Friday, May 28, 2010

Will you Eat off of Plastic ??

I know that sounds like a strange question doesn't it?  I have an aversion to eating or drinking out of plastic. It is one of my quirks. With the summer weather upon us we will be spending more time out in our backyard where our pool resides.
Backyard, family room, kitchen, masterbath 023

With pool weather comes barbeques and drinks outside. To prevent broken glass from being stepped on plastic seems to be the most logical idea.
I went looking around on Google and I actually found some great looking plastic dishes. Here are just a few of the ones I found…….
httpwww.touchofeurope.net12678CLOSEOUT -SAVE- Le Cadeaux Melamine Black and White Wallpaper dinnerware.html
This fun set of black and white can be ordered on line, here as well as these colorful dishes below.
o_764[1] (2) 
The next three plates are all by Thomas Paul and you can get them on his website as well as many other patterns.
thomas paul aviaryturtleSide[1]
If you are a lover of Thomas Paul and classic black and white try these wonderful designs he did for Target here.

These come in such great colors and designs from here

More fun colors from Target!
How would you like to add your own monogram and design your own plates .You can do it here at La Plates

These brightly colored plates are on sale right now at Pier I

So after looking at just some of the possibilities I think I am changing my mind about plastic dishes or Melamine, to call them by their proper name.

I do have some pretty precious plates in melamine. My three sons drew on these plates as a gift for me when they were in Kindergarten. I have used them with the grandkids from time to time. Pretty precious drawings by some pretty precious hands.
plastic plates 003plastic plates 004plastic plates 005

"Enjoy The Process" Of: Finding Pretty in Plastic.

BTW: I was in TJ Maxx today and they had some wonderful leaf patterned dishes in Melamine. Check it out!


  1. Funny, I have a stack of melamine plates that were a gift slated for an upcoming garage sale. I just always use "real" dishes. But I have seen some GORGEOUS plastic lately!
    xoxo Pattie

  2. Your artwork plates are adorable, we have our own renditions here as well! Love the La Plates and Thomas Paul lines so much, plastic has come a long way baby!

  3. I love the examples of plastic, you show, Kathysue. I don't have many plastic things but did find the bright red and orange dof's at Marshall's for the back porch. I might just have to give those black and white plates a try.

    Your 3 melamine pieces of art are beautiful! My favorites, of all your examples.

  4. It is amazing how far plastic has come. Those dishes all look like real ones. Such great patterns and colors. Have a super duper Memorial Day weekend, my friend!

  5. If I can't have the last three I don't want any!!!! Have a wonderful weekend xxx

  6. I'm not a fan of plastic either, but when we had the pool it was a must. They do make some really great looking ones now. Your found some beauties. I love the ones the boys made for you. So precious. Hugs, Marty

  7. I have to say I'm a lover of all things beautiful and practical. I'm also one who loves al fresco dining during the summer months. I too love dining off of real dishes and drinking out of a glass. Having said that, when we dine on our patio or deck we always use real dishes. However, the rule by the pool is always melamine...for dishes/glassware. My biggest concern by the pool is that if a glass/plate breaks and shatters into the pool we would have a huge problem. The "plasticware" today is very attractive and sensible if dining by the pool. Also, if our kids are playing in their children's garden, we use the plastic dishes for snacks. Great post...I think views on plastic dishes have evolved right along with the dishes. I did a post back in February after the NYIGF on plastic dishes...they were gorgeous! Enjoy your weekend.

  8. Good Mornin' Kathysue now girl you know I love the ones your boys made for you to me those are just PRICELESS to say the least...May you have a GREAT Memorial weekend my Dear friend...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  9. KS! I tried plastic drinking glasses last summer, but don't think I'll be bring those babies back, again. I have melamine for when we eat on the deck and am okay with those. I really like the black and white ones you picture and may have to tip-toe over there and see if they are still available! Of course, your last three are the most precious. What would you take if your house was on fire? THOSE plates, naturally! Loads of love for a terrific weekend, dear friend! xx P&H

  10. I have to admit that every so often I find myself smitten with plastic/melamine dishes. Several years ago Old Navy had a black & white seahorse theme on plastic dishes and beach towels and I fell hard for them. I still love them and will bringing them out this weekend, hopefully :)
    Happy Memorial Day Weekend Kathysue!
    (We get to babysit Latte this weekend!)

  11. Those artistic plates from your little ones are precious Kathysue!
    Enjoy the long weekend my friend.

  12. I'm still laughing as I type!! I HATE eating with plastic, from plastic, and I absolutely won't drink from it without a straw! (straws are plastic, right?) I do love the French Bull plastic ware, but it's high end and colorful so that makes it ok in a casual setting. We really must find a way to meet each other....I'm sure we are related!! Thanks for stopping by know I love your comments! I left you one, BTW, on your cushion post...did you get it?

  13. HI Kathysue,
    I'm here from Delores' Vignette Designs. I know what you mean about plastic, ugh, I'm not fond of it either. BUT, if I had a pool I would use plastic stemware for safety reasons with the younger set. I did have a few plastic cups for the kids when they were little, and I have a few of those keepsake plates. They are too precious to get rid of! The melamine plates you highlighted are fun, but I still think they'd be better as stoneware or china! I use bamboo plates from World Market which don't break and are earth friendly! I think that's a good alternative for you - just an idea. Stop by for a visit sometime,
    Heidi - Heart and Home

  14. you found some really great options. i have a tendency to break, well everything, so these are probably a safer option for me:)

  15. I love your pool and backyard!!!

    I too loathe plastic...but when necessary for kids or a big crowd that's mulling about...sure thing!

    Have a great weekend!!!

  16. Hi Kathysue,
    I have the same melamine plates that my kids made me in grade school. I'm so glad I saved them! Great post my friend. I'm heading over to TJ Maxx right now! I just know there is something waiting for me! Enjoy your weekend. xoxo Delores

  17. So pretty! THey sure have caught on and started making plastic pretty! It never fails, everytime I bring glass outside it gets broken! Have a fabulous weekend!

  18. Actually, our every day utensils are vintage silver plate and they go outside too. As for plastic dishes I really like some of the designs but hand washing the silver plate expends enough water. Around here one day it's the everyday dishes outside or it's old china or green friendly paper plates.

  19. I love melamine. But V hates plastic, especially drinking glasses. These are adorable!

  20. I drink water out of plastic glasses all the time, and I don't mind eating off plastic plates. But I can't stand drinking milk from a plastic glass -- I can't explain why, it's just really icky!!

    Funny, I just saw the teal plate from Pier I on the TV show I'm watching right now!!

    The melamine plates your sons painted are really sweet :-)

    Enjoy your long weekend!!


  21. Kathysue, I was in Tuesday Morning last week and looked at some plates that looked like plastic but were actually made of bamboo. Maybe that would be another option. Good luck finding what you want.

  22. I've been seeing some really adorable melamine at Pier 1 and Target. I am a major klutz, so they are a must when we eat outdoors on the hard patio. But I really hate plastic glasses. Our solution was to get some of the reproduction aluminum tumblers in fun colors. I love them, they keep things ICY cold, and they bring back lots of fun memories :) Kat

  23. I can deal with plastic plates and cups IF I must but I will only use plastic utensils under duress.

  24. Ok, you have changed my view on plastic....LOVE the Thomas Paul versions you have shown! We usually do china on the deck for outdoor eating and plastic by the pool...similar to Hamptontoes commented. But, with some of these options...I'd be willing to consider plastic up on the deck. Hope you are having a great holiday weekend.

  25. Beautiful plates, Kathysue! But, of course, the best ones are the last three...precious! Happy weekend...hugs...Debbie

  26. i have a few sets of melamine plates, that aren't cheap ($10/plate) but they are so pretty it's hard to believe they are plastic! And I do use them sometimes out side but we use them all the time inside :) I think they have come a LONG way

  27. Kathysue, I love the plates you found but you are right.. those from your children are pretty darn precious!! I've never seen that done before on plates; love it!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue