Thursday, June 3, 2010

Houston We Have A Problem!!

It all began when I said let me sit on it before we cover the seat cushion. I felt two springs one on each cheek and I don’t mean my face!! Hubby and I looked at each other in disbelief, disgust and discouragement. He was ready to give-up,but I became determined.
my projects 001 (800x750)
Here is the back with the trim just pinned on. I am really liking the way it is eventually going to look.
He got the idea to take out all the springs so we did. He wanted to replace them with two outdoor cushions that we were no longer using. After much discussion, it actually worked. We wrapped them in polyfil and began the covering process. By this time, I felt wiped out mentally and it just was not working for me. Still determined not to give up, I did what any girl with Scarlett's personality, I took a nap!!
my projects 002 (789x800)
The dreaded bottom seat cushion, before the “I’ll think about it tomorrow”,nap. ( this was said in my most syrupy Southern Belle accent, of course)
After the nap I woke up more determined. I went right back in and started working on the front corner which had become my nemesis. I remember it was just folded like a hospital corner so that was what I was trying to do, but the  fold was not perfect enough for me. I finally got it right and stapled away. When Hubby heard me working he came in to help. The chair is covered,and now it has to have some touch -up painting and then the trim can be glued on.
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Chair without trim or touch-up!
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Rocker with trim pinned on. OH! NO!! I don’t like the trim. Yes, you heard right!! I don’t like the trim. I loved it when it was on just a portion of the chair but when it is on the whole thing I think it says too much. I know you hear me say that phrase a lot. When I say, “It say’s too much,” I am saying that it stands out too much. It becomes the focal point and for a less is more girl that is one step too far. The other thing about the trim is the way the light hits it, it shows to much shine for my taste. I told you I am a detail girl! I have to go and find the perfect, simple trim. I will have to order it so this might take a little longer than planned. Let’s face it the whole chair has taken a LOT! longer than planned. So, when I say Houston we have a problem, you now know what I mean.
I tell you, right now I definitely have a love -hate relationship with the chair, but it really does look nice. It is not quite perfect enough for me but it will be just fine. I am DONE!! I have learned my lesson: Let the professionals do what they know to do and my job is to tell them what I want it to look like.
“Enjoy the Process” Of:
Trying reallllly hard to make an older piece look new and fresh.


  1. Kathysue, in some ways, you are so ME! The chair will be gorgeous- and I hope you can hear me cheering you on from here
    xoxo pattie

  2. The chair will be beautiful and worth all the effort, what a saga though! Rachaelxx

  3. I love the fabric on that style of chair - great choice. Why don't you just ask an upholsterer to make you some double piping out of the same fabric. It shouldn't cost too much and would blend perfectly. Just a thought...:o)

  4. Kathysue, your project sounds like the way mine go around here,too. I am sure you will come up with the perfect trim. I love the fabric. Green has always been one of my favs. Have a good rest of the week.

  5. You may not feel this way right now- but from wher I sit- it looks like a professional DID do it.
    That is amazing.

    I am inspired!

    White Spray Paint

  6. Oh you clever, clever girl! The chair looks absolutely beautiful. Whilst I think the braid is fine it would also look good with just a straight braid that matches the stripes but whatever you do it will be fabulous! I do like being blogging buddies with you. Thank you for those lovely comments. xo

  7. I've been tempted to recover a piece that I purchased years ago maybe the reason I haven't tried is I really know it's best in the hands of someone who knows what they are doing.

  8. It will be gorgeous when finished, Kathysue. I can't wait to see the trim you choose. You are giving me courage to tear into a chair, I've wanted to tear into for the longest time!

  9. Keep taking those naps - they seem to work. The seat looks great.

  10. I can soooo relate to this. My first attempt at reupholstering a chair was less than stellar. Yours looks flawless from the pictures. I think this project for you will be like childbirth, you'll eventually forget the pain!

  11. I think that self-welting would be the perfect finish with that fabric. I am impressed with your determination, it looks great! XO

  12. Kathysue it is fabulous! I can't believe you got the seat cushion to look so nice and smooth. Bravo my friend, you are now a certified DIY-er (whether you like it or not, ha!).

  13. I am sooooo like makes me laugh! I always want perfection and rarely ever get it...but I keep trying!

    Your chair is beautiful...I am confident you will find the "perfect" trim...good luck! Love the fabric!


  14. Oh Kathysue, after all that work. I love the fabric and I know you will find the perfect trim. I agree that trim is always the hardest part of any project. It makes me crazy. I do love the chair and I know you will love it too when you finally get it the way you want it. Hugs, Marty

  15. Kathysue,
    You had me in stitches! I would have burned the chair! haha. It does look fantastic though. I know what you mean about the trim--if it is too shiny, then it will distract the eye from the overall look of the chair. Love that fabric. I know you will find the perfect trim. Like I said before, I have a great upholsterer should you find another project!

  16. Ha! The bottom line is - sometimes "good enough" is just enough! It does look great, though! You should be proud...

  17. The chair is great!!! I love the fabric you chose. Good luck finding some trim you like better.

  18. I will refrain from saying "I told you so!" LOL, LOL, LOL
    It really looks great, Kathysue, but I understand that perfectionistic tendency that we share. So go get the right trim and finish it right...perhaps another nap.....
    Love you!!!

  19. you are the cutest! i love hearing about it....bc i can relate. all too well.
    :) love and luck to you and your chairs....and the process. xoxoxo

  20. Wow, this chair already looks amazing Kathysue! You have done a professional job in my opinion! I can't wait to see it with the simple trim you will add. This honestly looks really hard to do, so I think you should give yourself one big pat on the back!! PS. I absolutely love your "Enjoying the process of" taglines, they make me smile every time!

  21. I smiled the entire time reading this because I think ive been there.....but your chair turned out looking great!! But you won't notice anything yourself but the trim if it stands out to you so I bet it will be worth it to find that perfect trim and then you can really reflect on this experience with a smile, right! I'm proud of you for sticking with it.... I have a hard time wanting to finish a project especially of it's challenging, so bravo friend!

  22. the fabric is beautiful, and think that when you are finished, it will look spectacular! don't lose heart -- although am normally a "let the professionals handle it" kind of girl, think you are doing a fabulous job xo

  23. Everyone!! Thank you for your support and cheering me on. I really like the idea of a double welt, I am going to check into that!! Thank you Miss Chair-up for the suggestion. That is usually my favorite trim but I have to be able to glue in on and I am not sure that they can make it without a lip that would show, I am sure going to check it out though!!

  24. Awww, you are just like me, my little projects have to be perfect! I fiddle and fiddle until they're right! But honestly, I think it looks just lovely, but you should definitely do what you like since you have to look at it every day! I have sure been here and done this! XO!

  25. KS! I am very proud of you for 1) attempting a project like this and 2) for not settling when you knew it wasn't "right" in your eyes. Because even if others liked it, you would know in your heart that it hadn't lived up to the potential that you'd had in your mind. So, bravo! It will be worth the wait, I'm sure! It is really a SWEET chair, Miz Scarlett! xx Suzanne

  26. I think your chair is amazing and you are focusing on it too hard. Take some more naps because I can honestly tell you that it turned out beautifully!!!
    I can totally relate though... I'm exactly like you... a crazy perfectionist so I know it's easier said than done!!!

  27. I'm late to the party, but I thought I'd speak up anyway. I had this exact problem with a chair I was recovering. Wonderful chair, beautiful fabric ... and I couldn't find trim that made it look the way it did in my head.

    If you can sew at all, making your own double welting is SO simple. It takes a special foot for your sewing machine, and the foot literally does all the work for you. All you have to do is sew straight lines. This kind of trim makes any upholstery project look uber-professional.


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue