tea!


  1. What cool pitchers! There ain't no tea better than ice cold sweet tea.

  2. We use Luzianne, Kathysue. It is excellent!

    While I like good southern sweet tea, I tend to have my tea with lemon only. J, on the other hand, is a huge fan of sweet tea.

    My southern Missouri grandmother made tea that was like Arnold Palmer iced tea...half lemonade half sweet tea...that was good, too. My Texas grandmother always served tea with lemon. There was a small container of saccarine tablets on the table. I added one of those to my glass of tea, with lemon, when I was a child and loved it.

    J likes his tea in a glass mason jar. I like a tall clear glass of tea.

  3. Hi Kathysue! So glad we converted you! I like mine with lemon, too. Just let me know when you need some more Luzianne and I'll send it to you! Have you tried making grits yet? Happy weekend!...hugs...Debbie

  4. Deb no grits yet but they are on the list, I need to go to the store to get all the fixin's(again in my southern accent)

  5. I'm intrigued... I know if you loved it I would too!
    I'm gonna make me some today!!!
    Where can I find Luzianne around here though?
    Happy Sunday :)

  6. Love Luzianne and can find it in the stores here with no problem. I just like mine straight, maybe a little lemon slice sometimes. So glad you enjoyed the tea and I love your new Southern Accent. lol Hugs, Marty

  7. Love sweet tea and love the pitchers! I have the Le Creuset Kiwi...great minds think alike!

    I'll take mine with lemon...thank you!

    Happy Sunday!

  8. Being from Mississippi, I LOVE sweet tea - my favorite beverage!! Just always had the sugar when the tea is hot :)

  9. Kathysue: Very timely post...we are getting ready to move to North Carolina and have had great discussions about the sweet tea! The consensus seems to be that it starts appearing south of Richmond... I have always liked sweetened tea, and am always making "sugar water": so much easier than having to dissolve awful sugar in a cold tea!
    But you are missing one KEY ingredient: mint!!!! Must have mint!

  10. I was house sitting in Tennessee for 5 months and Luzianne tea was the recommended brand. I agree, I might have to order some.

  11. You now know one reason that the South is referred to as God's country!! When you're ready to know more, I'll send you my great grandmother's recipe for fried hot water cornbread! You just haven't lived yet. And we washed it down with sweet tea!

  12. I think most Texans live on iced tea...year round. :-) I love it, with lemon or lime, no sugar. Seems most people drink sweet tea but I just can't. Luzianne is fabulous, I agree! If you can't find it, I'll be glad to mail it to you.

    Have a blessed week ~

  13. How yummy! I definitely have to make some to share with Steve while the kids are away. What a relaxing way to spend an afternoon!


  14. Hi Kathy,
    So glad that you are finally turned on to our sweettea. It's one word down here and don't ever ask for unsweet because your waitress will think you're weird and definitely a "yankee."

    Luzianne tea is the best. Be sure to use 2 very large tea bags and boil your water. Let it steep for at least 10 minutes or more. Make sure the sugar is already in your pitcher when you pour in the hot tea.
    You'll be calling everyone "Sugar" and "Honey" in no time.



  15. A convert! I knew they could do it. There is nothing better on a hot day than an icy cold glass of sweet tea. Luzianne is definitely the best, and I prefer the simple syrup method too. But you MUST add mint. Here in Texas most people serve it with lemon, but my Mississippi grandmother would never serve hers without mint. If you need a shipment of Luzianne, just let me know. I'll send some for La Dolfina too :) Kat

  16. Love that Crate and Barrel pitcher! Could go for some of that tea right now!

  17. Oh my, I am a North Carolinian and you are drinking my drink!!! Glad to have you on our team :)! So nice to meet you and visit your blog...have a great night!

  18. Kathysue maybe we can meet one day as well since you were just in NC! The world of blog is such a wonderful blessing to us all. *Smiles*

    Thanks for checking out my dream home. Yours sounds perfect. I would LOVE to visit Napa for sure. :)

  19. Kathysue, I make sweet tea probably every other day and I have not ever done that simple syrup recipe. I just pour the sugar in the pitcher and then pour the boiling water in and add the Luzianne tea bags and let that steep. Then I add cold water to make the pitcher full and stir. I love lots of ice in my glass, but my husband only likes a little ice. I am so glad you got to enjoy sweet southern iced tea.

  20. Ever since i got back from Texas, Ive been on a black tea CRAZE! I have never tried Luzianne....will have to look for it.

  21. I guess everyone does their tea differently. I use two cups of boiling water, two cups of cold water over 8 regular size tea bags. Remove tea bags after 5 minutes add one cup of sugar let the tea go to room temp, then pour over ice.

    From Virginia

  22. My aunt, born and raised in Little Rock and just about the best cook around, says the trick is to boil the water with the sugar in it, then add the tea bags and let it steep. That and some home made biscuits and I am in heaven. (if you dont live in the South or are in a pinch..try Mcdonalds sweet tea,it is actually pretty dang good) lame attempt at speaking southern. very timely post! loved it!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue