Monday, July 12, 2010

How about some Frigescaping?

Do you remember my Frigescaping post? The whole concept was to make even the inside of your refrigerator look pleasing to the eye. I put fruit , eggs etc. in pretty containers instead of just in the drawer, or in the container they came in. It is surprising how fun it is to open the door when it looks pretty and pleasing to your eye.
frige%20pantry%20closet%20redo%20006[1] (2)
In a perfect world it would always stay like this, but alas it does not, or at least it does not in my life. In my Frigescaping (I made this word up) post I also showed you some cool containers that you could add to your refrigerator to make it look pretty. Like the egg holder from Anthropologie that I purchased.
Go to my post if you would like to see more ideas,here.
While looking in blog land the other day I went to a new blog to me, that I loved called Brooklyn Limestone. On one of the post they had a post on I another new site to me, with some fun containers to keep food in. It is called My Sparrow and this on-line shop has some amazing pieces. What caught my eye was the white ceramic berry and plum baskets.

berrie basket
Aren’t these wonderful and they are a very reasonable price at $12.
Check out this darling owl pitcher, any drink would taste better poured out of this cutie.
I love the premise of their on-line shop as well as their one of a kind Etsy shop. I am paraphrasing here:
They are stylishly responsible! You should bring things into your life that make you smile. Mixing vintage and new while still being Eco-friendly.
I really like that, a smile and Eco-friendly. I am happy and Mother Nature is happy, that sounds like a winning combination to me!!

Be sure to check out their blog, their on-line shop and their Etsy shop.
Now I have given you a resource to add to your Frigescaping pieces. I am going to order the berry and plum basket for my Fridge!!
“Enjoy the Process” Of:
Making your food look lovely in your refrigerator!


  1. Your fridge looks fabulous! I need to get inspired to organize mine :) Happy Monday!

  2. Kathysue, oh how my fridge needs some fridgscaping for sure. I have already seen that site and it does have some wonderful pieces. I must clean my fridge up today and get some groceries since I haven't had time to do that in a while. Have a super day and week.

  3. Oh am I glad you can't see into my fridge right now! I went out to Brentwood and bought lots of beautiful fruits and veggies and spent Friday and Saturday baking and making jams and jellies. My fridge is overflowing with delicious fresh food but definitely not nicely displayed or stored. As a matter of fact, the whole kitchen could use some attention. As usual, you have provided just the inspiration I need today! Have a great one!

  4. I never would have thought to make the inside of my refrigerator pretty, but those are some really great pieces!

  5. Great post Kathysue...I also need to go food shopping which I hate by the way ha ha!! Hey come by and see my frigscapes I have up right now..My great granddaughter did it...Hope you have a Great day on ypur piece of Calif my friend...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  6. Ohhh Kathysue! I don't know that we can be friends anymore!!!!! How can I possibly know someone whose fridge looks like that?!!!!!
    Glad you liked my little fellow, hope he cleaned your screen really well.
    OK, I have forgiven you now for having such a disgustingly tidy and pretty fridge so we can be best friends again! xx J.

  7. I worked on my fridge and freezer this weekend! They are clean and ready to be accessorized;) I love having both spaces pretty to look at...I mean why not? We use them constantly!

    I have been working on my pantry off and on for awhile and had a few thoughts last night on how I really wanted it to look! It is my project for today! I'll let you know how it goes. Aren't you excited?

    Happy Monday!

  8. Decorating the inside of your refrigerator is music to a Virgo's ears. I adore your word, fridgescaping! Love the new pieces you found to beautify your groceries. I must go now and check it out. Thanks for the inspiration Kathysue and have a good Monday.

  9. I try to keep the fridge neat and organize usually on Sunday evenings so it is ready for a Monday shop. I try to clean fruits and veggies and put out in bowls where they are easily accessible so we can easily get to them....key with a 2 year old. I just organized our pantry last week and found myself walking in there smiling it made me feel so much better. I love those white berry containers. I may need to get some!

  10. To be honest, I never thought of the inside of my fridge. I went and took a gander (shameful!)...I need to do some 'scaping'.
    P.S. Thanks for visiting my blog. I am off to explore yours!

  11. I put my eggs in a bowl because of your last post! In a perfect world, I'd accessorize my frige more, but alas, I'm just trying to keep things from growing in it. You have inspired me to throw away the shriveled carrots!

  12. Oh LOrd, I am so glad you can't see my fridge...and my freeezer is a MESS! I have been TRYING without alot of success to "eat out of the freezer" but......... I need to do an overhaul!! Thanks for the inspiration! XO, Pinky

  13. I know what you mean about re decorating your fridge! Its so nice to open up an orderly pretty fridge. I love the berry and plum baskets what a good idea. I enjoyed this post.

  14. Oh my goodness I adore those pitchers! I need them!
    visit my blog :)

  15. Feel free to add some of that eye candy organizing to my fridge.

  16. Thank you for including us in your post!

    My Sparrow


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue