Monday, July 26, 2010

“Someday Family Room” Floor plan!!

In my last post I talked about the possibility of a floor plan for my,”Someday Room.” I love the idea of the two sofa’s facing each other so I drew up a floor plan to show you  how the furniture will fit in the room………
family room floor plan 001 (582x800)
You can do this for yourself if you would like just go to Better Homes and Gardens web-site to Arrange-a-room. It is really fun and it helps so much to visualize the actual room and whether or not the furniture will fit.

I allowed for two 7ft. sofas. A 3ft square coffee table. Two small club chairs with a table between them. Two end tables, one round, one square with a lamp on the square table. The circles are two floor lamps.
In making plans on changing any room it is important to also take inventory of the existing pieces that will stay in the room.

I have two pieces in the existing room that I will most likely keep. One is a natural pine armoire that houses the TV. That will go on the back wall. The TV is on a pull out and can be swiveled for viewing.

Here is a picture of the armoire……….
Family Room 052 

The other is a console table that could possibly be used behind one of the sofas against the wall. I do not have that in my room plan, but it is a possibility. Here is the console table…………
lights for fall
This is actually the wall where the armoire will be sitting. Since you can see the wall color pretty well in this picture this is the wall color I will be using again. It is a formula that I had made, I have had this color on the walls for over twenty years. Since it is a formula that I made up I will refer to it as Maize. I love this color and I am kind of married to it!! It gives me the light and freshness I love in a room.

Many of my clients in the past have asked me where do I start in planning out a room. All rooms and homeowners are different so it will vary. For me, I needed to see where the furniture pieces would go first in order to know what I should look for that is why on this project I started with the floor plan.

I have my floor plan so the next step for me is the color scheme. I need to know what colors I will be using in order to choose the wall color and also the fabrics for furniture. I will show you my inspiration for that in the next post!!
So now you have my room plan. What do you think? Would love your feedback!!

“Enjoy the Process” Of:
Figuring out what furniture will fit in your room by using a floor plan.


  1. I have loved playing with the furniture since I was a child, Kathysue! I agree - two sofas facing each other is a bit of a living room dream! Love your layout - very symetrical.

  2. I like the layout, Kathysue.

    I love the idea of having a paint formula and keeping it. Your "maize" is beautiful.

    Thanks for the links for the room arrangers.

  3. Kathysue, I love the idea of two sofas facing each other. If our room could be set up that way that is what I would do, but we have a walkway to our master through one side of our great room. Thanks for that link. I may have to play on that.

  4. I love your plan and 2 sofas facing eachother is such a great look!

  5. Can't wait to see the finished product! I love the arrangement!

  6. I'm off to play sometime rooms! Just what I needed Kathysue more places to play when the beds need changing, the bathroom needs cleaning and the ironing is folding itself its been so long in the basket!!!!!! Thanks for the visit, Harry is nearly as excited as me!!!!!

  7. Great layout... and birdhouse too!

    Eddie & Jaithan

  8. Love the console table and lamps soooo pretty!

    I love this idea! Are you really going to do it? I can't wait to see! I love playing with layouts...but I really love...playing with the real thing! I love to move my furniture around! The only bad thing is that it usually ends up right back in the same place...ugh;)!


  9. Kathysue, this would be perfect for your room. A chance to see the gorgeous fireplace and the TV. So much more seating too. Love the floorplan. Now, when are you planning on doing this? Hugs, Marty

  10. ooooh. that looks super fun. i love the layout and i am heading now to check out that site. fun fun fun. hope you had a wonderful weekend KS. xoxo

  11. Oh, love the layout and love 2 sofas facing each other. This site sounds like fun! Going there now, thanks for the link!

  12. You're teaching everyone a great way to approach a room....wonder why I haven't done my room this way! LOL I think you've got a really workable and functional layout. Love the two sofas, cause you know, only two people will ever sit on it at one time. No one wants to be in the middle! Can't wait to see the next steps!
    Hope you've had a great Monday....we finally have some rain!! Yipee

  13. While I love the symmetrical layout it seems to me the armoire is a bit far away for good tv viewing and is partially hidden behind the door. Maybe placing the armoire on the far wall and using just one sofa or two sofas in an l-shape would be better. This would create a cozy circle around the fireplace and balance the windows on the other side of the room. the console table could then be placed behind the sofa or on the far wall and used as a bar or something similar. just some thoughts.

  14. I'm definitely going to try this program! Thanks for suggesting it, Kathysue!! Thanks also for dropping by DesignTies and commiserating with me on my unfortunate chair-painting project :-( Nancy IS a sweetheart!! I met her - along with several other bloggers here in the Metro-Vancouver area - a few months ago when I organized a "BC BlogGURLS" gathering. What a great time we had! I'm planning another gathering for mid-September and we're hoping to increase our numbers - it's all about networking!!
    It's always good to see you over at DesignTies - thanks for the continued support!

  15. Great layout Kathysue! I used BHG while we were waiting to close on this house and I loved it. And if you decide to give up that console, just send it on over- I love it! Trying to catch up after a weekend at the Carolina coast :)
    xoxo Pattie

  16. Hi KS!
    I really, really
    like the idea of
    two sofas facing
    each other, as it
    is totally COZY,
    and as anyone who
    knows me would tell
    you, I'm a cozy
    kind of gal! I'm
    also over the moon
    to learn about the
    arranging website.
    I learn SO much from
    you : ) A big thank
    you for your sweet
    sweet comment on P&H
    about my friend Kath's
    journey with cancer.
    The surgery is tomorrow...
    and your words meant
    so much to both of us.
    She's read every comment
    and it's such a comfort.
    Love you heaps!!
    xx Suzanne

  17. This layout looks amazing Kathysue! I love that you will have two sofas facing eachother, it's going to look divine. I can't wait to see your color and fabric inspirations, how fabulous!

  18. Hi Kathysue! What a great tool! I like your plan! The pieces that you have shown us are lovely! I actually have two loveseats facing each other by the fireplace and it really opens up the room! I hope you are having a great week!...hugs...Debbie

  19. The floor plan is great. I love two sofas facing each other. It lends itself to an intimate feeling and great conversation. I had two sofas facing each other in my last place but my current place doesn't lend itself to that plan.
    I love your birdhouse. Thanks for telling us about the link. I'll probably be there a while!

  20. I love two sofas facing each other. The layout looks wonderful, really warm and inviting. I've always loved that console table, I hope you use it again! This looks like a great help in laying out a room, I'm going to check it out. Hugs, Kat


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue