Thursday, July 15, 2010

Small Changes Can Make A Difference!

In the summer months I make little changes in my environment to freshen things up a bit. This year I kept it simple and added something new to my kitchen counter top.
This is the before and how it looks on a daily basis:
garage sale treasures 002 (726x800)I tend to like things simple and not too cluttered, but this year I added three more items to replace the tray. Three is  a lot for me to have on my counter tops.
Here is what I added and it will also be useful in my cooking:
summer kitchen 010 (800x600) I now have three pots of herbs to cook with. I purchased these pots about 3 years ago for $4 each at none other than Walmart. I knew eventually this is what I wanted to do with them. I am not quite sure why it has taken me so long to do a 30 minute project. I am really glad I finally did it.

 I was inspired by none other than, “The Barefoot Contessa”, Ina Garten. I love the  kitchen in her home.  Remember how she had the three pots of herbs on her counter to the left of her stove? She also had a thinner green on green striped wallpaper and a black and white checked floor!!
summer kitchen 008 (600x800)
summer kitchen 014 (800x600) 
summer kitchen 012 (600x800)
I really like the new look even though it is a simple change it is still fun to make some simple changes.
I have also changed out my mantle for the summer. I will do a post on that next and show you all how it turned out. I really like it. It is calm and peaceful looking to me.

Do you make changes in your decor for the summer months? What do you add or take away to make small changes? If you would like to see more of my kitchen you can go to this post and see it!
“Enjoy the Process” Of:
Making small changes for a new look in your home.


  1. I love Ina Garten
    and I love YOU!!!
    I also love John
    Derrian and I see
    you have one of his
    little trays. I also
    have the same tile
    with our initial in
    black! Love your
    seasonal makeover.
    I'm going to see
    what else I missed
    this week. I have
    been busy as a private
    chauffeur to my offspring
    this week and also
    a bit down about M.
    and not had as much
    heart for blog visits.
    But...I'm baaaack!
    Thanks for the inspiration,
    as always. xx Suzanne

  2. Love the pots but cannot understand why the white rabbit is not closer with his nose in the basil!!!!!

  3. Just noticed you should not use exclamation points with a word that ends in l xx!!

  4. You are so right - small change does make such a different! Those pots with the names on made me smile! xo

  5. LOVE the dark pop of the green! Now all you do is have to keep them alive...which is NOT my strong suit!!!

  6. Kathysue, look at you making cute pots filled with herbs. I love them. I need to have some fresh herbs in mine. I love the fragrance they put out.

  7. I grow fresh herbs in pots by the pool. I never thought they would thrive inside... I may give this a try, love it.

  8. Your counter looks so pretty Kathysue. I love what you did with the pots.

  9. Your kitchen looks wonderful. Those pots really do the job! I love green & black together!

  10. Love the pots with herbs!! I thought I was doing good just to have some outside the door! Love the chandelier I see in the photo to. I do change things, but not as much as I thought I did. I finally realized I usually end up going back to what I had to begin with.

  11. Hi my sweet friend! Thank you so much for your wonderful words yesterday! You are an angel! I would have been by earlier but I seem to be having some computer issues...UGH!

    Your little kitchen change is so beautiful...I adore the simplicity of it and yet the large impact it has on the space! I love having fresh green, flowers, herbs...anything fresh around the house. They seem to give life an beauty to any little spot they occupy! Your kitchen is one of my favorite spaces...I love the color and all of the other elements you have chosen...beautiful!

    Thanks again for your kind words. I treasure our friendship!


  12. That is perfect. Your kitchen is just beautiful! Can we see more??? Love those pots. Do the herbs grow well where they are? My kitchen is so stinking dark I am afraid they would wilt away! Love your whites and greens! So fresh!

  13. Hi Jen, If you would like to see more of the kitchen you can go here to see it. Thank you for the sweet compliment. The post will tell a little about the background of my 1970s transformation.

  14. I like the addition, KathySue, very cute!...Christine

  15. I think this is a great addition...We grow some herbs on the back deck in pots but may have to bring some inside. Love the chalk board paint on the white pots.

  16. What a great herb set up you have- you must have delish meals everyday with the herbs right at your fingertips!

  17. I love the smell of fresh herbs in the house. Sometimes I pick them outside and bring them in for a bouquet. This year we have been gone so much and it has been so hot, my herbs aren't doing as well as usual. Yours look perfect!

  18. I LOOOVE your kitchen and I love the new pots! Hope they live for you, but then you can keep them on the windowsill above the sink when the sun is shining, right?! I change out ALL of my kitchen decor for Fall, Christmas, Winter, Spring?Easter and Summer!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is quite a job but I love it! I get tired of looking at the same stuff:):) I also change my coffee table vignette in the living room. XO, Pinky

  19. Hi Kathysue, thank you so much for coming to visit my blog, and becoming a follower. It was soooo exciting to see that someone other than a member of my family has checked out my new blog! I often check out your musings via mum's, and I just love your style. So now I have just become an official follower and will stop by more often! :-) Kt x

  20. Kathysue...this looks so beautiful on your counter! Love it!

  21. I love your kitchen! Love the green stripes and the little pots too! Very nice!
    Thank you for sharing!

  22. I love those little herb pots Kathysue. They are the perfect touch in your kitchen, which has always been one of my favorites. You have such a great eye for the little details! We are busy setting up a showroom for the business, so I've not been around much lately. Hopefully things will settle down to some semblance of a routine soon :) Hugs, Kat

  23. Love your little updates and the way you have decided to do small things each season. Tthat is so doable for most people if they just would. It's a great way to keep things fresh without being overwhelming.

  24. Your kitchen is so fresh & pretty :-) And what could be more perfect on the counter in the summer than three pots of fresh herbs?? :-)

    I don't change up our decor from season to season. Although maybe I should, considering how many extra knicknacks I have stored away in boxes!!

    Have a great weekend,

  25. I change nothing inside...but like you add potted herbs to my covered porch, which is right outside my kitchen, love herbs...and love yours!

  26. I love the little pots and the rabbit! I have been reading you but this is the first comment I have left. I made your sweet tea...Oh my is so refreshing, especially on these very warm days. It took me a while to find the Luzianne tea but I finally found it in a little tea shop. Have a great weekend and stay cool! Your blog is great.

  27. I love this little change! And by the way your kitchen looks stunning. I love to change things here and there to keep things interesting :)


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue