Saturday, July 24, 2010

A little Change Here and There!!

As you have read in previous post I make little changes in my home for the seasons. I thought it might be fun to show you all side by side pictures of the small changes that anyone can make in their home. I change out pictures and lamps as you will see in the following.
summer changes 006 (600x800)
In the fall and winter months I have this little accent lamp out,but for the summer months I bring out a touch of blue and white in this little lamp.
Summer changes 031 (800x573)
A simple and easy change that anyone can make.
My favorite things 001 (800x600)
This picture hangs above my desk in the family room for all the year except for the summer and then it is changed out to this:
Summer changes 013 (800x600)
A touch of blue and watermelon pink!!
 Mexico Cruise 092
This accent lamps resides at the end of my counter and for the summer months I change it to this lamp…….
summer changes 002 (465x800) (465x800)
Another easy change!!
fall picture change (800x600)
This sweet little bunny picture is up for the fall months and it gets changed out to a couple of different pictures………..
Summer changes 033 (800x747)
Cool blues!
Summer mantle in white 020 (800x769)
Watermelon pink coral.
As you can see, they are only small changes, but they make a completely different look in the area that they are placed! I hope you have enjoyed some of my changes that I like to make in my home!
“Enjoy the Process” Of:
Making small changes in your home!


  1. Kathysue I do like your changes but I have to ask where do you hide everything when it's not on show? The Tour de France is over tomorrow and I will be back to my blog see you soon xx

  2. Hi Kathysue! I love the little changes! And I adore that little mouse lamp! I have been babysitting bunches and I am behnd, so I scrolled down to catch up. Your white mantel is so pretty! You always know just what to do! And I love th idea of the inspiration room and floorplan. Hmmmm...I need to re-do my bedroom. I hope you are having a great weekend!...hugs...Debbie

  3. I love how you change it up. Makes for a new fresh look all the time!

  4. I especially love that blue and white lamp. It is fun changing things for the seasons. I don't think I'd ever want to live anywhere that didn't have 4 distinct seasons.

  5. I love the changes too! I especially love the blue and white. My grandmother always changed things seasonally, so I got it from her, I guess.

  6. Love the changes. They are all so pretty. You do have some lovely accessories and you always show them off to the best advantage. Gorgeous. Hugs, Marty

  7. Lovely colorful changes! Your words and prayers meant so very much. Thank you!

  8. Love this post. I do this too. I love all the seasonal changes. I have a problem... I brought a new camera finally, a canon rebel. It takes much better pictures, however I can not get blogger to upload them...any ideal why? P.S. I never get tired of you being glad I am back. lol thanks

  9. This is a GREAT idea. I love all the choices you made, and that's something I don't always think to do. Yes, I've missed your ideas!

  10. What wonderful changes! I usually don't do this...but now you got me thinking...this could be dangerous;)!

    Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!

  11. I love seasonal changes, but usually just add seasonal touches... I've never considered actually changing out artwork and lamps before!

  12. I love to switch things out the problem I have is that when the next season comes around I want to buy something new instead of putting the stored away items back out! Hope you are having a wonderful weekend. xo

  13. Oh honey, I change ALOT for the seasons. I REDO my kitchen for Fall, Winter, Christmas, Easter, Spring and Summer! Now I am tired thinking about it:):) Love your changes!!!!

  14. I would love to be able to change out my rooms more often but there's the little issue of storage (or lack there-of). I would have nowhere to store the hibernating pieces. Your changes are very inspiring though :o)

  15. These small changes are the ones I love ~ You have made some lovely choices! xx

  16. I love how you change your lamps with the seasons...the blue and white summer one is so fun! xo

  17. You have inspired me to make some changes today! I love what you have done. I have been so busy these last few months that I haven't had time to even think about making changes at home. I am off to do just that right now! Thanks.

  18. It's all in the details, for sure. I love the changes you make, and mostly, I love that you express your love for your home is such caring ways. Oh, and the shade on that little leopard lamp is so cute!!

  19. Sally, Thank you, that little shade was purchased at Home Depot and then I added the ribbon making pleats and then the lime ribbon on top. Good ol' hot glue gun!!!

  20. Kathysue, I love all your changes. My favorite is the little blue lamp with the sea shell vignette - naturally :) And I love that pink coral print, it's really unusual and such a great piece! Hugs, Kat
    Oh, and @ Room Service - are you shooting on raw? If so, the pix are way too big to upload. You need to shoot on JPG, or shoot raw (for better quality) then save them as JPG to upload. K

  21. Little changes keep everything interesting, don't they? I sometimes just fiddle around with swaping the location of items and even that makes me happy! I LOVE those two lamps, so classic and chic! Hope you had a lovely weekend Kathysue :)


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue