Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Bubbling Water

Is there any sound that is as soothing as bubbling water in a water feature? I love the sound of a fountain whether it is a soft trickle of water or more of a splashing sound of water. I just like the sound of moving water. I also love to watch it. In fact one of my favorite things to do is to watch the sprinklers water my lawn. I love the simple pleasures of life.
Now back to the bubbling water. I know ponds, waterfalls, fountains are nothing new, but sometimes we cannot afford the time or the money for these more elaborate projects. I went browsing in cyber land to find some smaller but more doable water features to inspire you.
I am sure you have all seen this done before. It is really an easy process to make one of these fountains out of a favorite ceramic pot. What I love about this set-up is the way they put it in a cut-out in the brick patio with succulents. I know that succulents are big right now and I thought this was a great look for succulents with the addition of the water feature. I like the way the green of the fountain keeps the natural look of the planter going.
This is a different take on the vessel fountain. Instead of keeping it upright they slanted it so the water becomes more of a waterfall affect.

This is another vessel fountain. Instead of one fountain head they have used three with extenders and placed flat stones on top creating a rain affect. I bet this sounds wonderful.
This is definitely not in the weekend project category since it involves a structure. I like the inspiration of the three vessels being used. I think when anything is in mass it is so much more dramatic. So maybe three vessel fountains would work somewhere in your yard.
This is probably the simplest of all the bubblers. A simple pot surrounded by greenery bubbling away. What a wonderful, cool look for a flower bed.
If you are interested in a quick weekend project here is a website that will show you how easy it is to make a bubbler like the one pictured above. Here is another website that also shows the equipment you will need for your bubbler.
“Enjoy the Process” Of: Adding the sound of water to your yard.


  1. Love them all Kathysue- a water feature is on my garden wishlist. Someday...
    xoxo Pattie

  2. Oh my! I am so with you...I love water features. I was in an Anthropologie store not so long ago and they had a huge waterfall and another smaller water feature in their display and the sound was sooo soothing. New to your blog and very much enjoying! Will :)

  3. Kathysue, I love the sound of water, too. It would be nice to have one of those somewhere. I need to add a water feature to my deck. Thanks for the idea.

  4. I like the vessel water features and wish we had a place for one here.
    There is lion head fountain on our patio wall. I'm a Leo.:-) We truly enjoy that fountain. We have a small one on the deck at the lake, also. Love the sound of water.

  5. I have always wanted a water feature but have never had one! Those three green pots are gorgeous - beautiful inspiration for summer!

  6. me and my boyfriend were walking around my neighborhood down the shore - and everytime i heard the "bubbling" i would say "OMG they have a fountain too" .. i LOVE LOVE LOVE them - so tranquil and zen!

    *kiss kiss*

    ~Tiptoe Butterfly~

  7. I love the sound of water too! So serene! We have the fountain on in the pool 24/7! Love it!

    Hope you had a wonderful long weekend!


  8. Kathysue, I have been begging for a fountain or a waterfall for about five years now. Hasn't happened yet. The rocks are in place for a waterfall except we need to add some thin flat ones and then we just need a pump. Maybe he will crack one of these days and I will get it.

  9. I would love a water feature too... may be when the kids area bit older.


  10. Kathysue, ME TOO! Love the sound of water, fountains, waves, the rain...
    Thank you for your comment! I am so very excited I can't stand it! ( : most certainly my purpose. Yours has to be something with decorating, oh my! what talent you have!
    This blog of yours is an inspiration to me!
    Have a pretty day,

  11. So funny, I was at the store this weekend drooling over all the fountains and bubblers. I thought it would be so fun to have one! Then I see this!!! I might have to go back to the store this afternoon! :)

  12. Some days a simple small bubbler is what I wish we had a 2500 gal + pond is a lot of work. It came with the house.

  13. I absolutely love this idea. But it's always so buggy here that these tend to just attract and trap little bugs. Though lately our weather has been fantastic and if it stayed like this, I would absolutely include a water feature somewhere. Assuming I had any landscape to speak of...we're in a transition ;)

  14. I'm a sucker for water sounds. I have a small baby fountain right out my front door, and it's my favorite thing on the front of my house. I've made several other fountains that live in the back yard...busted pumps ae the bain of my summer existence!

  15. I love having a fountain on my deck. Ours is small, but the sound is wonderful. We brought ours back from a trip to Savannah a couple of years ago. It really changed the entire feeling of our deck.

  16. I am totally wanting a fountain for our deck now!

  17. All our efforts are going toward our front yard, but our plans for the backyard - next year's project I guess - include a water feature... and I can't wait! The other day, at the stone landscaping store, we saw some fabulous rocks with a hole cut down their centres... meant to have water gurgling up and through. Loved them!

    Thanks for dropping by and sharing luv with Kelly... turns out she discovered that she'd backed up most of her pics, so that's good!


  18. Oh, I love the sound of bubbling water and especially love the first option!

  19. Gurgling bubbling water IS such a great, soothing sound. Very clever post.

  20. Oh, dear teacher, how I miss lingering over your posts! It is a super crazy ride around here now as we sprint to an end of school finish!!! Just NOT enough hours in the day. I'm saving this post, for certain, as my current fountain isn't working and I'm CRAVING the sound of water in my yard! Great great ideas, all. So fantastic that you have a link to the directions for the simple fountain, as that is where I plan to start. Looking forward to slowing down, to lemonade days and YOUR archives to keep me company. Until then, please know that I'm so grateful that you are here! xx Suzanne

  21. There is nothing like the sight and sound of water!!
    Thanks for all the great DIY ideas for bubbling water :)

  22. I do love the sound of bubbling water and have been wanting a small fountain for my office at work....something to calm me in the midst of chaos! :)

  23. That is on the list...just love the sound..

    I finally got some knockout roses....they were on the list too...

    All the best,
    Kathy :)

  24. The first photo looks so great!!
    the sound of water is magical :)
    Ahhh how I'd like to sit by the ocean right now


  25. Hi Kathysue! I have a little water feature on my patio...love the sound! My grandson used to use it to fill up his dumptrucks with water! Might as well be useful! lol Happy week...hugs...Debbie
    PS...loved the last pic on your previous post...with the boxwoods!

  26. The more sound they make the better! Although the fountains in our tiny pool drown out everything!

  27. Ooooh so pretty, KathySue! So relaxing too.....Christine


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue